广东省陆河外国语学校高一英语《Unit1 Friend-The third Period Reading》教案新人教(必修一)

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广东省陆河外国语学校高一英语《Unit1 Friend-The third Period Reading》教案新人教(必修一)_第1页
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广东省陆河外国语学校高一英语《Unit1 Friend-The third Period Reading》教案新人教(必修一)_第2页
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广东省陆河外国语学校高一英语《Unit1 Friend-The third Period Reading》教案新人教(必修一)_第3页
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111Teaching goals 教学目标Reading of Using the language on WB1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语culture, part of, settle, selfish, solve, one anotherb. 重点句子A friend in need is a friend indeed.We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.A good thing in life is the encouragement of a friend.I think friendship is more important than anything else in my life.Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoyOne of the best ways to keep friendship is to return it.In the language of the Hawaiians who first settled the islands long ago, aloha had a very special meaning.It is believed that the islands can be a paradise when people live in peace.People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind that blows from the sea.2. Ability goals 能力目标a. Discuss different ways of showing friendship.What are different ways of showing friendship in Hawaii?How do you show friendship to visitors?What is the first / following / third way of showing friendship in Hawaii?b. Guess the meaning of the words.Aloha, lokahi, kokua, ohana, leic. Discuss the questions about the passage.Why do many different peoples call Hawaii their home?How can people in Hawaii live in peace? How do people in Hawaii get on with one another?d. Teach the Ss to read a poem and get them discuss the real meaning of friends and friendship.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable the Ss to get to know about different ways of showing friendship.Teaching important points教学重点Talk about different ways of showing friendship.Teaching difficult points教学难点a. Discuss the answers to the questions.b. Teach the Ss to read a poem and get them discuss the real meaning of friends and friendship.Teaching methods教学方法Fast reading.Dealing with comprehension questions.Discussion.Student-centered vocabulary learning.Teaching aids教具准备A projector, a computer and a recorder.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionFirst, show the question about the text and the target language on the screen and ask the Ss to discuss it; then ask some of them to retell the text and give some comment, at last get them to answer the question about what different ways of showing friendship are in Hawaii.T: Last class we have learned the story about the Jewish Anne, her family and her diary. The writer exposed the cruel control of the Nazis, while proposing a sharp question to the whole society, under control of the powerful Nazis, what attitude on earth did the wide oppressed people take? Now Ill give you a couple of minutes to discuss it.Show the question and the target language on the screen.If you had been Anne, what have you done at that time?Discuss what attitude on earth the wide oppressed people should take towards the powerful Nazis, choosing inactive and passive waiting for death, or uniting actively to face the reactionaries and fight against them bravely?Talk about agreement and disagreementI think so. I dont think soI agree. I dont agree Thats correct. Thats exactly my opinion.Youre quite right I dont think you are right.I quite agree with you. Im afraid I dont agree / disagree with you. Of course not. Im afraid not. T: Are you ready? Now, Ill ask some of you to give your opinions?S1: Where there is oppression, there is resistance. I think she shouldnt give in the evil power of the Nazis. She should devote herself to revolutionary struggle, like Liu Hulan. She joined the Chinese Communist Party and died bravely for the revolution career.S2: I dont agree with you. Under the control of the powerful Nazis, she was too weak to rebel against them.S3: I dont think you are right. She could try to find the organization to unite with more Jewish to fight for their freedom and human rights.S4: Youre quite right. Choosing inactive and passive waiting for death was helpless to change the Jewish fate. On the contrary, it only brought them much more miserable life.S5: I agree uniting actively to face the reactionaries and fight against them bravely. All the Jewish should learn from Karl Marx, who was also a Jewish and founded the Communist Party. Its aim is to lead all the oppressed working people to seize political power through revolutionary struggle.S6: I think wars and cruelty will bring incomparably grave disaster. We should not only love peace, hate wars, but also we can join the struggle against all the reactionaries in order to cherish and safeguard the peaceful and stable political situation.T: Well done! I advise you to join the League and agree to and fully support the leadership of the Communist Party from now on. Unite with the whole world people who love peace in order to abolish all the thoroughly and realize the international communism in the end.Teacher shows the retelling work.T: Now, Id like you to retell the text according to the chart. Volunteer!Ss: .Step II Pre-readingAsk the students to read the quotation from Ani Di Franco and repeat the meaning of these sentences. T: Today we are going to learn more about friends and friendship. Please look at the screen, there is a quotation from Ani Di Franco. Read it carefully and then tell me your understanding to her words.The Ss are encouraged to give their own interpretation of the words.Ss: In my opinion, friends here is a broad sense, which means all people around us could be our friends, as long as we have something in common to share with each other.Step III Reading This reading passage is about friendship in Hawaii. After the first reading, let the Ss do Ex 1 on P45. Show the passage chart on the screen. Guide the Ss to guess the meaning of the words according to the reference expressions from the context. Then, let them talk about the questions on Page 45 after reading the text again.T: Last time I asked you to prepare for the reading task on Page 44 and think about what different ways of showing friendship are in Hawaii. Now read the passage quickly and try to find the three signs of friendship in Hawaii, and then decide what each of the following words means in the language of the Hawaiians. Fill the chart at last.Show the passage chart on the screen.Sign(Way)MeaningReference expression (clue)AlohaTo be with happinessMeaning, that isAlohaOur hearts singing togetherMeanLokahiOneness with all peopleKokua (help)Ohana (family)Love, community, paradiseWhich meansLeisA flower ring to show friendship.The lei is put over a friends neck. And the picture shows it.T: While filling the chart, please look for the reference expressions from the context, such as “mean, meaning, that is, or the punctuation, like round parentheses ( ) or quotation marks “” you may know the meanings of the words.Check the answer with the whole class.T: Now lets talk about the questions on Page 45 with your partners.A few minutes later.T: All right. Whod like to answer question 1?Ss: 1. The first way is to use the word “aloha”, which means “to be with happiness”2. The second way is to use the word “lokahi”, which means “oneness with all people”3. The third way is to use the word “lei”, which is a garland of flowers worn around the neck.4. Because all the visitors and natives in Hawaii are all unselfish and friendly like one of the members of a big family like a paradise. 5. People in Hawaii are all unselfish and friendly, living in peace.6. Their actions are gentle. They solve the problems with understanding.7. Can you find similar things in your hometown? How do you show friendship to visitors?Sa: Yes, as we know, China is an old cultural country with a long history. The Chinese people are very hospitable. As the citizens of Taiyuan, we are also very polite to visitors.Sb: We also use many polite words to welcome visitors to show our friendship. For example, “Welcome to Taiyuan.” “It was a pleasure to meet you. Hope you can visit here again.” “Goodbye and have a good trip/journey/voyage/flight.”Sc: Like Hawaiians, we treasure friendship, too. Wherever the visitors come from, well treat them like our family and make them feel as comfortable as they would if they were at home. We usually show them around Taiyuan, visit some famous places of interest like Jinci Temple, Shanxi Provincial Museum, Mianshan Pavilion, Temple of Twin Pagodas.Sd: When they visit here, we usually invite them to the big hotel to taste our local flavor. When they leave, we also give them our native product as a gift, such as Fen liquor and preserved apricot.Step IV Further-readingHere is a supplementary reading material on the screen, a poem named “Friends”. Read it carefully and then do some comprehension exercises with their partners. At last, get the Ss to discuss the real meaning of friends and friendship. Ss are encouraged to give their own opinions freely with the target language.T: Till now, we have learned two passages about friends and friendship. Have you really caught the meaning of friends and friendship? Here is a supplementary reading material on the screen, a poem named “Friends”. Read it carefully and prepare to do some reading comprehension exercises with your partners and teach them about rhyme.Show the poem and the exercises on the screen.FriendsA friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift, A friends is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy, and graceAnd makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place.Reading comprehension:1. Write down the pairs of words that rhyme and add more similar rhyming words.2. Speak out the main idea of the poem.3. Study and practise the poem until you can read it with the right rhythm. Then read it out to the class. T: (A few minutes later,) Stop reading, please. First of all, who can tell me what rhyme mean?S: Rhyme is sameness of sound between words or syllables, especially the endings of lines of verse. T: Exactly. For rhyme, the most important thing is that the sound is the same. Would you like to give us an example? S: Clime & time, ball & fall, poor & door.T: Are all of them right? S: No, the sounds of poor & door are not the same.T: Very good! Sometimes the letters may be the same in English spelling, but words may still not thyme. How about this poem? Whod like to come to the blackboard to write down the pairs of words that rhyme?S: (On the blackboard) lift & gift, grace & place.T: Who can add more similar rhyming words?S: (On the blackboard)Homey & money, inner & winner, brown & clown, book & cook mouse & house, sound & pound, page & sage, test & rest.T: Well done! Whats the main idea of the poem?S: It tells us what kind of people a real friend should be.T: Quite right! Now lets read the poem together with the tape, paying more attention to the right rhythm.The Ss are doing some reading aloud.T: Now, lets discuss the real meaning of friend and friendship in groups of 4. Please give your opinions frankly and actively. T: Now, I want to know how you think of the meaning of friends and friendship. Who can give your opinions for the whole class?S1: I think so. Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy. We can live without a brother, but not without a friend. It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship. But I think one of the best ways to keep friendship is to return it.S2: In my opinion, everybody needs friends, someone you can share the bad times as well as the good times with. Someone you can turn to for help or advice, or someone who can assist you when you are trouble. This is a friend. S3: I agree with a friend in need is a friend indeed. A good thing in life is the encouragement of a friend. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Friends are very important to any person.S4: Thats exactly my opinion. The meaning of friendship is respect, which is the base of the friendship. If you do not respect others, they will not respect you either. And they are not fond of you. For example, a teacher thinks his students as immature and forces them to finish their homework which he assigned. When they can not finish them in time, he blames them loudly in front of their classmates. The students will become afraid of their teacher. There will be no friendship between them. If you want to make friends to others, respect them first.S5: I quite agree with you. Real friendship is a rare and precious gift, strong, stable, yet fragile, and never to be taken for granted.S6: Thats correct. Friendship, in my mind, means having people who you know will help you if you are ever in trouble. I think its also people who you feel you can actually tell things to and they will listen. I think friendship is more important that anything else in my life.T: Well done. I quite agree with you. I wish all of us make a lot of faithful friends and keep our real friendship forever.Step V Homework Collect materials to prepare an English party or an English paper on friendship.Prepare for the language study, reviewing the word theyve learnt in this unit.111


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