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演讲稿/演讲稿范文 积极向上演讲稿2篇 *目录. 积极向上演讲稿. 积极向上英文演讲稿老师们、同学们: 上午好!今天我讲话的主题是:抓紧时间 努力学习年青是搏击风浪的船,昂扬、潇洒,学习则是船的动力。作为年青一代的我们,应抓紧时间,持之以恒,努力学习,扬帆起航。 孔子说:博学而笃志,切问而近思,仁在其中矣。今天的我们,应谨记他的话,放飞自己的青春,用勤劳的汗水铺就未来的成功之路。 也许我们已经输在起跑线上,但是决不能再让自己输在终点。后天的勤奋可以弥补先天的不足,珍惜现在的每一刻,努力获取知识,使自己拥有亮丽的人生。每个人都有自己鲜活的梦想,相信,梦有多远,我们就能走多远。 基础年级期中考试刚刚过去,这是最容易松懈的时候,我们必须抓住这段易逝的时光,好好把握,将知识这闪光的宝石紧紧握在手中。 市统考即将临近,作为一名高三学子,我们更应学习鲁迅先生海绵挤水的精神,学习红军长征不怕苦,不怕累的精神,加倍努力,在接下来的一段时间里,进行扎实有效的复习,争取取得市统考的全面丰收,为以后的学习奠定良好的基础,为明年的高考建立我们应有的自信。 同学们,我们一起努力吧!让我们用热情拥抱未来,用青春谱写人生,用行动证明存在的价值吧! 谢谢大家!积极向上英文演讲稿积极向上演讲稿(2) each of us should be a simple life of the individual criteria. because in life, the only criteria adhered to a simple will it be possible to avoid straying into the road prevented us from maturing into the wrong track. point of view on the current trend, whether it is interpersonal relationships, social structure or family ties, are also complicated by the trend. however, it also happened to use a simplified formula to deal with these relationships. therefore, the use of simple approach to deal with affairs, not only can be effective, but will also bring to life a paced rhythm of. in fact, to make things more complicated is easy, but if you want to simplify things into an orderly situation in the brain should be! complex issues to look at very simple, simple questions to see very complex, both of who is stupid? a friend of mine almost did not take on the answer that the two people powerful, simple question because it should look simple and complex issues should be too complicated. don quixote there is a fragment: sancho asked that the worlds first cousin who somersaults? his cousin replied that to answer this question i was not, and i will look back to the book study, research about it, the next meeting, and then tell you the answer. sancho said to him after a while, just ask this question, i think the answer now: the worlds first is the devil, because he fell from the sky, has been turning , fell to hell. you might see here simmer with laughter, because sanchos answer is very simple, but it also contains the wisdom of an extremely simple, as in recognition of his master, he said, sancho, you say so, often more than your wisdom it. some people gone to great pains to carry out research, but concluded growth often can not see, can not add common sense, is meaningless. in fact, life, study, work in a lot of things are very simple, no need to spend tremendous efforts headache, life, love, the ideal is so often just the equivalent of first grade, like math, or no schooling, those who did not know the word look at the chicken and rabbit cages at the time of this issue the same way of thinking - a few do not open the cage a few know? chinese endeavourers network why such a big effort out charges that many of the equation to calculate! more importantly, why the chicken and rabbit in a cage with it - but sometimes too many people go way too far too hard, but awareness is not there some way do not have to go. some people go to see other people that they will be hard to travel, that go after a lot of hard road there will be a paradise, but who knows in his heaven on the place of origin, all the way to walk in his process, or little paradise. there is a fish, he only played a day of fish, fish that can be for just one day of his food, water and smoke. and then he would lie on the beach in the sun, watching the blue sky and white clouds smoke, leisurely. then came a businessman, said to him: brother, i think you should play more of the fish, and then sell them, such as after a certain amount of money to buy a boat, and then open boat around so the sale of . . what then? the man asked businessmen. and then earn a lot of money, you can to the sea every day in the sun, listening to the sea . . but i do not being in the sun, the sea to listen to it? the man replied, more importantly, such enough of me to do those things, to make enough money, maybe i have no time to listen to the sea the sun . . this shows the complexity of the world does not matter, only the complexity of the heart and not a black hole as i do not know the depth of the desire of the marginal. its like a tree, look to many of the branches, look at the countless leaves, again, is the countless cells. in fact, it is just a tree, a tree only. all problems can be as simple, as all computer problems are only two answers: yes or not. simple is a positive, optimistic, positive attitude towards life. on the right, a mistake; love to love, and hate on the hate; laugh laughed, cried the tears. how can so much trouble, mind and twists and turns, over and over again and which allow you to tamper with them. life is too short, his life just a few decades, however, which stand up to so much unnecessary disruption. is simple to learn how to give up. this would also like to have it, bearing in mind that we shoulders so much money, reputation, status, emotion, sadness and resentment. simply to abandon it, easily the road, more time to listen to , a little more time to take care of the rising sun, a little more time to go the distance in your heart。相关内容积极向上的演讲稿格式范文积极向上励志演讲稿精选迎接新年积极向上的朗诵稿积极向上青春演讲稿范文


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