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2017全国职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项英语口试题库一、中餐宴会摆台与服务部分情景应答及答题要点: 1. Q: Ask the guests if they have a reservation with your restaurant. 问:向客人询问他们是否在你的餐馆预定了房间 。 A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation? 答:晚上好。你有预定吗? 2. Q: How do you check upon the guests name of the reservation? 问:你如何检查客人的预定名称? A: Good evening. Under whose name was your reservation made? 答:请问您的预定是在谁的名字下? 3. Q: The guests need a table for 4, and they would like to dine somewhere quiet. 问:客人需要一张4人的桌子,他们想在安静的地方用餐。 A: Very well. This way please. Heres a window table for four overlooking the lake. Its very nice and quiet here. 答:好的,这边请,这有一张可以俯瞰湖面的靠窗子的桌子,这里非常安静。 4. Q: Can you explain the terms of breakfast both for adults and children in the hotel? 问:你能给旅馆里的大人和孩子解释一下用早餐的条件吗? A: Sure, we offer breakfast at the rate of 128 RMB for each adult, and its free of charge for children under 6. 答:好的,我们提供的早餐是每个成人128元,6岁一下的儿童免费。 5. Q: The guests would love to try some Chinese food, and they ask for your advice on where to have a dinner party. 问:客人想尝试一下中国食物。他们问你的意见,可以去哪里用餐呢? A: The Rose Restaurant of our hotel serves very good Chinese food. Its on the 2nd Floor. 答:我们饭店的玫瑰餐厅供应很好的中国菜,在2楼。 6. Q: Inform the guest that the restaurant is fully booked this evening, and suggest that he book a table the same time tomorrow evening. 问:告知客人今晚餐厅已经订满了,建议他们预定一张明天晚上同一时间的桌子。 A: Im sorry. We are fully booked this evening. How about tomorrow? We still have some nice tables available for tomorrow evening. 答:很抱歉,今晚我们餐厅已经订满了,明天怎么样?明天晚上我们还有很好的位子。 7. Q: Ask the guests their preference for the egg dishes. 问:询问客人对鸡蛋盘的偏好。 A: How would you like the eggs done, Scrambled Eggs, Fried Eggs or Omelets? 答:你喜欢怎么做的鸡蛋,炒蛋,煎蛋或鸡蛋卷? 8. Q: Ask the guests their preference for food, Chinese, Western, Japanese or Korean. 问:询问客人对食物的偏好,包括中国菜、西餐、日本菜或韩国菜。A:Which style of cuisine would you prefer? We serve Chinese, Western, Japanese and Korean food here.答:您喜欢那种菜式?我们这里供应中国菜、西餐、日本菜和韩国菜。 9. Q: How do you offer to take order for the guests in the evening? 问:你们在晚上如何为客人点菜?A: Good evening. May I take your order now? / Are you ready to order now?答:晚上好,你准好点菜了吗?10. Q: How do you ask the guest to check his bill? 问:你如何让客人核对他的账单?A: Heres your bill. Please check it. The fruit combination is on the house.答:这是您的账单。请检查一下。水果盘是免费的。 11. Q: Visit the table to check if your service is satisfactory. Inform the guest the last course will be dessert? 问:到客人桌询问对你的服务是否满意。通知客人最后一道菜是甜点吗? A: Is everything to your satisfaction? All the dishes have been served as the menu goes, except for the dessert to follow. 答:请问您对一切都还满意吗?除了菜单上的甜点外,所有的菜都在菜单上了。 12. Q: Ask the guest his preference for fruit juice. 问:询问客人他们喜欢那种水果汁。 A: What kind of fruit juice would you prefer? We have grape juice, kiwifruit juice and orange juice. 答:您喜欢那种果汁?我们有葡萄汁、猕猴桃汁和橙汁? 13. Q: Ask the guests choice of wine. 问:询问客人选择葡萄酒。 A: Would you like a bottle of red wine to go with your Sirloin Steak? 答:你想要一瓶红葡萄酒来配你的沙朗牛排? 14. Q: What do you say when serving the guests their dessert? 问:当你为客人准备甜点时,你会再怎么说? A: Here is your dessert. Please enjoy. 答:这是你的甜点。请品尝。 15. Q: Ask the guest how he would like his steak prepared. 问:问问客人他要的牛排是怎样做的? A: How would you like your steak done? Rare, Medium or Well-done?答:你想要的牛排怎么做?生点、半熟还是全熟? 16. Q: What is the duty of a Food and Beverage Manager? 问:餐饮经理的职责是什么? A: A Food and Beverage Manager is in charge and directs the work of the Department. 答:餐饮部经理负责管理和指导本部门的工作。 17. Q: Tell the guests the general sequence of a Chinese dinner. 问:告诉客人中餐的一般顺序。 A: Chinese dinner usually starts with cold dishes and ends with a soup. 答:中餐通常以冷盘开始,最后以汤结束。 18. Q: What do you recommend if the guest orders a fresh white water fish? 问:如果客人点的是新鲜的白水鱼,你有什么建议? A: May I suggest steaming the fish to retain its freshness? 答:我建议蒸鱼来保持新鲜度。 19. Q: How do you ask about the guests preference for buffet or a la carte service? 问:你如何询问客人对自助餐或点菜服务的偏好? A: How would you like your dinner served? A buffet or an a la carte service? 答:请问您的晚餐是自助餐还是点菜? 20. Q: How do you ask about the guests preference for salad? 问:你如何询问客人对沙拉的偏好? A: What kind of salad would you prefer? We have Ham Salad, Prawn Salad, and Fresh Vegetable Salad. 答:您喜欢那种沙拉?我们有火腿沙拉,对虾沙拉和新鲜蔬菜沙拉。 21. Q: How do you respond to a guests compliments to your service? 问:你是如何回应客人对你服务的赞美? A: Thank you for your compliments. Its our greatest pleasure to be of service.答:谢谢你的赞美,能为您服务使我们最大的荣幸。 22. Q: Tell the guest where to pay his bill. 问:告诉客人在哪结账。 A: You may pay the bill at the cashiers desk. This way please. 答:您可以在收银台结账,这边请。 23. Q: Ask the guest what vegetable hed like to have with his chicken. 问:询问客人想用那种蔬菜去配他的烤鸡。 A: What vegetable would you like to go with your Roast Chicken? 答:您喜欢那种蔬菜来搭配您的烤鸡呢? 24. Q: What do you say in seeing off the guests? 问:送别客人你说些什么? A: Im glad you enjoyed. Thank you for coming! Good-bye. 答:我很高兴您的喜欢,谢谢你的光临,再见。 25. Q: Tell the guest what exactly is the dish of “Spaghetti with Lamb”. 问:详细的告诉客人什么是羊肉意大利面。 A: “Spaghetti with Lamb” is actually lamb cooked with herbs and served with spaghetti. 答:羊肉意大利面实际上是羊肉,佐以香草,与意大利面一起食用。 26. Q: As a hostess, whats the first thing you need to find out when the guest arrives? 问:作为迎宾女招待,客人到达时,你首先需要了解的什么? A: I have to find out whether the guest has a reservation or not. 答:我得检查一下客人是否有预定。 27. Q: What will a bartender tell the guests about Margarita? 问:酒保告诉客人什么是玛格丽特酒? A: A Margarita is a popular cocktail made by mixing one part of tequila and three parts of dry wine and lemon. 答:玛格丽特是一种流行的鸡尾酒混合了龙舌兰酒、无糖葡萄酒和柠檬三部分。 28. Q: What would you say if the guest wants to know the business hours of your restaurant? 问:如果客人想知道你餐厅的营业时间,你会怎么说? A: We provide restaurant service from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day. 答:我们每天从早上6:30到晚上10点提供餐厅服务。 29. Q: What information do you give when introducing your restaurant to the guest? 问:当你向客人介绍你的餐厅时,你会提供什么信息? A: I would tell the guest about the style, the specialties, the popular dishes, the business hours of the restaurant. 答:我会告诉客人关于餐厅的风格,特色菜,流行菜和营业时间。 30. Q: What would you say when you want to recommend something to the guest? 问:如果你想给客人推荐一些东西,你会怎么说? A:May I recommend this one, madam? / May I suggest you try this one, sir? / Would you like to take a look at this, Miss? 答:夫人,我可以推荐这一件吗?/先生,我建议您试试这个,好吗?/小姐,你想看看这个吗? 31. Q: After you have finished taking order for the guests, what would you say? 问:你为客人点菜后,你会怎么说? A: Thank you. Please wait a minute. Well be back with your order soon. 答:谢谢,请稍等,我们很快为您上菜。 32. Q: If the guest wants to try some dishes that are typical local specialty of Suzhou, but he has no idea what to order, what would you recommend to him? 问:如果客人想尝尝苏州特有的特色菜,但他不知道该点什么菜,你会推荐给他什么? A: I will recommend the Squirrel-shaped Mandarin Fish, the Quick-boiled White Shrimp, and the Stir-fried Shredded Eel with Hot Oil. 答:我会推荐松鼠桂鱼、快煮白虾和热油炒鳝丝。 33.Q: What would you say to the guest when you are recommending your house specialty? 问:当你推荐你的招牌菜时,你会对客人怎么说? A: Would you like to try our house specialty? Its very popular among our guests. 答:你想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?它在我们客人中很受欢迎。 34. Q: How do you respond to a guests complaint about the dish being too salty? 问:你对客人抱怨菜太咸是有何反应? A: I will apologize and say: “Let me organize another dish for you”. 答:我会道歉,说:“让我为你安排另一道菜。” 35. Q: If the guest tells you that his wife is a vegetarian, what would you say? 问:如果客人告诉你他的妻子是素食主义者,你会怎么说? A: We do serve delicious vegetarian food in our restaurant. Actually the Tofu dishes are very popular among the guests. 答:我们餐厅供应美味的素食。事实上豆腐在客人中很受欢迎。 36. Q: If a guest wonders whether he could smoke at the bar, what will you probably say? 问:如果客人想知道他是否可以在酒吧吸烟,你会怎么说? A: I will say “Im sorry. But smoking is not allowed anywhere inside the bar.” 答:我会说:“对不起,酒吧内不准吸烟。” 37. Q: What would you ask when the guest orders whisky? 问:客人点威士忌时你会问什么? A: I will ask “Do you want it straight up or on the rocks?” 答:我会问“是现在打开还是先放着”。 38. Q: What is the duty of an Executive Chef? 问:行政主厨的职责是什么? A: An Executive Chef decides on the items on the menus, and coordinates the preparation of the food and beverage. 答:行政主厨决定菜单上的项目,协调食物和饮料的制作。 39. Q: What will you do when the guest tells you that theres a miscalculation in the bill? 问:当客人告诉你账单上有错误时,你会怎么做? A: I will check with the guest carefully. If there is a mistake, I will apologize and then bring the bill back to the cashiers desk to correct it. 答:我会仔细的和客人核对一下。如果有错误,我会道歉,然后把账单拿到收银台去改正。 40. Q: What would you ask if the guest wants to settle his bill? 问:如果客人想结账,你会问什么? A: How would you like to pay? In cash, by credit card, or room charge? 答:请问你怎样结账?用现金,信用卡,还是房费? 41. Q: How do you make sure of the number of people in the dinner party? 问:你怎样确定宴会上的人数? A:How many people are there in your party? 答:请问你们一共有几位? 42. Q: How do you ask the guests who is paying for the dinner? 问:你如何问客人谁支付的晚餐? A: Do you want separated bills or just one single bill? / May I know who is paying, please? 答:你想要分开账单还是一张账单?/我可以知道谁付款吗? 43. Q: How do you ask the guests to take their seats? 问:你怎么叫客人入座呢? A: Would you please take your seats? 答:麻烦您坐一下好吗? 44. Q: What do you ask to see if the guest would like to have an aperitif before ordering? 问:如果客人想点菜前开胃酒你会怎么说? A: Would you like an aperitif before you order? / Do you care for a drink before you order? 答:您想先来点开胃酒吗? 45. Q: If the guest complains that the soup is cold, what should you do? 问:如果客人抱怨汤凉了,你该怎么办? A: I will apologize to the guest and promise to return the soup to the chef immediately and get a fresh hot bowl of soup for the guest. 答:我会给客人道歉并答应把汤收回,马上给客人上一份新鲜的热汤。 46. Q: What question would you ask further when the guest orders coffee? 问:客人点咖啡时,你会问什么问题? A: Would you like your coffee black or white? / Would you like your coffee with cream or milk? 答:您的咖啡是黑咖啡还是白咖啡?/您要加奶油还是牛奶的咖啡? 47. Q: What are the five main kinds of restaurant services? 问:五种主要的餐馆服务是什么? A: There are mainly 5 kinds of restaurant services. They are gueridon service, silver service, plate service, buffet service and takeaway service. 答:餐饮服务主要有五种类型。他们在桌前服务,银餐盘服务,餐盘服务,自助服务和外卖服务。 48. Q: Whats the standard of excellence for restaurant service in a deluxe hotel? 问:豪华酒店餐厅服务的标准是什么? A: The restaurant service in a deluxe hotel is expected to be fast, polite, very professional and of top quality. 答:豪华酒店餐厅服务是很快,很有礼貌,非常专业,一流的品质。 49. Q: Tell the guests about the choices they have for main course. 问:告诉客人他们想要的主菜。 A: What would you like to have for main course? We have Sirloin Steak, Roast Lamb, Grilled Prawns and Scallops with Ginger Sauce. 答:主菜您要什么?我们有沙朗牛排,烤羔羊肉,烤虾和姜汁扇贝。 50. Q: Ask and see if the guests would like to have something for dessert. 问:问问客人是否想要点甜点。 A: What would you like for dessert? / What shall I bring you for dessert? 答:您要什么甜点呢?11


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