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人教版2020年(春秋版)九年级下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you like oranges?_.I want to eat them now.AYes, I dontBNo, I doCYes, I doDNo, I dont2 . _ David be the new monitor of our class?He _ be, but Im not sure.ACan , mayBCan, cantCMay, mustDMay, cant3 . If(如果)you have any questions, please call me _ 898-8988.AatBtoCforDon4 . My sister is _than me.AtallBmore tallerCtallerDtallest5 . Look! Theres an island over there. Yes. Its too far away from the land. I think it must be _ visited by ships.AoftenBusuallyCseldomDalways6 . I wanted to watch the sports game,_ my mother wanted to watch the sitcom.AifBbutCsoDand7 . -Shall we go out for a trip after the mid-term exam?-_. Its a good way to rest.AYoure welcomeBHave a great timeCExcuse meDGood idea8 . Call Alan _ 465-3539AToBatConDunder9 . Theycarefully, butnothing.Alistened; hearBlistened to; heardClistened; heardDlisten; heard10 . There _ a funny cartoon on CCTV 6 this evening.AwillBwill haveCis going to beDis going to have11 . Chinese athlete Wu Dajing won an Olympic short track gold medal at Pyeongchang (平昌)2018 Winter Olympics. And now this 23-year-old Olympic champion isthe next Winter Olympics which will be held in China in 2022.Aused toBsupposed toClooking forward to12 . Do you have any idea ?Ahow is English widely usedBhow widely is English usedCEnglish is how widely usedDhow widely English is used13 . She really likes talking _ her friends _ the telephone.Ato;onBwith;forCof;forDto;with14 . Many people like to read the book Businessthe Speed of Thoughout. Thats right Theres _ in itAsomething interestingBinteresting somethingCnothing interesting二、完型填空A famous film starNearly nobody likes mice_one mouse has been one of the most famous film stars in the world. That is the wellknown Mickey Mouse. One night a man_Walt Disney was drawing when he heard a strange sound. The sound came_the wastebasket. Walt went over and saw a family of_eating pieces of bread in it. For many nights, they played there. Walt began to_them. Walt liked one little mouse better than_mouse. This little mouse gave him some new ideas for his_. He started to draw_But in the picture, it _more like a funny man than a mouse. Walt wanted to make this little mouse_in his .pictures and soon it was able to speak._he named it Mickey Mouse. People laughed when they :saw the film because they_seeing it. Soon Mickey became very popular with_old and young people. Children loved their lovely friend because it brought joy and pleasure to_Perhaps this is why people love Mickey Mouse though(尽管) they_ real mice.15 . ABecauseBAndCButDOr16 . AcalledBis calledCcallsDwas called17 . AatBtoCintoDfrom18 . AmiceBmouseCdogsDcats19 . AlikeBhateCkillDcatch20 . AothersBthe othersCotherDthe other21 . AsingingBdrawingCswimmingDdriving22 . AbreadBmice CanimalsDideas23 . AsawBlookedCheardDtasted24 . AjumpBdanceCrunDtalk25 . ALateBLaterCBeforeDAfter26 . AhatedBdislikedCenjoyedDenjoys27 . AalsoBbothCallDonly28 . AusByouChimDthem29 . Acant likeBdont likeClike .Dalso like三、阅读单选My name is Xiao JunI come from the countrysideNow Im studying in a big cityPeople can eat all kinds of food and do lots of thingsIts so convenient(便利的)Many people like living in the cityBut I dont like it very muchIn the city,the traffic is heavy and the cost of living is highIts noisy,tooI miss the life in the countrysideThere are many houses with big yardsThe air is fresh and the water is cleanWe can see green trees and colorful flowers here and thereMore people like living in the countryside now根据短文内容,选择正确答案30 . Xiao Jun is studying nowAin the countrysideBin a big cityCin a tall buildingDin a big house31 . What does Xiao Jun think of the traffic in the city?AThe traffic in the city is heavyBThe traffic in the city is not heavyCThe traffic in the countryside is heavier than that in the cityDWe dont know32 . What can people see in the countryside?AHeavy trafficBNoisy streetsCGreen trees and colorful flowersDTall buildings33 . Which of the following is TRUE?AIn the city,there arent any tall buildingsBThe air in the countryside is not freshCXiao Jun misses the life in the countrysideDThe cost of living in the city is not high34 . The main(主要的)idea of the passage(短文)is thatAmany people like living in the cityBXiao Jun doesnt like the countryside lifeCpeople can see green trees in the countrysideDlife in the city is different from that in the countrysideThere are lots of clubs at our school and you can do what you like in those clubs. Here are the ads.Sun Music ClubCan you play the piano, the drums, the trumpet, the violin, or the guitar? Then you can join our club. If (如果) you can sing or dance, you can also be in our club. If you are a great musician, you can join our rock band, too. We have a music show every weekend.Green Art ClubWe need an art teacher to help kids with painting and drawing. Our e-mail address (地址) is art 6780163.com. You can also call Mrs. Green for more information.Mrs. Green is in the club on Sunday. Oh, her telephone number is 340-1241.35 . How many clubs are mentioned (提到) in this passage?AOneBTwoCThreeDFour36 . When do they have a music show?AEvery day.BEvery weekend.CEvery month.DEvery year.37 . Green Art Club needs an art teacher _.Ato help kids with painting and drawingBto help kids with singing and dancingCto help kids take care of themselvesDto help kids learn to play the piano38 . Whats the e-mail address of the Green Art Club?Aits art 6780163.com.Bits art 6780126.com.CIts art 6870163.com.Dits art 6870126.com.39 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?ASun Music Club needs great musicians.BMrs. Greens telephone number is 340-1241.CIf you want to look for (寻找) Mrs. Green, you can go to Sun Music Club on Sunday.DIf Jenny sings very well, she can join the Sun Music Club.Some girls are talking about their dreams. They want to do different jobs when they grow up.The first girl says, When I grow up, I want to work with animals. I like them and they are so cute.The second girl says, Oh, Mary, I think its boring to be with animals, because they cant speak. I want to be a reporter, so I can meet and talk to interesting people every day,The third girl says, Jodie, I dont think its a difficult job for you, because you are good at talking with others. I want to be a policewoman, because my mom is one.The last girl says, I like your mothers job, Sarah. I am writing a story about that job. My mother says I can be an author (作家). But I want to be a doctor, because I like helping others.40 . girls are talking about their dream jobs.AThreeBFourCFiveDSix41 . What does Jodie want to be?AA reporter.BA policewoman.CA doctor.DAn author.42 . What does the last girl want to be?AA reporter.BA policewoman.CA doctor.DAn author.43 . Why does Sarah want to be a policewoman?ABecause she can meet and talk to interesting people every day.BBecause she is good at talking with others.CBecause she likes helping people.DBecause her mother is a policewoman.44 . What kind of the job is not mentioned?AA doctor.BA breeder (饲养员).CA teacher.DA reporter.We can see trees here and there. Trees are important in the world. They are useful to man in three important ways.First, they give man food, wood and clean air. Trees give man food and they give many animals food, too. If there are no trees, many animals cant live. And its not easy for man to live.Second, trees can give us shade. On a hot summer day, children would like to relax under the shade of a tree after they play for a long time.Third, trees can help to stop bad weather. But in many places , people cut down a lot of trees. And then the weather gets bad.45 . Trees cant give man_.AwoodBfoodCsunshineDair46 . From the second paragraph(段落),we know_.Atrees are mans foodBtrees are all the animals food Ctrees can give man and animals foodDtrees can give people water47 . The meaning of the underlined word “shade” is “_”.A日光B树荫C树梢D氧气48 . Trees can make the weather_.AcoldBwarmCgoodDbad49 . The passage mainly(主要) tells us_.Aanimals like trees very muchBtrees can bring different weatherCtrees are good for childrenDtrees are important to man四、根据首字母、中文提示填空50 . What _(行动) should we take to protect giant pandas?51 . We should _(鼓励) the farmers to plant more trees.52 . _(令人难过的是), farmers cut down trees and _(森林).53 . A bear has long and _(厚的) hair on its body.54 . I had a call just now. After that , I _(继续) to eat my lunch.55 . If you are ill, youd better take some m_.56 . Many wolves are dying out because of the l_ of living areas.57 . Hundreds of people lost their l_ in the big earthquake in Wenchuan.58 . What do bears h_ for food in winter?59 . The Chinese government is taking many actions to p_all kinds of wild animals五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。60 . 一Are_(this) your books?一Yes, they are.61 . Look at the girl._(her) is very nice.62 . Those_(photo) are very nice.63 . They are my_(friend).64 . Here_ (be) two blue jackets.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。65 . They went on vacation last weekend, and they all enjoyed_(they).66 . My uncle is very healthy, he sticks to(坚持) work on_ (foot) every day.67 . I was very excited yesterday, because I did a very_(excite) thing.68 . Who is the_(own) of the old house?.69 . He used to_(be) a lazy student , but now he is work hard.六、完成句子根据中文意思完成句子(缩写词算一个词)。70 . 我喜欢篮球,你呢?我喜欢乒乓球,我也喜欢跑步 I like basketball. What about? Table tennis is my favourite and I also _.71 . 噢,让我们收拾一下桌子吧,太乱了Oh, _ the table. Its too messy.72 . 我爷爷擅长做饭,经常给我们做好吃的My grandpa _ cooking. He often cooks nice food for us.73 . 你能帮我照相吗?当然。 Can you help me to _? Sure.七、材料作文74 . 近年来,文化情感类节目盛行,中国诗词大会、见字如面等受到了广大观众的喜爱,也引起了老师、家长和学生的关注和讨论。他们一致认为这类节目值得推荐,尤其是朗读者。请你用英文写一封推荐信,把它推荐给更多的人。内容提示如下:推荐人观点老师曾经,真人秀节目(reality TV show)在年轻人中很受欢迎,许多明星被邀请来玩游戏,非常有趣;现在,人们对这些节目感到厌倦了,认为没有持续的价值。家长朗读者(The Reader)却以其丰富的中国文化内涵而出名,越来越多的年轻人喜欢上了古诗词,爱上了阅读。学生观点自拟(至少2句)注意事项: 1.包含表格中的所有提示内容,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2.词数在90个左右,信的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Hi, everyone,Id like to recommend a chat show The Reader to you. Recently, teachers, parents and students have discussed it. We all think this programme is the best one this year._第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、材料作文1、


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