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73初中英语知识框架体系及中考英语考点分布第一部分 新目标英语教材知识一览表初中(新目标)英语 全程一览表预备篇UnitTitleTopicFunctionsUnit 1Good morning!Meeting friendsGreet peopleUnit 2Whats this in English?Things around youIdentify thingsSpell wordsUnit 3What color is it?Colors Identify colors七年级 上Unit 1My names Gina.Making new friendsIntroduce yourselfGreet peopleAsk for and give telephone numbersUnit 2Is this your pencil?Things in the classroomIdentify ownershipUnit 3This is my sister.The family Introduce peopleIdentify peopleUnit 4Wheres my backpack?Things around the houseTalk about where things areUnit 5Do you have a soccer ball?Spending time with friendsTalk about ownershipMake suggestionsUnit 6Do you like bananas?Food Talk about likes and dislikesUnit 7How much are these pants?Shopping Ask about pricesTalk about clothingThank someoneUnit 8When is your birthday?Dates Talk about datesUnit 9Do you want to go to a movie?Movies Talk about preferencesMake plansUnit 10Can you play the guitar?Joining a clubTalk about abilitiesUnit 11What time do you go to school?Daily routines Talk about daily routines Ask about and say timesUnit 12 My favorite subject is science.School subjectsTalk about preferences Give reasons七年级 下Unit 1Wheres your pen pal from?Countries, nationalities and languagesTalk about countries nationalities and languagesAsk and tell where people liveUnit 2Wheres the post office?The neighborhoodAsk for and give directions on the streetUnit 3 Why do you like koalas?Animals in a zooDescribe animals Express preferencesUnit 4I want to be an actor.Occupations Talk about jobs Unit 5 Im watching TV.Everyday activitiesTalk about what people are doingUnit 6 Its raining!The weatherDescribe the weatherDescribe what you are doingUnit 7 What does he look like?Physical appearanceDescribe peoples looksUnit 8 Id like some noodles.Food Order foodUnit 9 How was your weekend?Weekend activities Talk about recent past eventsUnit 10 Where did you go on vacation?Holidays and vacationsTalk about past eventsUnit 11 What do you think of game shows?Popular cultureGive opinions Talk about likes and dislikesUnit 12 Dont eat in class.Rules Talk about rules八年级上Unit 1 How often do you exercise?Free time activitiesTalk about how often you do things Unit 2 Whats the matter?Health Talk about your health Give adviceUnit 3 What are you doing for vacation?Vacation plansTalk about future plansUnit 4 How do you get to school?Transportation Talk about how to get to placesUnit 5 Can you come to my party?Invitation Make,accept and decline invitations Talk about obligationsUnit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister.Personal traitsTalk about personal traits Compare peopleUnit 7How do you make a banana milk shake?Cooking at home Describe a process Follow instructionsUnit 8 How was your school trip?School trips Talk about events in the pastUnit 9 When was he born?People we admireTalk about famous peopleUnit 10 Im going to be a basketball player.Life goalsTalk about future intentionsUnit 11 Could you please clean your room?Chores Make polite requests Ask for permissionUnit 12 Whats the best radio station?Your town Discuss preferences Make comparisons八年级下Unit 1Will people have robots?Opinions Make predictionsUnit 2 What should I do?Advice Talk about problemsGive adviceUnit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?Interesting eventsTalk about past events Talk a storyUnit 4 He said I was hard-working.Telling a storyReport what someone saidUnit5If you go to the party, youll have a great time!Decision making Talk about consequencesUnit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?Hobbies Talk about how long you have been doing thingsUnit 7Would you mind turning down the music?Complaints Make requests Apologize Unit 8Why dont you get her a scarf?Gift givingCompare qualities Give adviceUnit 9Have you ever been to an amusement park?Fun places Talk about past experiencesUnit 10Its a nice day, isnt it?Small talk Make small talk九年级Unit 1How do you study for a test?Learning how to learnTalk about how to studyUnit 2I used to be afraid of the dark.How we have changedTalk about what you used to be likeUnit 3Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Rules Talk about what you are allowed to do Agree and disagreeUnit 4What would you do?Interesting and embarrassing situationsTalk about imaginary situationsUnit 5It must belong to Carla.A picnicMake inferencesUnit 6I like music that I can dance to.Music Express preferences Unit 7Where would you like to visit?vacationsTalk about places you would like to visitUnit 8Ill help clean up the city parks.volunteeringOffer helpUnit 9When was it invented?inventionsTalk about the history of inventionsUnit 10By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.Bad days Narrate past events Unit 11Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Getting aroundAsk for information politelyUnit 12Youre supposed to shake hands.Customs Tell what you are supposed to doUnit 13Rainy days make me sad.Feelings Talk about how things affect youUnit 14Have you packed yet?Preparing for a vacationTalk about recent eventsUnit 15Were trying to save the manatees!Protecting the environmentDebate an issue 第二部分 初中英语语法项目一览表语法项目构 成用 法象 征 词规则变化不规则变化例 句一般现在时动词用原形三人称单数-s / es表示经常性的动作或状态Every often always on 天 in月、季、节、年。一般-s es 辅音y-ieshave-hasHe goes to school every day.I often have lunch at home.一般过去时动词用过去时Bewas/ were表过去某个、段时间内动作及状态ago/just now /In1998 last/yesterday 等一般/去e 双写/辅y结尾iedgo-went come-camedo-did leave-left等He wrote a letter yesterday.I studied hard last year.一般将来时be going toV原will / shall + V原在将来某个时间或某段时要做的事tomorrow / afternext / tonight in 2010Go come leave stayfly等用进行表将来Are you going to read ?He is coming tomorrow .现在进行时bedoing 表此时此刻正进行的动作或状态listenlooknowall the timeDont一般去e 双写+ingtiedielie 变ie为y加ing Tom is writing now .They are lying on the bed .现在完成时现在完成进行have / has +PPhave/has been+doing发生在过去影响在现在的动作或状态等含糊的频率副词alreadyjustnever ever 分词规则的同过去式是一样的不规则的动词的过去分词需逐个记忆I have been teaching for 8 years. He has slept for two days. .过去进行时was / were +doing多用于复合句中表在过去某时间正在进行的动作at this time yesterdaylast Sunday evening一般去e 双写+ingtiedielie 变ie为y加ingHe was reading at that time last Friday过去完成时had+动过去分词多用于复合句中该动作发生在过去的过去by the time过去时whenafterbefore规则的分词构成与过去时一样的需要逐个记忆详见不规则动词表We had learnt 2000 wordsby the end oflast year.过去将来时would + V 原形多用宾语从句中过去看来将要发生的动作或状态He said that he the next day .He said that he would come here the next day .比较级形式形容副词名词后-er 前加more名词比较用more表示两个人、物之间进行比较时than /much/ a little far / in the two 等一般/去e 双写/辅y结尾iergood/well bettermuch/manymore She is the tall in the two.He runs faster than Tom .最高级形式形容副词名词后-est 前加most名词比较用most大于等于三个人、物之间进行比较in the 比较范围of the 具体的数字一般/去e 双写/辅y结尾iestbad/ill/badly-worstfar-farther-farthestShe is the most beautifulin her class.(最高级加the)动词不定式to do没有人称和数的变化作主语To read is helpful for anybody now .作宾语He wants to buy a dictionary.作宾补I hear him sing yesterday Tom told me to open it.作表语His job is to take care of children .作状语Hell go to see a doctor tomorrow .作定语He has much homeworkto do every day .主从复合句状语从句句子作状语(时间地点原因条件让步比较)He was writing a letter when I came in。宾语从句句子作宾语(语序、时态、引导词、客观事实)He asked me if I had been to Beijing before.定语从句句子作定语(修饰名词或代词的句子、注意先行词)I saw the man who was stealing my bike yesterday主动结构与被动结构主动语态:主语(人、物)+ 谓语 + 宾语动作执行者 + 及物动词 + 动作承受者被动语态:主语(人、物)+be PP + by宾语动作承受者 +bePP + by动作执行者在被动语态中没有可以省to 的不定式We speak English .主语 谓语 宾语Englishis spoken by us 宾改主谓语动词 be PP 主by 宾主动变被动,先找主、谓、宾,宾改主、主by宾,代词变格要细心,谓语动词be pp,时态随主、数随被PP 是及物动词的过去分词加ed 或不规则详见表被动句的时态(be)随主动句的时态(do)人称和数应随被动句的主语(am、is、are、was、were等 )第三部分 新目标英语各年级重点内容概览英语(新目标)教材重点句型、短语一览表 *标记为听力材料语句73 七年级(上册)(Starter) Unit 1 Good morning!. Sentences:1. Good morning, Alice! 早上好,艾丽斯!2. Good morning, Cindy! 早上好,辛蒂!3. Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克!4. Hi, Cindy! How are you? 嗨,辛蒂!你好吗?Im fine, thanks. 我很好,非常感谢。5. Good afternoon, Eric! 下午好,埃里克!6. Good evening, Alice! 下午好,艾丽斯!7. Im OK. 我还不错。/我很好。Im = I am 我是(Starter) Unit 2 Whats this in English?、Useful expressions:1. in English 用英语(说),在英语方面2. an orange一个桔子、Sentences:1. Whats this in English? 用英语说这是什么?Its a key. 这(它)是一把钥匙。2. Spell it, please. 请拼读一下它。K-E-Y. K-E-Y.whats = what is 是什么its = it is 它(这,那)是(Starter) Unit 3 What color is it?、Useful expressions:1. A in Grace 格雷斯中的A、Sentences:1. Whats this? 这是什么?Its V. 这是V。2. What color is it? 它是什么颜色?Its red. 它是红色的。3. Its black and white. 它是黑白相间的。Unit 1 My names Gina.、Useful expressions:1. my/his/her name 我的/他的/她的名字2. names = name is 名字是,名叫做3. (my/your/his/her) first name(我的/你的/他的/她的)名字4. (my/your/his/her) last name (我的/你的/他的/她的)姓氏family name = last name 姓氏5. ID card 身份证、Sentences:1. Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?2. My names Gina. 我的名字叫吉娜。Im Gina. 我是吉娜。3. Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!4. Whats your first name? 你名叫什么?5. Whats your last name? 你姓什么?6. Whats your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?Its 281-9176. 是281-9176。7. My/His/Her telephone number is 我的/他的/她的电话号码是Unit 2 Is this your pencil?、Useful expressions:1. pencil case 铅笔盒,文具盒2. pencil sharpener 卷笔刀,铅笔刀isnt = is not 不是3. computer game 电子游戏,电脑游戏4. call sb. at (数字) 拨电话打给某人5. call sb. 打电话给某人6. call (数字) 拨打电话7. in the lost and found case 在事物招领箱里8. (my) school ID card (我的)学生证9. a set of keys 一串钥匙10. *look for sth. 寻找某物、Sentences:1. Is this your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是,它是。/不,它不是。2. Excuse me. 请原谅。抱歉,打扰一下。3. Thank you. 谢谢你。4. How do you spell it? 你怎样拼它?P-E-N. P-E-N.5. Call Alan at 495-3539. 拨电话495-3539打给艾伦。6. Call Mary. 打电话给玛丽。7. Call 685-6034. 拨打电话685-6034。*8. Im looking for my watch. 我正在找我的手表。*9. All right. 好吧。好的。*10. Heres your baseball. 这儿有你的棒球。Unit 3 This is my sister.、Useful expressions:1. my / your / his / her sister (我的/你的/他的/她的)姐妹thats = that is 那是2. brother(s) 兄弟们3. two brothers 两兄弟hes = he is 他是4. your aunt 你的伯母/姨妈/姑母/舅妈/阿姨5. thanks for sth . 为而感谢你6. the photo of your family 你的家庭照7. (my) family photo (我的)家庭照/全家福8. (ones) father / mother / grandfather / cousin (某人的)爸爸/妈妈/女儿/表姐弟/兄妹whos = who is 是谁,谁是、Sentences:1. Those are my two brothers. 那是我的两个兄弟。2. Thats my sister. 那是我的姐姐/妹妹。3. This is his sister. 这是他的姐姐/妹妹。4. These are his brothers. 这些是他的兄弟。5. Is this Jim? 这是吉姆吗?No, he isnt .Hes Dave. 不,不是。他是戴夫。6. Is this/that your sister? 这/那是你的姐妹吗?Yes, it is./No, it isnt. 是,这/那是。/不,这/那不是。7. Is she your sister? 她是你的姐妹吗?Yes, she is. 是,她是的。8. Is he your brother? 他是你的兄弟吗?No, he isnt. Hes my friend. 不,他不是。他是我的朋友。9. Is Guo Peng your brother? 郭鹏是你兄弟吗?No, he isnt. 不,他不是。10. Here is my family photo! 这儿有(是)我的全家福。11. Whos your sister? 你的姐妹是谁?/谁是你的姐妹?12. This is my sister. 这是我的姐妹。Unit 4 Wheres my backpack?、Useful expressions:1. under the table/chair/bed 桌子/椅子/床下面2. on the sofa/chair/dresser/table/bed/desk/floor 在沙发/椅子/橱柜/桌子/床/书桌/地板上面3. in the backpack/drawer 双肩背包/抽屉里边dont = do not 不;没(否定助动词)4. math book 数学书5. alarm clock 闹钟6. video tape 录像带7. take sth. to sp./sb. 带某物到某地/某人那儿去8. bring sth. to sp./sb. 把某物带到某地/某人这儿来9. need sth. 需要某物10. in my backpack 在我的背包里*11. how about sth. 某物呢?某物怎么样?*12. take it back to 把它带回去*13. after school 放学后、Sentences:1. Wheres my backpack? 我的双肩背包在哪儿?Its under the table.它在桌子下面。2. Where are my books? 我的书在哪儿?Theyre on the sofa .它们在沙发上。3. Are they on the bed? 它们在床上吗?Yes, they are. /No, theyre not. 是的。/不是的4. Is it on the dresser? 它在梳妆台/碗柜上吗?Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 是的/不是的。5. I dont know. 我不知道。6. Please take these things to your sister. 请把这些东西带去给你姐姐。7. Can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东西来学校吗?8. Its on your back! 它在你的背上!*9. How about my pencil case and my baseball? 我的文具盒和棒球呢?wheres = where is 在哪儿theyre = they are 他们/她们/它们是Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?、Useful expressions:1. tennis racket 网球拍2. ping-pong ball/bat 乒乓球/球拍3. soccer ball (英式)足球doesnt = does not 不;没(否定助动词)lets = let us 让我们4.play ping-pong/tennis/volleyball/basketball/soccer打(踢/玩)乒乓秋/网球/排球/篮球/足球5. many sports clubs 许多运动俱乐部, and more 和更多6. play computer games 打电子游戏7. watch TV 看电视8. a great sports collection 一个很棒的运动品收藏9. he/she has 他/她有10. play sports 做运动11. watch them on TV 在电视上看它们12. every day 每天13. have a computer game 玩电子游戏14. be boring 无聊15. an eraser 一块橡皮擦、Sentences:1. Do you have a ping-pong ball? 你有乒乓球吗?Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 是的,我有。/不,我没有。2. Do they have a computer? 他们有电脑吗?Yes, they do. /No, they dont. 是的,他们有。/不,他们没有。3. Does he/she have ? 他/她有吗?Yes, he/she does. 是的,他/她有。No, he/she doesnt. 不,他/她没有。4. Lets play ping-pong. 让我们打乒乓球吧。No, I dont have a ping-pong ball. 不行,我没有乒乓球。5. That sounds good. 那听起来不错。6. Do you play tennis? 你打网球吗?7. Ed Smith has a great sports collection. 埃德史密斯有一堆很棒的体育收藏品。8. Do you have some more paper? 你有另外的一些纸吗?*9. Lets go. 让我们去吧。Unit 6 Do you like bananas?、Useful expressions:1. like sth. 喜欢某物2. not like sth. 不喜欢某物3. French fries 薯条4. ice cream 冰淇淋5. running star 跑步明星6. eat lots of healthy food 吃大量健康的食品7. lots of 许多,大量8. healthy food 健康的食物9. for breakfast/lunch/dinner 对于早餐/午餐/晚餐来说10. for dessert 至于甜食、Sentences:1. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗?Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。2. Do they like ? 他们喜欢吗?Yes, they do. /No, they dont. 是的,他们喜欢。/不,他们不喜欢。3. Does he like ? 他喜欢吗?Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt. 是的,他喜欢。/不,他不喜欢。4. I like oranges. 我喜欢桔子。5. I dont like bananas. 我不喜欢香蕉。6. They like salad. 他们喜欢沙拉。7. They dont like broccoli. 他们不喜欢花椰菜。8. She likes bananas. 她喜欢香蕉。9. She doesnt like ice cream. 她不喜欢冰淇淋。Review of units ( 1-6 )、Useful expressions:1. want sth. 想要某物2. come and buy your clothes 来买你的衣服3. at Huaxings great sale 在华兴大减价4. at a very good price 以(用)一个很合适的价格(出售/买下来)5. bag(s) for sports 运动用的包6. for only ¥12 只要12圆7. for girls/boys 对于女孩儿们/男孩儿们来说8. buy sth. for only¥ 只以买来某物9. sth. in red/green/white 红色的/绿色的/白色的某物10. afford our price 支付得起我们的价格11. come and see for yourself 你亲自来看看12. at Huaxing Clothes Store 在华兴服装店13. come to Mr Cools Clothes Store 来库尔服装店14. Mr Cool 库尔先生15. Cools 库尔的店(家/地盘)16. sell sth. for only ¥ 只以出售某物17. buy sth. from 从那儿买来某物18. sell sth. to 把某物卖到那儿去19. have a look at = look at 看一看20. be on sale for 在以的价格(廉价)出售、Sentences:1. I like for lunch. 午餐我喜欢2. That sounds boring. 那听起来真无聊。3. Does Joe have a ? 乔有吗?4. Where is the ? 在哪儿?Unit 7 How much are these pants?、Sentences:1. How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤多少钱?Its seven dollars. 它七美圆。2. How much are these socks? 这些袜子多少钱?Theyre two dollars. 它们两美圆。3. Can I help you? 我能帮助你么?Yes, please. 是的,劳驾。4. Here you are. 给你。5. Ill take it. 我会带走它(我要买下它)。6. Thank you. 谢谢。Youre welcome. 不用谢。Unit 8 When is your birthday?、Useful expressions:1. ones birthday 某人的生日2. date of birth 出生的日期(生日)3. how old 多大年纪;几岁4. speech contest 演讲比赛5. school trip 郊游6. basketball game7. (Sallys) birthday party (萨丽的)生日派对6. English speech contest 英语演讲比赛7. School Day 学校行课日,校庆8. Art Festival 艺术节9. Chinese Contest 中文演讲比赛10. Music Festival 音乐节11. English Party 英语派对12. have a School Day 有个校庆,举行校庆13. at your school 在你们学校14. have an Art Festival 有个艺术节,举行艺术节15. year(s) old 岁16. a fun birthday 一个好玩的生日*17. fill in 填好、Sentences:1. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?My birthday is October tenth. 我的生日是十月十号。2. When is your mothers / fathers birthday? 你妈妈的/爸爸的生日是什么时候?Her/His birthday is 她的/他的生日是。3. When is Liu Pings birthday? 刘萍的生日是什么时候?4. How old are you? 你多大了?Im fifteen. 我十五了。5. Im years old. 我岁了。Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?、Useful expressions:1. want to do sth. 想做某事2. go to a movie/movies 去看电影3. see a comedy/comedies 看喜剧片4. see an action movie / action movies 看动作片5. an action movie 一部动作片6. what kind of movies 哪种电影7. also like 也喜欢8. Beijing Opera 京剧9. often do sth. 经常做某事10. go to do sth. 去做某事11. Chinese action movies 中国动作片12. think + that从句 想;认为13.be(very)exciting/boring/scary/interesting/funny(非常)振奋人心/无聊/可怕/有趣/好玩14. learn about 学会关于某方面的知识15. Chinese history 中国历史16. see Beijing Opera with sb. 和某人一起看京剧17. do sth. with sb. 和某人一起做某事18. my friend , Mike 我的朋友迈克19. (my) favorite actor (我)最喜爱的演员20. a new movie 一部新电影21. a (very) successful thriller 一部(非常)成功的恐怖片22. on weekends 在周末23. like it, too 也喜欢它 24. a great actor 一个很棒的演员25. Shaolin Temple 少林寺26. in the movie 在这部电影里*27. how about sb. 某人呢?某人怎么样?*28. like it a lot 非常喜欢它*29. a lot = very much 非常地、Sentences:1. Do you want to go to a movie? 你想去看电影吗?Yes, I do. I want to see a comedy. 是的,我想去。我想看喜剧片。2. Does he/she want to go to a movie? 他/她想去看电影吗?Yes, he/she does. 是的,他/她想去。No, he/she doesnt. 不,他/她不想去。3. What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢哪种电影?I like action movies and comedies. 我喜欢动作片和喜剧片。4. I like thrillers and I like action movies. 我喜欢恐怖片而且我还喜欢动作片。5. I like thrillers but I dont like comedies.我喜欢恐怖片但我不喜欢喜剧片。6. Mike is English. 迈克是英国人。*7. How about you? 你呢?Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?、Useful expressions:1. play chess 下象棋2. play the guitar/piano/drums/trumpet 弹(打/吹/演奏)钢琴/鼓/喇叭3. speak English 说英语4. join the art/music/English/chess/basketball/swimming club加入美术/音乐/英语/象棋/篮球/游泳俱乐部cant = can not 不能;不会;不可能5. what club 什么俱乐部6. play it (very) well 做某活动做得(非常)好7. help wanted 求助8. be good with sb. 和某人相处得好,对人很好9. need help for our Beidaihe School Trip 为了我们的北戴河之旅需要帮助10. help with 在(方面)帮忙11. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人干某事12. musicians wanted for School Music Festival 为学校音乐节招收音乐家13. be in our school music festival 加入我们的学校音乐节14. want two good musicians for our rock band 为了我们的摇滚乐队想要两名音乐家15.(our) rock band (我们的)摇滚乐队16. school show 校园才艺展示17. in the music room 在音乐室里18. do Chinese kung fu 耍中国工夫19. a little 一点儿20. a lot = very much 非常21. have an e-mail address 有电子邮箱*22. all the clubs 所有俱乐部、Sentences:1. I want to join the music club. 我想加入音乐俱乐部。2. Can you sing? 你会唱歌吗?Yes, I can. /No, I cant. 是的,我会。/不,我不会。3. Can he paint? 他会画画吗?Yes, he can. /No, he cant. 是的,他会。/不,他不会。4. Can she speak English? 她会说英语吗?Yes, she can. /No, she cant. 是的,她会。/不,她不会。5. Can you speak English? 你们会说英语吗?Yes, we can. /No, we cant. 是的,我们会。/不,我们不会。6. What club do you want to join? 你们/你想加入什么俱乐部?We want to join the chess club. 我们想加入象棋俱乐部。I want to join the basketball club. 我想加入篮球俱乐部。7. What can you do? 你会做什么?I can play the guitar. 我会弹吉他。8. Tom can play the guitar but he cant play it very well.汤姆会弹吉他,但他不能弹得很好。9. Come and join us! 来加入我们吧!10. Come and show us! 来展示给我们看吧!11. May I know your name? 我能知道你的名字吗?12. Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。13. Why do you want to join the club? 你为什么想加入这个俱乐部?*14. I cant sing or dance. 我不会唱歌和跳舞。Unit 11 What time do you go to school?、Useful expressions:1. get up 起床2. take a shower = ha


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