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一、单选题(共25道试题,共50分。)V 1.He didnt find _in the suitcase. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything满分:2分2.He worked so hard that _ he made himself ill. A. fortunatelyB. evitablyC. eventuallyD. actually满分:2分3.The violin was _each other. A. in accordance withB. in compliance withC. in harmony withD. in line with满分:2分4.A camel _$ 400 to buy and $ 3 a day to feed. A. spendsB. costsC. affordsD. pays满分:2分5.It took me a year to be _ to the college life. A. adaptedB. adoptedC. receivedD. accepted满分:2分6.The _on international economic problems met in Geneva last Monday. A. referenceB. inferenceC. conferenceD. difference满分:2分7.Mary invited me to her birthday party last night, but since I had to look after my younger brother, I didnt _ her invitation. A. acceptB. receiveC. answerD. reply满分:2分8.He bought an expensive coat _he had no jod. A. unlessB. sinceC. althoughD. till满分:2分9.The new general manager is trying to find _ to the companys financial problem. A. a reactionB. a replyC. a solutionD. an answer满分:2分10.Mr. Smith is a good father and husband He is _ to his wife and children. A. favoriteB. familiarC. faithfulD. friendly满分:2分11.Nothing can make him _ his research work. A. give inB. give toC. give upD. give away满分:2分12.Tom, why were you _ from school yesterday? -I got a bad cold and my mother took me to the doctors. A. absentB. presentC. leftD. lost满分:2分13.The weather forecast was good so it should _fine after all. A. turn intoB. turn outC. turn overD. turn up满分:2分14.During the famous comedians performance, the audience _ out laughing several times. A. brokeB. burstC. broughtD. burned满分:2分15.If you keep on working hard, you are _ to succeed. A. boundB. bondC. doomedD. insisted满分:2分16.You can drive your own car _ you have passed the driving test. A. now thatB. even ifC. so thatD. as if满分:2分17.If you have any trouble, you can turn _ him for help. A. forB. atC. toD. in满分:2分18.The report showed us very clearly how the plane got _ and crashed in the end. A. into controlB. within controlC. out of controlD. under control满分:2分19.The days in winter are shorter than _in summer. A. thatB. thoseC. theseD. one满分:2分20.The government of every country should _ great importance to environmental protection. A. attachB. approachC. payD. spend满分:2分21.When the teacher _, all the students were seated. A. came intoB. came inC. got outD. got out of满分:2分22.When she arrived at the crossroads, she went in the wrong _. A. directionB. locationC. placeD. course满分:2分23.I really cant figure _ who the person that phoned me just now was. A. outB. fromC. atD. out of满分:2分24.Students have _ to the library during the vacation. A. admissionB. allowanceC. approvalD. access满分:2分25.The ship took machines and other goods back to the port _ it had set off. A. from whichB. to whichC. whichD. in which满分:2分二、完型填空(共1道试题,共10分。)V 1. Many students are working hard in school and they may be wondering why it is so difficult to 1 success. The purpose of this article is to make students 2 of the importance of developing good study habits and 3 charge of their own learning process. Some points mentioned below are helpful in learning. Learning is actually not that difficult to learn 4 students know some basic facts of the learning process. Perhaps the first thing is that they need to 5 their time, so that they can 6 some aside for their study. It also means that the place in which they choose to study should be free of 7. Students should 8 over their lessons quickly before reading them carefully, a practice which can also be called “pre-reading”; 9 their time wisely; establish regularly scheduled times to study; and approach tests with a good attitude. Following the advice above could 10 to improved grades for them.1).A. reachB. ownC. achieveD. misfortune满分:1分2).A. awareB. studyC. haveD. notice满分:1分3).A. makingB. takingC. getting D. applying满分:1分4).A. orB. andC. ifD. to满分:1分5).A. findB. planC. useD. dispute满分:1分6).A. setB. putC. keepD. do满分:1分7).A. charge B. dutyC. distractions D. joke满分:1分8).A. getB. goC. thinkD. surprise满分:1分9).A. learnB. give C. constructD. spend满分:1分10).A. leadB. causeC. result D. approach满分:1分三、阅读理解(共2道试题,共40分。)V 1. Stage plays, at first, seem a lot like films. Both use actors and dialogue and scenery. But if you try to make a film by setting up a camera in front of the stage, you will find it wont work. A film made in this way will leave the audience cold. And even worse youll be wasting a powerful tool - the camera.A stage is actually a box. One side of the box has been removed so the audience can see whats going on inside. The actors remain at a fixed audience. In the film, however, the camera can bring the audience up close and fix their attention on small but important things: a frightened look, a whisper, a trembling of hands. The camera offers the film maker freedom allowing him to move easily across barriers of time and space. He can show his action in real cities and on real farms. He can also use the camera to change the scene dozens of times in one film. No expert of the stage can do this. 1).The main idea of the text is that .A. stage plays and films are two different kinds of artB. it is always disappointing to turn play into filmsC. films have certain advantages(长处) over stage playsD. the camera has made film making easy and possible满分:4分2).What is wrong with making a film by setting up a camera before the stage? .A. Fewer and fewer people will go to the theatre.B. The audience cannot see what is going on the stage.C. The scene cannot be changed from time to time.D. The powerful camera cannot be made good use of.满分:4分3). Which of the following can show that the camera is a powerful tool? .A. It can move easily.B. It can make small things look larger.C. It can show things in the future.D. It can give us a scene of realism.满分:4分4). In what way are plays different from films? .A. Films often use real scenery while plays dont.B. Films can show the past while plays cant.C. Films change scenes while plays dont.D. Film audience can move while play audience cant.满分:4分5).A suitable title for this text is .A. Stage Plays and FilmB. The Powerful CameraC. Fewer Plays, More FilmsD. Less Waste, More Freedom满分:4分2. As more people today have access to use of the internet through careers, school, or home computers, the trend of communicating online is on the rise. With the increasing popularity of this form of relationship, some individuals do not often consider this to be a potentially dangerous situation. However, there are people and places on the internet to be cautious of, as my own experience clearly shows. While taking a break from working on my home computer, I logged onto a chat room and quickly joined in on the room discussion. I began chatting with a male individual on this particular day, under my fake user name. I felt a strange connection to this person while speaking with him. We enjoyed all the same hobbies and activities. We had similar careers and both of us were happily married and had children. In the midst of a conversation one day this man told me he was in love with me. The rational side of me said he was crazy. After all, we had only known each other for a few weeks. Still, my confidence was soaring by this point, and I wanted to continue talking with him. A short time later, he began talking about leaving our families to be together. I decided it was time to end this cyber relationship, as I had never had any intention of actually meeting this person. I was very polite and simply explained my position to him. That evening we received the first of many prank phone calls, until we finally had to change our phone number. Unfortunately, this wasnt enough of a hint for this person. I have spoken to many people who assure me this does not always happen with cyber relationships. However, my experience certainly taught me a lesson and I only hope that others realize that not everyone is what they seem to be on the internet. 1).The story told by the narrator is about . A. her romantic on-line encounter with a manB. how she got addicted to on-line chattingC. her terrible on-line relationship with a maD. how he family broke up because of he on-line romance with a man满分:4分2). The narrator .A. felt the man was better than her husbandB. disliked the man after some talk with himC. fell in love with the manD. felt attracted to the man满分:4分3).After they got to know each other for just a few weeks, the man suggested . A. they make some prank jokes on their phonesB. they have a date every SundayC. they leave their families to live togetherD. they bring their families together for a meeting满分:4分4).The narrator and her husband decided to change their phone number because . A. the women wanted to hide from the man in spite of her passionate love for himB. the women was determined not to talk to the man any more C. the man threatened to break into their houseD. the man kept troubling them by making many prank phone calls满分:4分5). When telling the story the narrators tone was .A. depressed and regretful B. indifferentC. excited D. proud 满分:4分


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