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江苏省常州市2018届高三年级第一次模拟考试英 语(满分120分,考试时间120分钟)第一卷(选择题,共85分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题l分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。() 1. What does the man think of the actress?A. She looks good. B. She works hard. C. She isnt attractive. () 2. Why cant the speakers exercise next week?A. Because theyll go out to work. B. Because theyll fix some pipes. C. Because one pipe goes wrong. () 3. What is the man going to do this weekend?A. See Jim off. B. Make a wish. C. Host a party. () 4. How will the man pay the woman?A. 10 dollars an hour. B. 12 dollars an hour. C. 15 dollars an hour. () 5. What are the speakers doing?A. Listening to a lecture. B. Listening to music. C. Having a discussion. 第二节(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。() 6. What can we know about the computer?A. It can only be used in a fixed place. B. It can only be ordered over the phone. C. It comes with a fourteenday free trial. () 7. What can buyers get if they pay by credit card?A. A bigger discount. B. A faster delivery. C. A lower risk. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。() 8. Why is the plane delayed?A. Because of the building. B. Because of flight itself. C. Because of the weather. () 9. What can we know from the conversation?A. The woman is going to celebrate her sons birthday. B. The airport has just been finished a short time ago. C. The speakers will not wait for this flight to Seattle. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。()10. How did the man learn about Martin Harris?A. From the woman. B. From the radio news. C. From the newspaper. ()11. What do we know about Martin Harris?A. He saved many people in the flood. B. He bought a small boat for the storm. C. He gave advice to people in the flood. ()12. What should you do if you are stuck in the flood?A. Find a boat for you to get to a high place. B. Hold on to something that floats. C. Wait for Martin Harris for help. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。()13. What is the most probable relationship of the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Classmates. ()14. What is the boys uncle?A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. An insurance agent. ()15. Why did the boy hesitate in talking about his dream at first?A. He was afraid of being laughed at. B. His uncle didnt want him to talk about it. C. He was worried that it wouldnt come true. ()16. Which of the following is true?A. The boys uncle advised him to be a nurse. B. The boy often visits his uncles hospital. C. The woman thinks positively of the boys dream. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。()17. Why does the speaker write this letter?A. To show his thanks. B. To show his regrets. C. To show his good wishes. ()18. Which of the following is true about the speaker?A. He likes eating beef stew and potatoes. B. He preferred seeing snow to skating on the lake. C. Looking at the stars in the sky was his longtime wish. ()19. What did the speaker dislike about the trip last week?A. The weather. B. The noise. C. The food. ()20. What does the speaker and his family plan to do to welcome Monica?A. Send her some tickets. B. Show her around his house. C. Take her to watch basketball matches. 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。()21. Ladies and gentlemen, we _ at Changzhou Station, please get ready to get off the train. A. are to arrive B. are arriving C. are going to arrive D. will arrive()22. What is the principal contradiction facing Chinese society nowadays?The contradiction between _ development and the peoples evergrowing needs for a better life. A. sustainable B. inadequate C. privileged D. confidential()23. When the Americans objected to this, what did the British do?They did not compromise, but increased control, _ away many of their rights, and_ soldiers there. A. taking; stationing B. taking; to station C. took; stationing D. took; to station()24. Its the gap year before going to university _ students can make friends and work on meaningful projects _ may help them understand college life better. A. when; that B. which; that C. when; which D. where; which()25. What does the famous NBA player say?“If theres a chance, Id like to go to China to play for one basketball team”. So _ for the next years CBA matches. A. stand out B. make up C. watch out D. hold up()26. Lots of people have stories about dangerous situations _ they stepped out into the street, _ to be nearly hit by a quickmoving ebike. A. that; just B. that; yet C. where; hardly D. where; only()27. Montreal is the _ largest Frenchspeaking city in the world, Paris _ the largest. A. second; is B. second; being C. secondly; is D. secondly; being()28. The director cannot be here, so I would like to express my warm welcome to all of you _. A. in his interest B. to his salute C. on his behalf D. at his service()29. Why didnt you move to another city when you finished your further study abroad?I wanted to, but she simply _ let me go. A. couldnt B. wouldnt C. shouldnt have D. mustnt have()30. The man hid himself behind the door waiting _ no other people could see him negociating with his manager about his promotion. A. in case B. in that C. so that D. now that()31. At _ he thinks is the appropriate moment, he will tell them all _ he has suffered these years. A. when; that B. when; what C. what; what D. what; which()32. I dont see any reason why I sacrifice myself so much. Never forget why you started so that you can accomplish your mission, _?A. will you B. wont you C. can you D. cant you()33. You scared him? No, he _ so easily. A. doesnt scare B. isnt scaredC. didnt scare D. wasnt scared()34. Has ISIS, the most shameful terrorist group, already been wiped off the earth?I guess not, but I think it ought to _. A. be done B. have been C. / D. have()35. All rights _, no one is allowed to copy or use this paper for other commercial purposes. A. preserved B. received C. deserved D. reserved第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Last year, I heard about the Himalayas and the melting of the ice because of climate change. I decided to do a _36_ swim underneath Mt. Everest, the highest mountain on this earth. When we got up to the small lake underneath the summit of Mt. Everest, I prepared myself in _37_ ways, for this swim would be so difficult. I put on my iPod, listened to some music, got myself as _38_ as possible and then I _39_ myself into that water. I swam as _40_ as I could for the first hundred meters. Afterwards I _41_ the huge problem on my hands. My fingers were _42_ the size of sausages becauseyou know, were made partially of waterwhen water freezes it _43_. I then could barely breathe, began to _44_ and even threw up in the water. It all happened so quickly. I dont know why, but I went _45_. Luckily, the water was quite shallow, and I was able to push myself _46_ the bottom of the lake. Ive heard it said that drowning is the most _47_ death you can have. I have never, ever heard such nonsense. In our camp, I _48_ about what had gone wrong there on Mt. Everest with my crew. My team just gave it to me _49_. “Lewis, you need to have a complete _50_ if you want to _51_ it. Every single thing youve learned in the past 23 years of swimming, you must _52_. And also the every single thing you learned when you were _53_ in the British army, about speed and aggression. This is the time to swim with real _54_.” I cant tell how good and _55_ I felt when I swam to the other side two days later. But I learned a very, very important lesson there on Mt. Everest: just because something worked in the past so well, it doesnt mean its going to work in the future. ()36. A. passionate B. symbolic C. creative D. remarkable()37. A. different B. simple C. common D. usual()38. A. aggressive B. optimistic C. protective D. energetic()39. A. put B. threw C. walked D. tried()40. A. carefully B. quickly C. slowly D. deeply()41. A. realized B. touched C. solved D. caused()42. A. hardly B. exactly C. mostly D. likely()43. A. freezes B. swells C. expands D. squeezes()44. A. choke B. weep C. swallow D. drink()45. A. underwater B. floating C. ahead D. slower()46. A. towards B. at C. off D. from()47. A. regretful B. helpful C. merciful D. peaceful()48. A. debated B. complained C. worried D. talked()49. A. fast B. straight C. direct D. forward()50. A. learning B. shift C. preparation D. understanding()51. A. use B. take C. make D. keep()52. A. remember B. insist C. exploit D. forget()53. A. swimming B. serving C. training D. fighting()54. A. respect B. intelligence C. imagination D. ambition()55. A. hopeful B. skillful C. painful D. thankful第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ALisbon to Sintra OverviewSintra is 25km to the west of Lisbon. We strongly discourage driving to Sintra, as the narrow hill roads are not designed for the heavy tourist traffic and there is virtually no car parking once there. There are bus services to Sintra, but the journey times are longer than by train and the locations of the bus stations are not as convenient as the train stations. The trains to Sintra are operated by the national train company of Portugal. There are two rail routes between Lisbon to Sintra, both equally useful for tourists. These services are:1) Rossio Station to Sintra2) Oriente station to Sintra, via Areeiro, Entrecampos, and Sete Rios stations The Rossio service is the one typically used by most visitors, as it departs from the historic centre of Lisbon. The train departing from Oriente station is generally used by those visitors travelling onward to Sintra, as this route is closer to the airport, the main bus stations and train station. As the Lisbon to Sintra railway is an urban route, tickets and seats cannot be prebooked, but there is no real need as there is usually plenty of free seats. Due to the popularity of Sintra there can be long queues at Rossio station for tickets, our advice is always start a trip to Sintra as early in the day as possible. All of Lisbons train stations are considered as being in the same fare zone, so no matter the departing station the fare to Sintra will always be the same. A single from Lisbon to Sintra passes through four fare zones and costs 2.15/1.10 (adult/child). There are no reductions for a return ticket, and the return fare will be the price of two singles. ()56. To visit Sintra, travelers are advised to _A. go there by train for safety reasons caused by narrow hill roadsB. take a bus there as there is a lack of car parking for selfdriversC. book tickets beforehand in order to secure a seat on the trainD. set out early if taking Rossio route for fear of long ticket time()57. If two parents with a child start from Lisbon airport for a days visit to Sintra and then come back by train, they will _A. take the Oriente route and pay 10.8 for the fareB. take the Rossio route and pay 10.8 for the fareC. take the Oriente route and pay 16.2 for the fareD. take the Rossio route and pay 16.2 for the fareBWeve all heard it before: to be successful, get out of bed early. After all, Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up at 3:45 am, Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne at 3:30 am and Richard Branson at 5:45 amand, as we know, “the early bird catches the worm.” But just because some successful people wake up early, does that mean its a trait most of them share? And if the idea of having exercised, planned your day, eaten breakfast, visualised and done one task before 8 am makes you want to roll over and hit snooze till next Saturday, are you really doomed to a less successful life?For about half of us, this isnt really an issue. Its estimated that some 50% of the population isnt really morning or eveningoriented, but somewhere in the middle. Roughly one in four of us, though, tend more toward brighteyed early risers, and another one in four are night owls. For them, the effects can go beyond falling asleep in front of the TV at 10 pm or being regularly late for work. Numerous studies have found that morning people are more selfdirected and agreeable. And compared to night owls, theyre less likely to be depressed, drink or smoke. Although morning types may achieve more academically, night owls tend to perform better on measures of memory, processing speed and cognitive ability, even when they have to perform those tasks in the morning. Nighttime people are also more open and more creative. And one study shows that night owls are as healthy and wise as morning typesand a little bit wealthier. Still think the morning people sound more like CEO material? Dont set your alarm for 5 am just yet. As it turns out, overhauling(大修) your sleep times may not have much effect. “If people are left to their naturally preferred times, they feel much better. They say that they are much more productive. The mental capacity they have is much broader,” says Oxford University biologist Katharina Wulff. On the other hand, she says, pushing people too far out of their natural preference can be harmful. When they wake early, for example, night owls are still producing melatonin(褪黑激素). “Then you disrupt it and push the body to be in the daytime mode. That can have lots of negative physiological consequences,” Wulff says, like a different sensitivity to insulin and glucose(葡萄糖)which can cause weight gain. ()58. What does the author do in the first three paragraphs?A. raising the problemanalyzing the problemsolving the problemB. leading in the topicchallenging a viewpointdiscussing about the topicC. presenting authors viewpointproviding supporting proofsmaking a conclusionD. introducing a viewpointraising the questionpresenting authors viewpoint()59. What can we know from the 4th and 5th paragraph?A. Morning types are more conservative but more optimistic. B. To beat nighttime people, ask them to do math calculation in the morning. C. Night owls tend to sacrifice their health for their wealth. D. Neither night owls nor morning persons perform better than the middle ones. ()60. Which of the following does Katharina Wulff support?A. Dont fall asleep in front of the TV. B. Avoid being regularly late for work. C. Stop setting your alarm for 5 am. D. Better not overhaul your sleep times. ()61. Why does the author write this article?A. To explain why some people are more successful. B. To compare the differences between early risers and night owls. C. To advise people to get up neither too early nor too late. D. To argue against the view that the early bird catches the worm. CGPS technology is one of the latest and greatest developments within the communications world. Also known as a “global positioning system,” this technology works off of radio signals sent out by satellites in space. Since a cell phone already works like a twoway radio when communicating with cell towers, the GPS capability simply extends the radio signal reach to space satellites. Phones equipped with fullfeatured capabilities work off of Javabased radio signals and have database access to their providers system for other data like mapping and voices. Location tracking, and giving directions to and from destinations are some of the more common uses for this technology. GPS navigational systems are supported by a network of 27 satellites. These satellites orbit the Earth in cyclic patterns 24 hours a day. At any given time, a minimum of four satellites signals is accessible to any one point on Earth. Whenever a receiver device is activated, radio waves with coded messages are sent out to it. This is how satellites know to start tracking the device. A receivers exact location is determined through a process called trilateration(三边测量法) where three satellites work together to narrow down possible location points. A fourth satellite is needed if the receiver isnt on the ground and altitude is wanted as well. Distance calculations are made based on how long it takes the radio signals to travel back and forth between receiver and satellites. The mapping capabilities are displayed on the phones screen via the cell providers database. As a GPS device needs to do all kinds of calculations on different data from satellites and providerS database,it consumes time. So it can take quite a few seconds for a regular GPS to work out a plan. An assisted GPS can help solve the problem. It is an improved technology that uses a cell networks Assistance Server which is connected to a reference network such as the Internet. Through the use of cell towers,a phone relays satellite signal information to the servers. These servers are able to process incoming data at much higher rates than GPS receivers,so information is processed quicker,and is typically more accurate. ()62. What does the underlined word “their” refer to?A. satellites B. phones C. signals D. capabilities()63. Which of the following is right according to the information in the text?A. Phone GPS is a new technology unrelated to a cell phones original functions. B. A mobile phone works as a signal receiver and processor in phone GPS system. C. Each mobile phone is assigned four fixed satellites for their coded messages. D. Mapping capabilities and distance calculations are affected by the speed of radio signals. ()64. What do we know about the Assistance Server in the Assisted GPS?A. It can speed up calculating process of a regular GPS receiver. B. It is part of the cell network directly connected to the internet and the phone. C. It has a better functioning performance in processing received radio signals. D. It helps the Assisted GPS to receive different data more accurately in bad conditions. DMyth was born in childhood of human being. It is a product of ancient imaginations, which can conquer nature,dominate nature and make the power of nature have its own image. It is a cultural phenomenon in civilized society. China and Greece are birthplaces of Orient and Western civilizations. Prime Minister Constantine Caramanlis of Greece once pointed out: “The civilization of China brought light to the Far East and the whole of Asia,as Greece thought,the cornerstone of European civilization,brought light to the West.” However,for some reasons,there are many differences between Chinese and Greek myth,which show their own unique national spirits and moral principles. The ancestors of Chinese nation lived on land before one million and seven hundred thousand years. After long uncivilized times, ancient Chinese gradually created civilization. In prehistory, ancient Chinese lived and struggled. Most ancestors achievements of tribes have been passed down orally. This is old myth. According to some archaeological materials, single myth, which has the meaning of totem(图腾), had appeared in the Late Palaeolithic Age. As the mental belief, totem is the holiest and the most beautiful symbol in ancient tribes mind. It is their aesthetic conception(审美观). On the contrary, the history of Greece is shorter, and Greek myth produced later than Chinese myth. It produced

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