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长春市2020年(春秋版)九年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _he is young, _ he can help his mother do lots of chores.A/ ; /BAlthough; butCAlthough; /DBut; although2 . What is she busy doing? She is doing with the machine that she had _ two weeks ago.ArepairedBit repairedCit to repair3 . Rose goes to school with Daniel every morning. Daniels father takes _ there by car.AherBhimCtheyDthem4 . Could you help me put up the maps on the wall?_.ANo problem.BI hope so.CThats a good idea.5 . The police trying to who the murderer is.Ais; findBare; look forCis; checkDare; find out6 . Have you seen the hot TV play Tiger Mum Cat Dad ? While closely _the play, you must know Wolf Dad is even _than Tiger Mum.Afollowed, strictBfollowing, stricterCfollows, stricter7 . I prefer _ outside to _ TV at home on sunny days.Awalking; watchBto walk; watchCwalking; watchingDto walk; watching8 . - Look at that girl. Is it Susan?-No, it _ be her. She has gone back to her home town .AcantBmustntCneedntDmay not.9 . 一John was seriously injured in the school bus accident.一 _.ATake it easyBIm sorry to hear thatCNot at allDIts too dangerous10 . Susan and I have been friends_ five years.AsinceBafterCforDover11 . He didnt catch the ball_his farther threw to him.AwhoBwhatC/12 . Sam is in a hurry. Maybe he has got _ important to do.AeverythingBnothingCanythingDsomething13 . - Did you meet Tom at the airport?- No, he _ by the time I _ there.Ahas left; gotBhad left; arrivedCleft; arrivedDleft; has got14 . It wasbeautifulwe forgot the time.Asuch; thatBtoo; toCso; thatDmuch; to15 . Thanks for _ me with my English.AhelpingBto helpChelpDhelped二、补全短文6选5下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的新生留言,选项中有一项是多余选项。AFocus on the futureBTo give up is to live a meaningless lifeCLife isnt crystal stairDThere is a rainbow after every stormEWhat if you winFLife wont be the same without youThe life has been full of challenges and difficulties. Life is not about the smartest person or the strongest person, or even the richest person. However, life is about having the mind in your heart “Never Give Up”, even when you feel that giving up is the only choice. The world is waiting on your gifts.16 . You are important to this world and believe it or not, someone is waiting for you to enrich their lives. You are too important to the world to just give up.17 . You may feel that life is challenging you from time to time and you cant take it anymore. You may want to give up right now. But here is a thought, what will happen if you overcome the difficulties?18 . When an Olympic runner is in a race, he or she is focusing on one thing - the finishing line. You have to focus on the big picture - not just where you are right now. Focus on where you want to be. Make an agreement with your mind and your mouth.19 . One of my favorite poems is called “Crystal Stair” written by Langston Hughes. In that poem, a mother tells her son that life is difficult, you will meet rocks and hard places, but the end is victory to choose who stand their ground and ride the course.20 . Whatever you are facing, you can make it through. There is a rainbow on the other side of your situation. Stay strong, stay focused and never give up.三、阅读单选What do you think the future will be like? Here are some answers from some students. Mary: Everyone will have a computer at home. There will also be many machines in the future. Then people will work only two or three days in a week. Jack: The weather in he future will be very hot. People cant live on the earth. They will have to look for (寻找) another planet to live on. Linda: I think the life in the future will be nice. There will be a lot of flowers and trees. And cities will look like parks. Henry: Every family will have a family doctor, so people will be seldom ill (很少生病) They will live to 120 years old.21 . They are talking about _.AcomputersBthe weather in the futureCfamily doctorsDthe life in the future22 . What does Mary think the life will be like in the future?AMachines will help people with their work.BEveryone will have a new house.CPeople will live a long life.DThere will be no doctors.23 . The word planet means _ in Chinese.A飞船B宇宙C星球D岛屿24 . Why does Jack think people will have to look for another planet to live on?AThere will be many flowers and treesBThe earth will be too hot.CThere will be too many people.DThere will be too many machines.25 . Who is worrying about (担心) the life in the future?AMaryBJackCLindaDHenry四、阅读判断A mouse and a frog were friends. Every morning the frog would jump out of his pond and go to visit his friend who lived in a hole in the side of a tree. He would return home at noon. The mouse was happy to have his friends company(陪伴) but he didnt realize(意识到)that his friend was slowly turning into an enemy. The reason is that the frog felt unfair because he visited the mouse every day but the mouse never visited him.One day, the frog had an idea. When it was time for him to take leave of (辞别)the mouse, he tied one end of a string around his own leg, tied the other end to the mouse s tail, and went away with the mouse behind him. The frog dived deep into the pond. The mouse tried to free himself but couldnt, and soon was dead in water.A hawk saw the mouse floating on the ponds surface. He swooped down(俯冲), caught the mouse and flew to the branch of a nearby tree. The frog, of course was pulled out of the water too. He tried to free himself, but couldn t and became the hawks food soon.In Africa, they have a saying: Dont dig too deep a pit(深坑)for your enemy, because you may fall into it yourself.根据短文内容,判断正(A)误(B)26 . Every morning the frog would visit the mouse and return home at noon.27 . The frog slowly turned into an enemy because the mouse never served him a nice meal.28 . When the frog was in the pond, a hawk swooped down, caught him and ate him.29 . In the pond, the hawk ate the frog.30 . The story told us not to dig too deep a pit for our enemy. We may fail into it ourselves.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)31 . The old tree is so tall that no one knows the age and the _ of it. (high)32 . I found a schoolbag on the playground, but didnt know who the _ of it was.(own)33 . The weather report says it will _ rain tonight.(probable)34 . If you want to be an accountant, you should always work very _.(care)35 . _ exercise is needed in order to be healthy.(physics)36 . Some people keep dogs as their pets because they think dogs are much _ to people than cats. (friend)37 . I was _ to meet Frank in the street last night because we hadnt seen each other for a long time.(excite)38 . Ive _ a photo of me. The one on the far left is me.(close)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文综合填空,用所给词的适当形式填空。Why also do but stop happen new favorite keep LearningWhen you finish high school or university, is learning done? The answer is “no”. In many countries, people continue learning all their lives. 39 . is lifelong(终身的) learning important? How can it help you?You go to school and learn. You study. You take tests.40 . learning doesnt only happen in school. Learning doesnt41 . when you graduate from high sllege. You are learning all the time. For example, learning can42 . when you go to a museum. It can43 . happen when you get a job. You learn when you44 . sports or when you take a trip.45 . is life! We never stop learning. Every day you can improve yourself by learning something46 . .Lets look at one example of lifelong learning in Japan. In Japan, lifelong learning is very important. People in Japan like to try new learning activities. Music, calligraphy(书法) and foreign languages are some of their47 . classes.When we graduate from school, we should on48 . learning. Make lifelong learning one of your goals!七、语法填空for learn purpose help always skill when easy warn in they becauseThere are more and more electronic products like smart phones in our life. However, doctors have 49 . that children are finding it hard to hold pencils because of too much use of electronic products.“Too much use of smart phones is stopping childrens finger muscles(肌肉) from developing. It makes 50 . unable to hold a pencil correctly,” they said. “Children are given a pencil, but they are not be able to hold it 51 . they dont have the basic movement skills.”Payne said the nature of play had changed. “Its 52 . to give a child an iPad than encouraging him to do muscle-building play like building blocks. Because of this, theyre not developing the 53 . they need to hold a pencil.”Six-year-old Patrick has been having weekly training classes 54 . six months. The 55 . is to help him develop the necessary strength in his fingers to hold a pencil. His mother regretted that she 56 . gave Patrick electronic products to play with instead of traditional toys. When he got to school, he couldnt hold pencils and 57 . to write because he couldnt move pencils correctly. “The training classes are 58 . a lot and Im really strict with his use of electronic products now,” she said.八、回答问题Tony is ten years old this year. He is in Grade Three. He doesnt work hard at school. His Maths teacher doesnt like him. But he thinks he is the cleverest boy in his class. And he thinks he is good at Maths. On a Monday afternoon, Tony went home from school. He felt very hungry. So when he got home, he said to his mother, Mum, I am very hungry. Can I have some food to eat? The supper is not ready now, but there are two apples on the plate. You can eat them first. Tonys mother said When he saw the two apples, Tony said, Mum, I have three apples now. Look! This is the first one. This is the second one. One and two is three. I am very clever. Yes, youre very clever. said his mother. Now give me the first apple, and your father will eat the second one. You eat the third one. 59 . Which grade is Tony in? _60 . Why doesnt his Maths teacher like him? _61 . How did he feel when he went home from school? _62 . How many apples were there on the plate? _63 . What do you think of Tony? Why? _九、材料作文64 . 假设你是来自美国 Westtown School的Alex,现在在广州某中学做交换生。你很喜欢这座城市,但最近发现该市存在一些环境问题。请你给市长先生写一封信,简要分析造成这些问题的原因并提出你自己的建议。词数70左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。环境问题1问题白色污随处可见。原因人们过多使用一次性用品,如望料,料,望料饭盒等。建议人们应尽量使用自已的杯子、饭盒等。环境问题2问题空气不是很好。原因马路上的汽车越来越多。建议人们应多使用公共交通。乘公共汽车和使用共享单车是个不错的主意。参考词汇:白色污染 white pollution一次性用品 disposable things塑料饭盒 plastic lunch boxes共享单车 shared bikes公共交通 public transportationDear Mr Mayor,Im from Westtown School in the USAI came to Guangzhou as an exchange student. I like this city, but I dont think the environment here is good enough._I hope the environment in your city gets better and better.Yours sincerely,Alex第 10 页 共 10 页


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