英语八年级下册Unit 4 Study skills

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英语八年级下册Unit 4 Study skills姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mr. and Mrs. Li are old but healthy because they have good_.Alive habitsBliving habitCliving habitsDlive habits2 . You often _, Bill. Stop smoking, and youll get better soon.AcoughBlaughCcryDsleep3 . March ismonth of the year.AthirdBthreeCthe threeDthe third4 . Nowadays, few people develop the habit of keeping a supply of oil-lamps in the house in case of power _.AfailureBabsenceClackDdrop5 . Millie, how long have you _ this book?For over a week.AkeptBhaveCborrowedDlent6 . I would like to read the books_history.AbyBwithCaboutDfor7 . Li Nan was sent to teach art in a poor mountain village in 2014. And she had some pleasant while working there.AexperimentsBexpressionsCexperiencesDemotions8 . -Mr. Wu has recommended many books. Have you decided first?-Yes. The Little Prince.Ahow to readBwhich to readCwhen to readDwhere to read9 . Here is a picturemy school.AforBisCof10 . My grandpa _ one or two hours walking around the park every morning. AtakesBpaysCspendsDcosts11 . Is it true that people born the same animal sign have similar personalities?AinBwithConDunder12 . She refused _ my questions.Ato answerBanswerCanswersDanswering13 . What do you like for breakfast?I like_AnoodlesBnoodleCeggDmilks14 . -I offered Sandy a helping hand. However, she it.-Maybe she can manage herselfAreceivedBreturnedCrefusedDrewarded15 . You may go to play football as soon as you _ homework .AfinishBhas finishedCfinishesDis finished二、完型填空“Who did this?” asked the teacher. Thirty children made no answer.“Who did this?” she raised her voice and asked again. She_became angry, but she was this time.Charley_the window, but he did it by accident. He threw a baseball to the window. “_I said I did it, I would get into trouble,” Charley thought. “How would I be able to pay_a big window like that?” But something much stronger in his mind pulled him up. “I did it.” Charley_It was_enough saying that. The teacher walked to Charley with a_in her hand.“I know you did it, and I know_interested you are in birds,” she said. “Heres a book about birds. Its_now. I wont punish (惩罚) you. But remember, its only for your honesty (诚实).”Charley couldnt_it! The teacher didnt punish him, but gave him a book which cost much money!16 . AneverBsometimesCalwaysDoften17 . AopenedBbrokeCclosedDcleaned18 . ABecauseBAsCIfDWhen19 . AoffBforCinDat20 . Aleft awayBcame inCtook outDstood up21 . AangryBhappyChardDfriendly22 . AbookBrulerCknifeDpen23 . AhowBwhenCwhyDwhat24 . AmineByoursCoursDhers25 . AthinkBagreeChopeDbelieve三、阅读单选THE BOAT RESTAURANTStartersDrinksSnacksTomato Soup $2.00 Mineral water $ 1.00 (lunch time only)French onion soup $2.50 French orange juice $ 1.25 Beef Burger $6.10Tomato Salad S2.90 Soft Drinks $1.30 Chicken sandwich $3.50Chicken salad $3.30 English tea S0.90 Vegetable omelet $3.25Main CoursesDesserts Grilled fish and potatoes S6.50 Fruit salad and cream $2.25 Italian cheese & tomato pizza $6.25 Chocolate cake $2.50 Lunch served 12:302:30pm Dinner served 6:009:00pm26 . How much are an Italian cheese & tomato pizza and a French onion soup?A$ 8.25.B$ 8.75.C$ 9.00.27 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE?AYou can have lunch at the boat restaurant from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm.BYou can have English tea for S0.9 at the restaurant.CYou can have a chicken sandwich at dinner time.四、句型转换28 . Bill is walking on the street(改为一般疑问句)_Bill_on the street?29 . The teacher is talking with Lisa(改为否定句)The teacher_with Lisa30 . The nurse often helps the boy(用now替换0ften)The nurse_the boy now31 . MrsSmith is making soup(对画线部分提问)_is MrsSmith_?32 . Mike is eating dinner in the classroom(对画线部分提问)_Mike eating dinner?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空I.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词33 . The old man walks with a s_ .34 . Dont worry about the dog-he wont _(咬).35 . The two boys are very friendly to each other. They never f_ .36 . The _(麻烦)with you is that you dont listen.37 . These lines are short and do not _(押韵).38 . He looks angry.I dont _(介意)!39 . I decided to write a_(诗)about how I felt.40 . The doorway isnt quite _(宽的)enough to get the piano through.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空第一节:用所给词的正确形式填空 (5分 每空0.5分)41 . Do you have a violin _ (and) a piano?42 . She comes from America, so she _ (speak) English well.43 . Linda has _ (a) interesting job.44 . Im going to the park this morning. So I have to _ (get) up early.45 . When he gets home, he always _ (do) his homework first.46 . My mother usually _ (drive) her car to the bank.47 . Dont _ (is) late for school next time.48 . What _ (animal) does he like?49 . My math teacher _(be) from Australia.50 . Some students _ (do) homework at school now.七、完成句子完成句子按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,在答题卷相应的横线上填写答案。51 . 他长大了,不像以前那样害羞了。He has grown up. He _.52 . 这部电影已经上映一周了。The film _ a week.53 . 你是怎么设法到那里的?How did you _there?54 . Lily去那里了,她下周回来。Lily _ .She will come back next week.55 . 中国发生了巨大的变化。_ in China.56 . 当我回到家,我筋疲力尽。I_ when I got home.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当的形式填空。fall over; open up; be tired out; and so on; spare timeAndy: How long do you spend reading every week, Wendy?Wendy: About 5 hours. I love reading . But I dont have much 57 . for it.Andy: You can do some reading before you go to bed.Wendy: That sounds like a good idea. But I 58 . when I finish my homework every evening.Andy: Thats a problem. By the way , what types of book do you like?Wendy: I love reading books about science, art, travelling 59 . . How about you ?Andy: I love books about history and travelling. They 60 . a new world to me .Wendy: I remember you 61 . on your way home last Friday because you were reading a history book then.Andy: Yes , I wont read anything while walking any more.第 7 页 共 7 页

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