英语九年级下册Unit 3 Reading(2)课时练习

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英语九年级下册Unit 3 Reading(2)课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The TV program All is wella lot of praise since its first show months ago.AwinsBwinCwill winDhas won2 . _the end,Li Ping scored the second goal_ the end of the match.AIn;atBIn;inCAt;inDAt;at3 . _ surprised he was to see his stolen bicycle again at the gate of the park.AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an4 . Your parents have never learned English, ?Yes, they learned a little.Ahave theyBhavent theyCdidnt theyDdont they5 . Betty is a good girl. She often her brothers and sisters.AhelpsBmeetsCasks6 . What do you think is the most important part of being an athlete(运动员)? _, isnt it?ATry ones bestBTo try ones bestCTo trying ones bestDTries ones best7 . It_ about four months to make a model of a famous person.AspendsBpaysCcostsDtakes二、完型填空As the world has become a global village(地球村),there are many ways to learn about a country. Reading a book and watching a movie are both good _ .But here is another way-through statistics(数据).US comic website DogHouse Diaries _ statistics from sources(来源)including World Bank and Guinness(吉尼斯)World Records. Then,they made a world map based on these statistics to show _ each country is like.The US was _ an interesting title-the country that eats the most hot dogs. Hot dogs are the most popular food in America. It is reported that US people eat as _ as 20 billion hot dogs a year. Thats about 70 hot dogs per person each year.Japan is a leading country in robots. Many _ of robots such as sport robots,servant(服务员)robots and even human like ones,are invented by Japanese companies. This is a country where robots are most _ used.Other countries with interesting titles include Canada,who sells the most maple syrup(枫糖浆),NewZealand that _ the most sheep,and South Koreans are mostly workaholics(工作狂)._,these statistics cannot tell you everything about a country. Reading maps or studying statistics is far from a(n)_ idea. If you want to know what a country is really like,go there in person. It is a good idea to surround yourself in its culture and history.8 . AinstructionsBchoicesCproblemsDchallenges9 . AcreatesBproducesCcollectsDintroduces10 . AwhatBhowCwhenDwhy11 . AgivenBseenCmadeDtaken12 . AhighBmanyCfewDlarge13 . AtypesBusesCshapesDsizes14 . AshortlyBquicklyCsimplyDwidely15 . AraisesBgrowsCplantsDholds16 . AOtherwiseBThereforeCAlthoughDHowever17 . AusefulBperfectCinterestingDfriendly三、用所给单词的正确形式填空18 . Li Ming is from Shanghai, but now he _ (live) in the USA.19 . Mr Zhang often _ (watch) TV in the evenings.20 . _ they sometimes _ (make) paper flowers?21 . Jim, _ (not look) out of the window.22 . Kate _ (not do) morning exercises at the weekend.23 . Please tell me how _ (make) rice dumplings, will you?24 . They are busy now.They are getting ready for two special _ (party).25 . Would you like _ (do) your homework at home?26 . Its my _ (one) time to see the lion dance.27 . He goes to visit his parents _ (two) a week.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子. 用方框中所给的单词和短语的适当形式填空in English, in the same class, how old, what class,friend28 . The twins are my _,Lucy and Lily.29 . Sam and Tom are _ . They are in Mr Hans class.30 . - _ is Amy? -She is seven.31 . -Whats that _ ?-Its a bag.32 . - _ are they in? -They are in Class 3,Grade 7.五、汉译英:整句将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。33 . 人生有梦想对每个人来说非常重要。_34 . 不是每个人都能成功实现自己的梦想。_35 . 你要记住如果你坚持尝试,总有一天你会成功的。_36 . 当这个激动人心的时刻到来的时候,你会感到多么幸福啊!_37 . 不要忘了和你的朋友分享你的幸福。_第 4 页 共 4 页

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