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南京市2019-2020年度八年级下学期期中英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whether or not we can have a great success _ our learning habits.Aplays a role inBdepends onCpays attention toDlooks up to2 . The medical studies show us that humans left ear and right ear _ sound differently.AprotectBpronounceCprocessDprevent3 . Ice,snow and steam(蒸汽)are different _ of water.AmattersBformsCdiscoveryDchoices4 . I feel _ before the speech.Take it easy. Sure you are the best.AquietBconfidentCnervous5 . Every thing needs air. Without it, nothing can keep .Aliving; livingBliving; aliveCalive; aliveDalive; living6 . If someone shows good manners to others,he is a_ personAimpoliteBpoliteCrudeDdispolite7 . I cant open the door because I dont have the _ to it.AkeyBpostcardCringDcase8 . Its only 10 yuan! You buy it at a good _.AwayBsaleCpriceDmoney9 . Its exciting to hear24stWinter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.We are sure it will be _big success.Aa, /Bthe, aCthe, theDa, the10 . The house used to _.Abelong to Mr. BrownBbelonging to ,Mr. BrownCbelong to Mr. BrownsDto be Mr. Brown11 . If you cant work out the math problem, you can ask your teacher _some_.Aon ; helpBfor ; helpsCon ; helpsDfor; help12 . Jim has many hobbies, _ swimming, hiking and playing badminton.Afor exampleBsuch forCsuch asDas a result of13 . Miss Li looked_ and she looked_ at Tom.Aangry,angryBangrily,angryCangrily,angrilyDangry,angrily14 . My father is strict _ me .AinBatCwith15 . do you go to the gym to play table tennis? Three times a week.AHow oftenBWhat timeCHow longDHow soon16 . They _ each other for more than 5 years.AknowBknewCwill knowDhave known17 . Sometimes the parents have a difficult time _ their children.Acommunicate withBgetting on withCto grow upDlooking through18 . You have _ hamburgers. You should have _ fast food.Atoo much, fewerBmuch too, lessCtoo many, lessDmany too, fewer19 . Uncle Kai is a famous storyteller.Yes. He is good at telling jokes to make children_.AshoutBcryClaugh20 . - Where is your book?-ASorry, I dont know.BDo, haveCIts here.DDoes, have21 . - Jackie didnt get good grades in the final exam, so his dad _ him by not allowing him to go out at the weekend.ApunishedBinterviewedCtrustedDencouraged22 . _students English speaking and writing abilities is very important.ATo improveBImprovingCImprovedDImprove23 . Kitty asked her cousin how long .Ahe had come to BeijingBhad he come to BeijingChe had been in BeijingDhad he been in Beijing24 . The museum is open every day _ on Sunday.AbesidesBexcept forCwithoutDexcept25 . My cousin David was born _ 2000, _ a winter afternoon _ December.Ain; on; inBin; in; inCin; in; ofDin; on; of26 . May I park my car here, Sir?_. You may park it over there.AYes, you mayBYes, you canCNo, you needntDNo, you mustnt二、完型填空Once upon a time, a rich man wanted to make a trip (旅行) to another town. He tried not only to take things to sell but also to take money to_things with. He_to take ten servants with him. They would_the things to sell and the food to_on their trip. Before they started, a little boy ran up to_and asked to_with them.The rich man said to the little boy, “Well,_may go with us_you are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest of all my_, you cant carry a_load (担子). You must_the lightest one to carry.” The boy thanked his master and chose the biggest load to carry. That was bread.“You are_” said his master, “That is the biggest and the heaviest one.” The boy didnt say_and lifted the load gladly.On the trip they walked for days and at last they got to the town. All the servants were very tired_the little servant. Do you know_? Most of the bread was eaten during the trip and a little was left when they arrived at the town.27 . AeatBbuyCchangeDget28 . AdecidedBlikedChopedDtried29 . AtakeBbringCcarryDborrow30 . AcookBeatCbuyDdrink31 . AthemBthe servantsCthe roadDthe rich man32 . AstopBstayCgoDtalk33 . AyouBheCIDthey34 . ASinceBIfCBecauseDBut35 . AfamilyBguestsCservantsDthings36 . AheavyBlightCsmallDdifficult37 . AeatBchooseCpick upDunderstand38 . AbraveBrightCcleverDfoolish39 . AsorryBanythingCangrilyDgood-bye40 . AbesidesBofCexceptDwith41 . AwhoBhimCthatDwhy三、阅读单选Actors and actress385399Maps(colour)517528Museums454469Medical Development492Animals493496Holidays841873Art, famous480481Plants, Rivers108109,114115Highways131141National parks747749Books, Best sellers476Countries529615Discoveries and inventions336338Passports142144Environment80101Population616619Education284321Postal(邮政) information10331039Flags of the world513516Sports88497842 . Where can you find the information on elephants?AOn pages 517-528.BOn pages 529-615.COn pages 616-619.DOn pages 493-496.43 . If you want to know about Chinese film star Jackie Chan, where should you begin your search?APostal information on page 1033.BActors and actress on pages 385-399.CEnvironment on pages 80-101.DNational parks on pages 747-749.44 . One who likes surfing can find the information about how to surf on pages .A141-144B841-873C884-978D517-52845 . If you are interested in Thomas Edison, you may search .ADiscoveries and inventionsBArt, famousCPopulationDEducation46 . You can find “Thanksgiving Day” on page .A841-873B108-109C284-321D513-516There were two men who lived next to each other. One of them was a retired teacher and the other was un insurance agent (保险代理人). Both of them had planted many different plants in their gardens. The retired teacher rarely watered his plants and didnt pay a lot of attention to them. But his neighbor was very careful with his plants and watered them often.The retired teachers plants were small, but still looked okay, while the insurance agents plants were much bigger and greener. One night, there was heavy rain and wind. The next morning, both of the neighbors came out to check on their gardens. The insurance agent saw that his plants had been a mess and were totally destroyed. But the retired teachers plants were not damaged at all but stood firm.The insurance agent was surprised. He went to ask the retired teacher, “We both grew the same plants and I cared for my plants better than you did. How could your plants still be okay?”The retired teacher smiled and said, “ Because you gave your plants too much attention. You made it too easy for them to grow. I gave my plants just a little bit of water, so their roots had to grow deeper to take in more water. That is why my plants survived.”根据材料内容选择最佳答案。47 . Who was very careful with his plants and watered them often?AThe retired teacher.BThe insurance agent.CEither of them.DNone of them.48 . What did the insurance agents garden look like after the storm?AHis garden looked much better.BHis plants were not damaged at all.CHis plants were totally destroyed.DHis garden was much fuller and greener.49 . The underlined word “firm” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”.A摇摇欲坠地B稳固地C更高地D歪倒地50 . According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?ABoth of them had planted many same plants in their gardens.BThe retired teacher often watered his plants.CThe retired teacher s plants were smaller than his neighbors.DThe plants should be taken cared of carefully to grow strongly.51 . What is the main message of the story?AGrowing a garden is not as easy as it looks.BA storm can destroy all the plants in your garden.CPlants know how to protect themselves from storms.DToo much care can make us become weak.根据家谱,选择最佳答案。52 . John Brown and Anna Smith are Sallys _.AparentsBgrandparentsCbrother and sisterDuncle and aunt53 . Mary is Sallys _.AauntBmotherCsisterDgrandmother54 . Ann is John Browns _.AsonBgranddaughterCdaughterDsister55 . Tom and Kate are Anns _.AcousinsBuncle and auntCbrother and sisterDfather and mother56 . From the family tree, Sally has _ cousins.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive四、根据首字母、中文提示填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。(每空仅限1个单词)57 . Itisreportedthatnoneofthedriverswas_hurtintheserioustrafficaccident(bad)58 . We should read our textbook _(大声地) in English every morning.59 . Good _(发言者) usually change the way they speak in different situations.60 . We spent much time_(复习) our lessons to prepare for the examination.61 . When she offered him the pen, he _(礼貌地) refused it.62 . I didnt want anyone to know about it, it was one of my _(秘密)63 . I closed my eyes and felt the _(温暖) of the sun.64 . The population of the town has_ (增长) by 15 percent.65 . There is a mistake in the notebook, you should _(改正) it66 . You _(grow)sincethelasttimeIsawyou五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words(用所给单词的适当形式填空)67 . The movie star is famous for his_films. (actor)68 . She turned on the airconditioner and enjoyed the drink_(comfortable)69 . Its _ outside. I dont want to swim any longer. (freeze)70 . He looked _. His toy car was broken by his brother. (sadly)71 . It is _ to wash the clothes for me, I can do it myself. (necessary)72 . There are eight _ in solar system. (planet)73 . Jane usually _ her money. But she bought a large bunch of roses for her mother yesterday.(save)74 . It _ me two hours to practice drawing every day. (take)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):75 . The steamed fish is_ Id like to have more. (taste).76 . _, he caught the first bus this morning. (lucky)77 . My mother usually buys fresh fish instead of _ ones. (freeze)78 . Friends of the Earth are _ to the environment. (help)79 . What about saving our Earth home by _ more trees? (plant)80 . I live on the _ floor in that housing estate. (twelve)六、完成句子完成句子81 . Its not _.(学生们在学校太多地依赖老师是不正常的)(normal)82 . There is _.(父母们没有必要把他们的孩子和别的孩子比较)(compare)83 . Neither of us _.(我们两个都没有放弃在周末为残疾人筹钱)(give up)84 . Why not _.(如果你呼吸有困难,为什么不拍个X光呢?)(trouble)85 . We should _.(为了和他们相处好,我们应该更多地和那些生病的邻居交流)(in order to)七、填空任务型阅读(每空一词)In todays society(社会),there are more and more problems between parents and their children. Many of them are always having such a question: Why do we often argue(争吵)?”As parents,they show their love for children in many different ways. They cook delicious food and buy new clothes for them. They care about their childrens studies as well. Parents always say to their children like these all the time,You must study hard. “You should finish your homework before you go to bed!“Why dont you prepare for your exam?When the children get bad points in studies,their parents will be very angry. They will stop their children watching TV,playing computer games or even going outside until they make progress(进步).Why?Most families have only one child. The only child is the hope of the whole family,so,they want their child to be the best. Many children want to do things in their own ways. They want to do many unusual and special things that their parents dislike. They like pop music,stars and other new things. They spend a lot of time chatting online and playing QQ games,In their parentseyes,these are a waste(浪费)of time. For these reasons,parents and children cant get along with each other.86 . between parents and childrenParents 87 . their children in many different ways, like 88 . delicious food and buying new clothes for them.Parents also care about their childrens 89 . . They want their child to be the 90 . , so they think their children should 91 . hard all the time and watching TV and playing computer games are 92 . for their studies.Many children want to do many unusual and special things that their parents dont 93 . . They like pop 94 . , stars and other new things. It takes them a lot of time to 95 . on the Internet and play QQ games.八、书信作文96 . 假如你是李华,你校正举办英语读书节活动,你在参与活动的过程中遇到一些困难。请给你的英国朋友Nick写一封email向他求助。要求:1.80120 词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。参考要点:1.活动情况简介(时间、内容);2.遇到的困难(如:缺少相关书籍、英语阅读困难);3.请求帮助的事项。Dear Nick,Hows everything going?_Yours,Li Hua第 12 页 共 12 页


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