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沈阳市2019-2020学年九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . In China, people usually eat _during the Spring Festival.AporridgeBdumplingsCpancakesDsoup2 . Our English teacher often tells _ to speak more English in class.AweBusCourDours3 . What do you need now, Mom?_ onion and _ potato.AA; aBA; anCAn, anDAn; a4 . What can I do for you?_.ANo,notBDont help meCYes,help meDYes,please5 . My father works in a _His students like him very muchAhotelBhospitalCuniversityDfactory6 . -Lily is sad because she didnt pass the test.- -Lets.Acheer up herBcheer her upCto cheer for herDcheer her for7 . He _ his coat and went out.AworeBwas wearingCputs onDput on8 . Do you still remember _?Athat he saidBwhat he saidCdid he say thatDwhat did he say9 . This English song _ by the girls after class .Aoften singsBoften sangCis often sangDis often sung10 . Must I finish my homework right now?- No, you _, you _finish it tomorrow morning.Amustnt, canBneednt, mustCdont have to, mayDcant, have to11 . The two teams are warming up on the playground. They will play _ each other.AatBtoCforDagainst12 . Thats Lin Hai,isnt it? _.AYes,it isntBNo,it isCYes,I amDNo,it isnt13 . - I dont like the color of the dressits quite nice in style.- Madam, you will never know which one fits youyou try it on.Aand, unlessBand, whenCalthough, unlessDalthough, when14 . To make our environment _ polluted, everyone needs to take more action.AlessBmoreCfewerDmost15 . -Ive been thinking about those questions you asked me last week.-Oh, really? Have you got any valuable idea?AwhichBwhoCwhatDwhy二、完型填空Life is all about choice. Each time something had happens, you can choose to be a victim(受害者) or laugh it away.Jerry was _ by three robbers at midnight. Luckily, he was found and rushed to a hospital. After an 18-hour operation. Jerry was saved. I talked with Jerry after that.“Werent you _ ?” I asked. Jerry replied, “Of course I was. When I_ at the emergency room and saw the_on the faces of the doctors. I got really scared.” “What did you do?” I asked.“Well, there was a nurse shouting_at me, she asked whether I was allergic(过敏的)to something. Yes. I replied. The doctors and nurses_ working as they waited for my reply. I look a deep breath and yelled, bullets(子弹)! Over their laughter, I told them, I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.”I really look up to Jerry for his attitude(态度) to the bad situation. Every day we have the _to live . Attitude, after all, is everything.16 . AshotBcaughtCkilled17 . AtiredBscaredCregretful18 . AreachedBarrivedCgot19 . AexpressionsBconversationsCattention20 . AideasBquestionsCpromises21 . AstartedBcontinuedCstopped22 . AchoiceBpurposeCenergy三、阅读单选Animated Feature Film Oscar Nominees (奥斯卡奖提名) 2019Incredibles 2Director: Brad BirdThe superhero family accept tasks to save the world and themselves. The mom, Helen Parr, works to fight against bad people. Meanwhile, her husband stays at home to manage the household and the kids.Isle of DogsDirector: Wes AndersonTwenty years in the future, Megasaki is facing a serious dog flu (流感), so all dogs are sent to Trash Island. A boy, Atari, refuses to stop looking for his dog and starts an adventure to get it back.MiraiDirector: Mamoru HosodaFour-year-old Kun doesnt like the arrival of his baby sister, Mirai. So he hides himself in a magic garden, where he travels through time and meets his late relatives, with the help of Mirai from the future.Spider-Man: Into the Spider-VerseDirector: Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey When teenager Miles is bitten by a spider, he gets super powers like Spiderman. Then he joins other spider heroes as he fights against the bad people.23 . Incredibles 2 is directed by _.ABrad BirdBWes AndersonCMamoru HosodaDBob Persichetti and Peter Ramsey24 . If you want to know about Ataris adventure, you should watch_.AIncredibles 2BIsle of DogsCMiraiDSpider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse25 . What does Kun do when he hides in a magic garden?AHe accepts tasks to save the world and himself.BHe travels through time and meets his late relatives.CHe joins other spider heroes to fight against bad people.DHe refuses to stop looking for his dog and tries to get it back.It was a bright Saturday morning. I stopped at a caf to enjoy a cup of coffee and read the morning newspaper. Suddenly, I felt a hand on the back of my jacket and heard someone say, “Hey Steve! How are you doing?”Looking back, I saw a man. He looked familiar, but I couldnt remember where we had met.The young man also held a cup of coffee, so I asked him to join me. Very soon, his story began to_my memory.Five years earlier, Johnson was traveling home late on a February night. A heavy snow had arrived that afternoon, and by midnight, the snowdrifts(雪堆)were getting deep. His car was stuck in a snowdrift just down the road from my house.He walked to my house for help. I helped him pull his car out of the snowdrift and up to the street where the snow had been cleaned away.This was a normal happening here during the winter. I couldnt count the times someone has helped me to pull my car from a snowdrift. However, it was an unforgettable experience for him. He was only eighteen at that time, and he said he was very afraid. No one wants to be stuck in a snowdrift at night.Sometimes, one simple kindness at the right moment can change the direction of a life. So, be kind and helpful.26 . Where did Steve meet Johnson for the first time?AAt a caf.BAt Steves house.CAt a bus station.DOn a street.27 . The underlined phrase “thaw out” in Paragraph 3 means “_” in Chinese.A打断B珍藏C增强D唤起28 . Johnson asked Steve for help one night because_.Ahe lost his way homeBhis friend was injuredChe was caught in a heavy snowDhis car broke down on the way29 . According to Steve, helping Johnson was_.Aa normal thingBa strange thingCan unusual behaviorDan unforgettable experience30 . The writers purpose of writing the passage is to tell us_.Afriendship is very importantBeven a simple kindness mattersCmeeting an old friend is a pleasureDit is better not to drive in a snowy nightDo you have a pet in your family? Yes? Its easy for you to be ill. Dogs, cats, fish, chicken and many other animals sometimes are dangerous to people. For many healthy people, a flu(流感) is nothing. But for other people, like children and the old, it may be serious. Now, a flu called H7N9 arrives in China. This new and dangerous flu is from birds. First, it goes from bird to bird, but now, it goes from birds to people. Because it is new, we dont know how to fight it. Some people in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities are ill because of this bird flu. Some of them contact chicken before they get ill. That makes Chinese people afraid and some people dont eat chicken now. What can we do? First, dont be afraid. Doing exercise every day is a good way to make you healthy. Then, its also good for you to wash your hands under running water after you play with your pets. Children under 5 years old cant play with baby chickens, baby ducks or baby birds. This is very important. When you dont feel well, remember to tell your parents and go to the hospital quickly.31 . From the passage, we know _ are easy to get a flu.AmenBchildren and the oldCchildren and the youngDwomen32 . The new flu in China is from _.APeopleBPigsCFishDBirds33 . The Chinese meaning (意思) of the word “contact” is _.A搬运B接触C杀死D观看34 . When you dont feel well, you must _.AGo to school quicklyBNot eat chickenCStay at homeDTell your parents and go to the hospital quickly35 . We can learn from the passage that _.AH7N9 is a new and dangerous fluBThis bird flu goes from people to birds nowCOld people cant play with baby chickens and baby birdsDYou dont have to wash your hands after playing with your pets 2019 marks the first year of the global commercial use of 5G. China is running ahead in this field. In March, 2019, the Shanghai Hongqiao Train Station became worlds first “5G train station”. Whats more, with the technology, it takes only 20 seconds to download a long movie. China is hopeful that we can even experience driver-less cars in daily life soon. However, the great technology is still new to most of us. What are the advantages (优势) of 5G? Here are some ideas. It is faster, for sure. It is expected to be at least 10 times faster than 4G. The first 5G modem (猫,调制解调器) of the IT company Qualcomm supports (支持) speeds of up to 5 Gigabytes (千兆字节) per second. Most of us have never experienced anything close to that speed. And we are only talking about the first generation of 5G modems. Future modems are likely to be even faster. But 5G is not all about speed. Have you ever been to a large event where your data (数据) connection slowed down? That is because 4G networks can only support a certain number of devices (设备) per square (平方) meter. 5G networks can do much better. They can support up to a million devices per square kilometer. Are you looking forward to that 5G world now? Get ready for the amazing future.36 . If we put the passage into 3 parts, which is the best?A/B/C/D/37 . Paragraph 4 shows the advantage of 5G by _.Agiving adviceBhaving a large eventCcomparing (比较) 5G with 4GDtalking about our prediction38 . What can we infer (推断) from the passage?AShanghai is the first city to use 5G.B5G will help us live and work better.CDriver-less cars will be much cheaper in the future.D5G networks can support up to a million devices per square kilometer.39 . After reading the passage, we can know the writer _ 5G technology.Adoesnt mindBis worried aboutCdislikesDlikes四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空。40 . I ate all _ sandwiches yesterday.(I) Can I have one of _? (you)41 . George has lost _(his) pen. Ask Mary if she will lend him _(she).42 . Jack has a dog and so have I. _ (he) dog and _ (I) had a fight(打架).43 . The teacher wants you to return that book of _(he).44 . Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of _ are coming to see us. (they)45 . We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of _. (we)五、单词填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Chinese people are among the most hospitable(热情好客的) people in the world.If a foreigner goes to a Chinese home, he would be 46 . (感到惊奇的) at the warmth that he would receive as a guest.When you visit a Chinese home, the host usually makes 47 . (茶) for you to welcome you.Then he will serve you48 . (点心,小吃) like nuts or candy.Someone in the home will also 49 . (聊天) with you, never letting you feel 50 . (寂寞的)Meanwhile, other family members of the home will51 . (准备) a meal for you.Chinese people 52 . (招待) their guests with a big meal.They always present more food than the guests can eat.At the table, the guests must be the first to eat.And the host usually picks food for visitors.They want to make sure that you are 53 . (放松的) and eat like you are at home. As you finish eating, they will still put more food in your54 . (碗)Being warm and hospitable has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition.As Confucius said 55 . (千) of years ago, “To meet friends from afar, how happy we are!”六、填空Dear Miss Li,Id like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”, an organization set up to help disabled people. For sure you have helped make it possible for me to have “Lucky”, who has filed my life with pleasure.“Lucky” is a specially trained dog for the disabled. It is a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. Being blind, deaf, unable to use my hands easily are the challenges I face, “Lucky” helps me open and shut the doors, carry things and even answer the telephone. He cheers me up a lot.Ill send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me too one day. And I thank you again for supporting “Animal Helpers”. It is important that this organization does not run out of money. Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is used to help disabled people like me.Best wishes,Liz Smith根据短文内容完成句子,每空一词:56 . Liz Smith is a _ man who is _ to see or hear.57 . “Lucky” is the _ of a specially _ dog.58 . “Animal Helpers” is an organization that was _ up to _ the disabled.59 . Liz Smith will _ Miss Li a photo of the dog and _ her how “Lucky” help shim.60 . Liz Smith wrote this letter to _ Miss Li for her _ to “Animal Helpers”.七、汉译英:整句句子翻译将下列句子翻译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卷上标有题号的横线上61 . 必须采取措施来防范一些疾病的传播_62 . 你知道怎样在短时间内做出一个正确的决定吗?_63 . Tim经常提醒我在公共场合举止要有礼貌_64 . 莎士比亚(Shakespeare)不仅是一位作家而且是一位演员_65 . 为了今年取得更大进步,我会投入更多的精力到学习上_八、材料作文66 . 根据要求完成大作文,词数:80-100词丰富的校本课程可以让你的生活更精彩请根据下列图示中所提供的特色课程,按内容及要求,用英文完成写作内容包括:1Whichcourse(s)doyoulike?2Whydoyoulikeit/them?3Whatcanyoulearnfromit/them?写作要求:1依据你的兴趣选择课程(数量不限);2短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;3文中不得出现真实的校名及姓名Ofallthecourses,Ilike _第 12 页 共 12 页


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