英语七年级上册Unit 3 Home Lesson 7 Time to Tidy 同步练习

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英语七年级上册Unit 3 Home Lesson 7 Time to Tidy 同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Therea football match between Class 1 and Class 2 this afternoon.Ais going to haveBwill holdCis going to beDwill have2 . I am feeling ill. What should I do?eating junk food andbreakfast every day.AStop; havingBStop; haveCTo stop; have.DTo stop; to have3 . There _ a table and two chairs in my room.AareBisCamDbe4 . - What s his?- Its 245-8027.AnameBanswerCphone number5 . That dictionary belongs to you. _ is left at home.AHeBHisCHimDHimself6 . Lets go to bed early, Nancy. There _a wonderful match tomorrow morning. OK, Mom.Ais going to haveBwill haveCis going to beDwill has7 . Mr.Green: Hello,Mr.Black.This is Jim,my _.Mr.Black: Oh,hello.Nice to meet you.Jim: Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Black.AchildsBsonCdaughterDchildren8 . Bob! Is this your dictionary?No, it isnt. Ask Sally. She is looking for_.AhisBhersCmineDyours9 . -We ordered beef noodles, but _ any beef in the noodles.-Put on your glasses and you can see the beef.Athere isntBthere isCthere arentDthere are二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子或对话及所给单词的首字母, 写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。10 . E_ me. Is this your notebook?11 . Look! U_ the table is my cat. It is black and white.12 . T_ numbers are one and two and those numbers are three and four.13 . My aunts daughters are my c_. They are very lovely.14 . The white m_ plane is his. Its under the desk.15 . Lisa likes to go to the l_ to read books.16 . If you need help, you can call the police at one-one-z_.17 . She is a good teacher and she a_ helps us with our homework.18 . I lost two d_ yesterday. I used them to look up new words.19 . Look at Cindy and Alices clean room. It looks so t_.根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写词。20 . These instruments are one of those _ (牛仔).21 . Kate took off her shoes and_ (摇动)the sand out of her shoes.22 . I want to sell my car but I dont know _ (确切)how much it is worth.23 . She always_ (表达)her ideas clearly.24 . If our parents do everything for us children, we wont learn to depend on _ (我们).25 . Ten new flyovers(立交桥)close to our school will be in _ (服务)next year.26 . Its_ (报道)that farmers are willing to raise pigs because the pork price will continue to run high.27 . I dont want to go to the club. Its too noisy.Then Ill take you _ else.28 . Whats the _ place youve ever been to?Maybe it is Tibet. It took me three days to get there.29 . This maths problem is really hard. Could you help me?You are sure to work it _if you read it carefully enough.第 3 页 共 3 页

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