八年级英语上北师大版Unit1 Television基础练习

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八年级英语上北师大版Unit1 Television基础练习_第1页
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八年级英语上北师大版Unit1 Television基础练习_第3页
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八年级英语上北师大版Unit1 Television基础练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What in the middle of the concert?AhappenedBdid happenedCdid happenDhappen2 . My father went to teach English in a poor mountain village last year. He will never forget some pleasant (愉快的) _ while working there.AexperiencesBreasonsCprogrammesDchannels3 . pleasant news youve told us!AHowBHow anCWhatDWhat an4 . - How was your holiday last weekend?- Good. I to the mountains with my brother.AgoBwentCwill go5 . This story is _, so the students like it very much.AfunnyBshortClongDboring6 . Do you find this book _?AfrustrateBfrustratingCfrustratedDfrustration7 . What _ news!Yes, all of the children were _.Aexcited; excitingBexciting; excitedCexcited; excitedDexciting; exciting8 . Well, Lily looksat the moment and she is looking at you.Ahappy; happilyBhappily; happyChappy; happyDhappily, happily.9 . What do you think of the book?It is so _ , and I feel _.Aexcited, boringBboring, excitedCboring, boredDbored, boring10 . Jim oftenstorybooks in the library two years ago.AreadBreadsCreadingDis reading11 . -Hurry up! The bus is coming.-Wait a minute. Dont cross the streetthe traffic lights are green.AuntilBafterCwhileDsince12 . At last, he _ at the train station on time.AgotBgot toCreachedDarrived13 . The story book is very _, Im very _ in it.Ainteresting, interestedBinterested, interestingCinterest, interestedDinteresting, interest14 . We all like Miss Wang. I agree with you. She always makes her English classes _.AinterestedBinterestCinteresting15 . Mike _his computer and checked his email.Aturned onBturned offCturned upDturned down二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示, 用单词的正确形式填空。(每空限一词)16 . Every museum is a _(宝藏)house of national culture.17 . This kind of robot is _(专门地)designed for the disabled.18 . You are well prepared for the exam, so theres no need to be _(紧张不安的).19 . Some international charities _(收集)old clothes for people in poor areas.20 . We are proud that China has the ability and power to fight _(对抗)America in the trade war between China and the US.根据括号中所给出的汉语写单词,使句子意思完整正确。21 . _(捂;覆盖)your mouth and nose with a wet towel to protect yourself from thick smoke when a fire happens.22 . Many kids like winter because it is _(激动人心的)to have big snowball fights.23 . George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st_(总统)of the USA, passed away in 2018.24 . _(令人难过的是),people kill many wild animals just for fun or to make money.25 . We will have about twenty days_(休息)for this years winter holiday.第 3 页 共 3 页

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