英语九年级下册Module 5 Unit 2 课时练习

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英语九年级下册Module 5 Unit 2 课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Oh,Ive left my bag in the room .Dont worry . Ill _it for you .AbringBfetchCtake2 . The teacher always reads a story for the children _ a day .Ain the endBat the endCin the end ofDat the end of3 . I have to get up earlycatch the early bus.Ain order toBso thatCbecauseDbecause of4 . -Andy wins the first place! -Really? Sounds _ to believe.Atoo goodBgood enoughCso goodDquite good5 . people in Weifang can talk and write in English these days.AMuch and muchBMore and manyCMore and moreDMany and many6 . In the past ten years.theregreat changes in my hometown.A: wereAhave beenBareCare going to be7 . We had great fun _ to the countryside yesterday afternoon.Ato driveBdriveCdrivingDto driving8 . How is our government going to deal with the office building?It will be a library.Aturned offBturned onCturned into9 . Have you ever checked homework? Yes, is well done.AToms, hisBTom, heCToms, heDTom, his10 . Do you know Mary?Yes, Mary is _ girl, but she knows a lot about science.Aa eight-year-oldBa eight-years-oldCan eight years oldDan eight-year-old二、完型填空On a very busy day, our four and a half year old son, Justin Carl, kept making trouble again and again. After several tries, my husband George finally told him to stand in the corner. He did so _ he wasnt too happy about it. Finally, after a few minutes, he said, “Im going to run away from home.”My first reaction (反应) was surprise, and then his words _ me. “You are?” I shouted. But as I turned to look at him, he looked like an angel, so small, so innocent, with his face so sad.As my heart felt his _, I remembered a moment in my own childhood when I spoke those words and how unloved and lonely I felt. He was saying so much more than just his words. He was crying, “Please notice me! Im important. Please make me feel wanted, loved and _.”“OK, Justin, you can run away from home,” I said to him gently and started _ out some clothes. “Well, well need pajamas, your coat”“Mama,” he said, “what are you doing?” I put these things into a bag and _ it by the front door. “Okay, Justin, if youre going to run away from home, then Mamas going with you, because I would never want you to be alone.”We held each other while we talked. “Why do you want to come with me?” I looked into his _. “Because I love you, Justin. My life would never be the same if you went away.” “Can Daddy come?” “No, Daddy has to stay at home with your brothers, and he has to work and _ the house while were gone.” “Can Freddi (the dog) come?” “No, Freddi has to stay here, too.” He _ for a while and said, “Mama, can we stay home?” “Yes, we can.” “Mama.” “Yes, Justin?” “I love you.” “I love you, too, honey. How about you help me make some popcorn?” “All right.”At that moment I knew the wonderful gift that I had been given. It was the important _ to help develop a childs sense of security (安全感). I learned that as a mother I should never “run away” from the opportunity to show my children they are wanted, needed and loved.11 . AbecauseBbutCorDso12 . AattractedBinterestedCangeredDexcited13 . ApainBsurpriseCeffortDtiredness14 . AofferedBservedChelpedDneeded15 . AworkingBpickingCgivingDhanding16 . AplacedBtookCcleanedDwore17 . AmouthBhandsCeyesDears18 . Arun out ofBlook atClook intoDtake care of19 . AlaughedBthoughtCcriedDplayed20 . AmeaningBadvantageCbenefitDresponsibility三、阅读判断Lonely old people now can buy “grandkids” by using an app named Papa. Through the app, elderly people can ask young people to come and visit them. Elderly people, who may have lost touch with their own family, can also ask their rented(租用的) grandchildren to do chores and drive them around. The elderly people can use Papa on the smartphone. If they dont have a smartphone, they can make a phone call. To use the service, the elderly people have to contact Papa first through either of the ways. The workers of Papa will provide advice for them for free and pair(配对) college students with them. Usually, the app costs the elderly people $15 an hour. Most Papa Pals make about $20 to $30 per visit. The visit lasts around three hours. Andrew Parker, the founder of the service, says that Papa can also provide the service for people in need.21 . Through the app Papa, elderly people can ask young people to help with chores.22 . The elderly people without a smartphone can also enjoy the service of Papa.23 . The elderly people should pay $10 for the service per hour.24 . Most Papa Pals can make about $20 to $30 per visit.25 . Papa only provides the service for the elderly people.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号内所给的中文提示,正确拼写单词,并将答案填写在答题卡对应的横线上。26 . Its an_(令人惊讶的)ending. We dont believe it.27 . The teacher decided to _ (分开)the whole class into several groups to talk about it.28 . You will_ (收到) a birthday gift on your birthday.29 . Who_ (其它的) would like to take part in the competition?30 . Thank you for your_(邀请),I will go on time.根据语境及所给汉语提示语或首字母提示写出或补全所缺单词。31 . Sam _ (打碎) a cup, so he had to buy a new one.32 . The man showed great _ (勇气) when he saved the child from the fire.33 . My cousin kept a diary and _ (记录) his life on the farm.34 . Jane is so excellent and she has the a_ to finish all the work.35 . Tom ran fastest in the r_. He won at last.36 . The girl is from J_. She speaks Japanese.37 . Can you tell me the proper m_ of brushing teeth?38 . France is a European country while China is an A_ country.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的正确形式填空39 . Please tell him _ (keep) quiet in the library.40 . You need _ (wear) warm clothes.41 . Dont _ (talk) here. The baby _ (sleep).42 . That question is difficult. Lets _ (go) and _ (ask) our teacher.43 . We are going to work on a farm. Please _ (not be) late.44 . Everything _ (begin) to grow in spring.45 . You should sleep eight _ (hour) a night.46 . There _ (be) a party next Sunday afternoon六、完成句子六、完成句子47 . 他不小心把杯子掉到了地上,摔碎了。He was careless to drop the cup on the floor and it was _.48 . 我正在考虑是否要参加学校的篮球俱乐部。Im _ whether I will join our School Basketball Club or not.49 . 张伯苓先生于1904年在天津创办了南开中学。Mr.Zhang Boling _ Nankai Middle School in Tianjin in 1904.50 . 妈妈,我感到浑身发烫,我是不是应该去看看医生?Mum,I feel hot _,should I go to see a doctor?51 . 每天早上你起床后,向家人投以微笑,就此美好的一天开始了。Smile at your family after you _ every morning, then a beautiful day falls.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. players B. different C. fun D. funny E. fit F. slim G. crispsAll across the world teens watch TV,listen to music,play computer games and eat52 . and sweets. But some of them dont exercise. Why not? Lets look at some common excuses. Excuse 1 I got very hot. Its normal(正常的)to get hot. All the other53 . get hot,too!Excuse 2 Its for boys. Lots of girls think this. But girls are also good at sport and sport is good for them. Try a54 . sport. What about dance or judo?Excuse 3 Im not55 . Dont worry. Just enjoy it. Get56 . and lose weight. Sport and exercise are57 . . You meet new people and make friends. Its good for your brain,too. It helps with your school work and your computer games!So dont wait!Get some exercise today!八、语法填空Tang Ling often smoked cigarettes(香烟) in his schools washroom. He started smoking 58 . the age of 14. One day he learnt that the NBA star Yao Ming, an ambassador (大使) to the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control (中国控烟协会), asked people not to smoke. Yao Ming was Tangs favorite star, and his words meant a lot to him. He decided to give up 59 . (smoke).According to the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control, about 350 million Chinese smoke. Among 60 . , 50 million are teenagers. Sun Jiangping of Beijing University said, “Teenagers can get cigarettes 61 . (easy), especially when their parents smoke or shops sell cigarettes to them. Its very important for parents to help their children62 . (stop) smoking.”A 15-year-old boy 63 . (name) Li Kun from Beijing said his parents didnt smoke. Because they thought smoking could make people feel 64 . (bad) ill, they only allowed him to play with friends without smoking. 65 . (live) in such a good family helped Li say 66 . to cigarettes. Some of his smoking classmates once told Li that smoking made boys look cool, but Li disagreed. He said, “Smoking is 67 . (health) and its not cool at all. Please stop smoking now!”九、多任务混合问题There was once a King and he wanted to find out who could paint the best picture of peace. And he would offer a prize to the artist. Many artists tried. The King looked at all the pictures, but there were only two he really liked and he had to choose between them.One picture was of a calm(平静的) lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with white soft clouds. Everyone thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.The other picture had mountains too. But these were rugged(崎岖的) and bare(无遮蔽的). Above was an angry sky. And it was raining and lightening. Down the side of the mountain, a waterfall fell quickly. This did not look peaceful at all.But when the King looked carefully, he saw behind the waterfall a bush(矮树丛) growing in a crack(裂缝) in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest(巢,窝). There, she sat on her nest. in perfect peace.Which picture do you think won the prize?The King chose the second picture. “Because,” said the King, “peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the middle of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace.”68 . What did the King want the artists to do?_69 . What did everyone think of the 1st picture?_70 . Why did the King choose the 2nd picture?_71 . 把短文第六自然段中画线句子翻译成汉语。_72 . 给短文拟一个恰当的标题。_第 8 页 共 8 页

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