英语七年级上册Unit 2 Lesson 5 课时同步检测卷

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英语七年级上册Unit 2 Lesson 5 课时同步检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - _ is your home from the park?-Its_AHow long;two kilometers far awayBHow far,about very far fromCHow long;a little far awayDHow far,two kilometers from here2 . Does Jim want _ the first one to get to the top of the mountain?AtoBto beCbeingDbe3 . _ of the students ride bikes to school, but _dont.AMost, anotherBSome, othersCA lot, the otherDMany, the other4 . - I take the book out?-Im afraid not. AWillBMayCMustDNeed5 . He cant _ how happy he is now.AenterBexpressCexamineDexpect二、完型填空Do you like your teachers?What kind of teachers do you like?Heres a survey_popular teachers at Green Middle School.Most students think a popular teacher should be like this:A good teacher should_lessons with a smile. He or she can make classes interesting, make his or her subject easy, make students interested in this subject and make study fun. A good teacher should be humorous. Sometimes he or she_a joke and makes a funny face. He or she should be kind and_. He or she regards his or her student as friends after school. He or she is friendly to students. He or she_ basketball with boys or chats with students after class. He or she is strict _students in study. He or she had better not be very angry or shout at _when we make small mistakes. Because we will be_ if he or she gets angry. He or she never gives _ homework to students. We dont like too much homework. It is _ thing for students.As for his or her appearance(外貌), he or she looks a little cool and trendy (时髦的). But this isnt very important. If you are a teacher like that, you will be the most popular teacher among all the students.6 . AinBforCabout7 . AgiveBbringCtake8 . AsaysBtalksCtells9 . AfriendlyBseriousCcareful10 . AplaysBmakesCbuys11 . AonBafterCwith12 . AherBusCme13 . AexcitedBinterestedCafraid14 . Atoo littleBtoo muchCtoo many15 . Athe most beautifulBthe most boringCthe most popular三、阅读单选David was a successful young man who worked in a large company in a big city in America. His favorite hobby was fishing. But it was several years since he had last gone fishing. He was too busy to get a chance to practice.Then one summer he decided to go on vacation to a village where there were a lot of streams(河流). “I ought to be able to have some good fishing there,” he said to himself confidently (自信地) and made good preparations for fishing.The next morning after he arrived there, he walked to the nearest stream with his fishing rod (杆). To his surprise, he saw an old man standing beside the water, doing nothing. So he asked him whether it was a private stream. The old man answered that it was not a private stream and everyone could fish there, so David said to him, “ Well, then it wont be fined(罚款)if I catch some fish here, will it?”“Oh, no,” answered the old man. “It wont be, but it will be a miracle(奇迹).”16 . David hadnt gone fishing for a long time because_.Ahe didnt like fishingBhe was not good at itChe was too busyDhe couldnt find a place for fishing17 . What did David expect when he decided to go on vacation?AHe wanted to visit some beautiful villages.BHe planned to go swimming in some streams.CHe decided to meet some old friends.DHe wanted to enjoy fishing there.18 . What did the old man mean by the word “miracle”?AHe didnt think David would catch any fish in that stream.BIt was wonderful to catch some fish there.CDavid was not allowed to fish there.DThe fish in the stream were very smart.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空19 . Dick decided to lose _(weigh)by eating less and doing more exercise.20 . Jackson has difficulty in _(solve)the problem in such a short time.21 . China is a lot _(crowded)than Canada.22 . _(teach)children is one way to help _(save)pandas.23 . Wild animals which are now in danger need our _(protect).24 . I think one of the _(easy)ways to make you strong is to exercise more.25 . Thomas Alva Edison is one of the greatest _(invent)in the world.26 . Tu Youyou is one of the Nobel Prize _(win)in 2015. Were proud of her.五、完成句子根据所给汉语完成句子27 . 万圣节 Hobo 想要打扮成美猴王。Hobo wants to_the Monkey King at Halloween.28 . 小朋友们可以在春节放烟花。Children can_fireworks at the Spring Festival.29 . 做早操对学生来说是有好处的。Doing morning exercises_students.30 . Daniel 计划在周末多吃些鱼。Daniel_at weekends.31 . 让我们给圣诞晚会买 4 包糖果吧!Lets buy_for Christmas party!第 5 页 共 5 页

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