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武汉市2019-2020年度中考一模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The old primary school was _ last year. Now there arent any old buildings left in the town.Afixed upBset upCturned downDpulled down2 . Xiao Li had an accident yesterday _ he is in No.1 Peoples Hospital now.AbutBandCorDsince3 . Do you know_?Yes. At about twelve. I was just about to go to bed.Awhen he came backBwhen he will come backCwhen did you go to bedDwhether he goes to bed late4 . He promised _ play computer games again.AdontBnot toCdoesnt5 . He was _ in the traffic accident.AinjureBinjuringCinjured6 . We will have to operate _ his eyes.AforBonCin7 . This summer I went to Qingdao with my daughter and the city.Afell in love withBturned intoCpicked upDcompeted with8 . Most of the people in the south of China enjoy drinking tea because tea is _ mainly in that area.AcarriedBansweredCproduced9 . When did the plane ? Half an hour ago .AarriveBgetCarrive atDreach10 . Janes dad is getting old, so she has go back home to see him _ its convenient.AbecauseBwheneverCalthoughDunless11 . My parents often _ a flower in the green house, but I think Im a flower in the open air, beautiful and strong.Acompare me andBcompare me withCcompare me to12 . Would you mind _ a hand.Agiving myBgive meCgiving meDto give me13 . Well be paid _the amount of work we do.Aincluding toBaccording toCthanks toDBecause14 . _ _is difficult for them to finish the work in two days.AThisBThatCHeDIt15 . Jim, please _ quiet. The baby is sleeping.AisBamCareDbe16 . Why are you in a hurry, Daniel? I left my schoolbag at home. I have to run _ home and get it.AawayBbackCoffDalong17 . Did you watch the football game yesterday?Yes,I did.John is really a dark horse.Nobody _ him to go so far.AwantedBencouragedCexpectedDhoped18 . Hung up. The last bus at 11:30 pm.Too late. It 10 minutes ago.Aleft; leftBleft; leavesCleaves; leftDwill leave; leaves19 . She hates people_dont help others when they have trouble.AwhoseB/CwhomDwho20 . My mother stopped to me because there was a call for her.Ato sayBto talkCsayingDtalking二、完型填空Do you ever find it annoying to look for the TV remote (遥控器)? Are you _ of changing shoes when playing different sports? Dont worry, Student at Claytom Middle School in the US _ be able to help you.Dylan Glick, _ 8-grade student, thought of the idea of a retractable (可缩回的) remote. The remote has a cord to connect with its resting place. When people click a button on the remote, the cord will _ the remote back to its resting place.It is definitely something that I would use, and Im sure my parents would too, said Glick. He said that sometimes at night when he wants to go to bed, he needs at last ten minutes to find the remote. So he _ with the idea.Allison Bicking, also a student in Grade Eight, had a similar idea. Bicking is a track(田径) and soccer player. She wears spiked shoes (钉鞋)when she practices _. If she plays soccer after she runs, she has to change her shoes.To save the trouble, she invented speedy spike _ after three months hard work. The spikes are retractable with a small button on _ shoe. If you push the button, the spikes will come out or _ into the shoe, making the shoes suit different kinds of sports. It seems that inventing something is not that difficult. So keep your eyes open. Maybe the next great inventor _will make a difference to our life is you!21 . AtiredBafraidCfullDserious22 . AmustBcanCmightDneed23 . AaBanCtheD/24 . AgiveBthrowCbringDfly25 . Acame inBcame outCcame upDcame to26 . ArunningBto runCto jumpDjumping27 . AsuccessBsuccessfullyCsuccessfulDsucceed28 . AeitherBeachCbothDneither29 . Agone backBgoes backCgo backDwent back30 . AwhatBwhichCwhereDwho三、阅读单选My friend has a big police dog named Kim. Police dogs are often very smart. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Kim for a long walk in the park. Kim likes walking very much.One Sunday afternoon a man visited my friend.He talked to my friend a long time. They talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Kim for his walk, but the man still stayed. Kim became very worried about his walk in the park. He walked around the living-room sometimes and at last sat down in front of the man and looked at him. But the man went on talking.After thirty minutes, Kim couldnt stand(忍受) it. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down in front of the man again but this time he held the mans hat in his mouth.31 . The story is about _.Adogs Bcats CpeopleDa police dog32 . What is the dog like?ASmartBDangerousCBigDEasygoing.33 . Where do they go for a walk?AIn the parkBOutside the houseCBehind the park DIn the living-room34 . When do they go for a walk?AOn MondaysBOn SaturdaysCOn weekends DEvery Sunday afternoon35 . Which of the following sentences is true(正确)?AThe man knew Kim wanted to go out for a walk.BKim doesnt like walking with my friend.CThe man thought Kim was dangerous.DKim sat down in front of the man because he asked him to leave.Bike-sharing has swept across China, with an increasing number of people choosing bike riding instead of driving. The bike that the service company provides has GPS or Bluetooth on it, and those bikes can be easily unlocked with a smart phone and left anywhere in public. Bike-sharing allows people to borrow a bike from one place and return it at another place easily.In some cities, we can see more and more people riding this kind of sharing-bikes. Its very convenient to use the bikes if you have a smart phone. First, you have to download such an APP on your smart phone. Then what you need to do is to find a nearest bike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike or connect your phone with the bike over a Bluetooth wireless connection. You will find the bike can be unlocked itself. Then you can enjoy your trip. Whats more, the greatest advantage of bike-sharing is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. The cost of riding depends on the time that you spend. Normally, every hour you ride, you need to pay one yuan. It doesnt cost so much, does it?At the same time, some people park the bikes in their own homes. Besides, some people dont value the bikes. Now service companies are trying to solve the problem like being stolen. Technology and science have changed our social lifestyles. We have to say bike-sharing brings us more convenience without doubt. And we also hope that people can not only enjoy it but also put it to good use.36 . From the first paragraph, we know _.Abike-sharing is invented in ChinaBsharing-bikes are used by some peopleCmost people in cities dont driveDsharing-bikes can be borrowed anywhere37 . If you want to use a sharing-bike, you must _ first.Ahave a smart phone and download an APPBdownload an APP and pay for the tripCunlock the bike and download an APPDfind a nearest bike and borrow it from anyone38 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?ABike-sharing is very cheap.BBike-sharing is a kind of green transport.CSharing-bikes are easy to unlock.DSharing-bikes may be stolen.Listening test is one of the most important parts of the English exam. Here are some tips for you.Before you start to listen, you need to relax. Dont be stressed out. And try to read the questions. These questions usually help you understand the conversation or the passage.Then listen carefully to the first sentence. It usually tells you the main idea of the passage. When youre listening, try to do some thinking and take some notes, such as:What happenedWhen, where, and howWhat does the speaker want to tell usIn this way, you may understand the passage better,Please remember not to think about one or two words for a long time. When you hear some words you dont know, dont spend too much time on them. Very often, youll find out what they mean later when you go on with the listening.39 . This passage mainly talks about_.Atips on listeningBtips on speakingCtips on readingDtips on writing40 . Its better for you to keep _when you start to have a listening test.AexcitedBworriedCstressed outDrelaxed41 . We should listen to the first sentence carefully, because it usually tells us_.Athe answers to the questionsBthe main idea of the passageCwhere to write the answersDhow much time left for the listening testHenry: I find the Internet is very good for shopping. I use it for buying books、CDs and even clothes. It is really good.David: I use the Internet for games. I play chess with people all over the world. I also download games from the Internet, so I can have any games I want.Peter: I use the Internet to help me with my school work. I use the online (在线的) dictionaries and books. It is great because I can download pictures and use them with my homework. It is very easy to use and it is free, so I like it.Tony: Well, I use the Internet to e-mail. I usually write to my customers (客户) by e-mail, and my customers answer me by e-mail, too. But of course, I also send e-mails to my friends and family. My daughter is in Australia and we talk with each other every day.42 . _ likes to use the Internet to buy things.AHenryBPeterCTonyDDavid43 . Davids hobby is to _ on the Internet.Aread booksBsend e-mailsCplay gamesDdownload pictures44 . Peter can use the Internet to _.Aplay chessBdo school workCdo some shoppingDtalk with his daughter45 . We can know that _.APeter is a teacherBTony is a businessmanCDavid is a doctorDHenry is a policeman46 . Which of the following is NOT right?AHenry often buys things online.BDavid often plays games with other people.CTony often e-mails to his customers, friends and family.DPeter needs to spend money on his online dictionaries and books.Considered as one of the English languages most talented poets, John Keats wrote poems that focused on imagination, human nature, and life. Although Keats didnt receive much education on literature, his own studies and interests brought him much success. Also, his own life situation made a great difference to his poems.Growing up as a young boy in London in a lower middleclass family, the young John didnt attend a private school, but went to a public one. His mother was not well educated. His teachers and his familys friends considered him as a common boy who preferred playing and fighting much more to minding his studies. After his fathers death in the early 1800s, followed by his mothers because of tuberculosis(肺结核), he began seeing life differently. He wanted to keep away from the world and did so by reading anything he could get his hands on.At around the age of 16, the teenage John Keats began studying medical treatment so that he too might become a doctor. However, his literary dream had taken too much of his life,especially with his love for the poems of Ehmund Spenser. He was able to have his first full poem published in the Examiner in 1816, named OSolitude!IfIMustWithTheeDwell. Within two months in 1817, Keats had written another full poem, but was sharply criticized (批评) by a magazine. However, it didnt stop his dream of poemsJohn Keats next work was Endymion, which was published in May 1818. The story includes a farmer who falls in love with the moon and leads him to a trip of one boys hope to deal with the limitations (限制) of being human. Following Endymion, however, he tried something more storybased and wrote Isabella. During this time, John Keats began seeing his limitations in poetry because of his own limit in life experiences. He would have to have the “knowledge” connected to his poems. His next work was Hyperion that would like to mix all that he learned together. However, a bout (发作) with tuberculosis while visiting Italy would keep him from his work and finally take his life in 1821.47 . John Keats thoughts about life changed because of _ .AEdmund Spensers poetryBthe deaths of his parentsCthe criticism of a magazineDhis early education from school48 . What is the common thing between John Keats and his mother?AThey received little education.BThey went to a private school.CThey died of the same disease.DThey showed strong interest in poetry.49 . What can we infer from the passage?AKeats once had a chance of becoming a doctor.BThe poem Hyperion wasnt completed by Keats.CEdmund Spenser was the greatest poet in Keats time.DKeats family must have been very poor when he was young.四、语法填空Think before we speak!It was a sunny and enjoyable day. Everyone in the railway station was waiting for the train 50 . (arrive). Among the crowd, there was a group of young friends who were on board for vacation.It was a busy station with a lot of people and some juice shops, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shops, etc. The train 51 . (arrive) and everyone prepared to get into the train to their seats.The group of friends made loud noise to welcome the train as it moved into the station. They ran to get their seats before anyone entered the train.The empty seats were 52 . (fill) and the train whistled (鸣汽笛) to move. An old man with a young boy 53 . (age) around 15 had their seats just next to the friends group. The young boy was so 54 . (surprise) to see everything. He cheered, Dad, the train is moving and the things 55 . (move) backward.His father smiled and 56 . (nod) his head.As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed (尖叫) , Dad, the trees are green in color and run backward very fast. His father said, “Yes, dear, and smiledJust like a kid, he was watching everything with great 57 . (interesting).A fruit seller passed 58 . (sell) apples, bananas and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, I want to eat apples. His father bought some for him. He said, Oh, this apple looks a lot 59 . (sweet) than it tastes. I love this color. The group was watching all the activities of this boy and asked the boys father, Is your son having any problem? Why is he behaving so 60 . (different)?His son is mad, I think, a friend from the group made fun of him and shouted.The father of the young boy, with patience, replied to the friends group, “My son was born blind. Only a few days ago he 61 . (operate). He is seeing different things in his life for the first time.The young friends became very quiet.五、材料作文62 . Tony是你的同班同学和好朋友,来自英国。请你以“My friend and I”为题,根据下面提示写一篇英语短文。要点如下:1. Tony性格比你外向,个子没你高;2. 他喜欢中文,学习努力,在班上英语最好,爱好运动;3. 新的一年,Tony打算组建一个足球队;4. 你想取得好成绩,培养一个新的爱好;5. 可适当自由发挥一至两点你的新年打算。注意:1. 内容要点全面,语句通顺,意思连贯,不要逐句翻译;2. 文中不要出现真实的人名、校名,词数60-80(文章开头已给出,不计入总数)。参考词汇:makev. 组建 gradesn.成绩 take up学着做,开始做My friend and ITony is my best friend and classmate. He comes from.England,_第 12 页 共 12 页

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