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武汉市2019-2020年度九年级上学期10月月考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -I was so careless that I was _ of some mistakes I made in the test.-I hope you can be more careful next time.AawareBafraidCunaware2 . -People in the UK say “biscuit”.-Right. But people in the USA say “_”.AsoccerBeraserCcookieDstore3 . Mr Wu is always the last one _ home after school.AgoesBgoes toCto goDto go to4 . All of us find _ necessary to take exercise every day.AthisBthatCitDthem5 . John usually gets up _ 6:00, but he goes to bed late _ night.Aat; atBon; inCin; inDin; at6 . We mustnt go into the teachers office without _ the door.Aknock onBknocked onCto knockDknocking on7 . You should keep your own room _.AcleanBto cleanCcleaningDcleaned8 . _ his surprise, the lady _ an orange dress is his English teacher.ATo; onBTo; inCin; onDin; with9 . Welcome to China!_.AThank youBNo she doesntCYes, it is.10 . What he said makes us very _.AhappilyBsadlyChappyDangrily二、完型填空阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。If you go to fast food restaurant, you can see a lot of teenagers. Today,_teenagers are_ because of their favorite food. Most teenagers _junk food _ a lot of fat, salt and sugar._ bad eating habits are more than junk food. We find many teenagers eat _ . Some dont have _ before they go to school. During the day, some dont _ a proper meal for lunch. In a survey _ one school, scientists found that over 65% of the students didnt have _ healthy diet.Parents today also _ about their childrens diet. Some doctors give the following_ : Teenagers shouldnt eat _ junk food .Teenagers shouldnt eat food with much_ . Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future.Teenagers should eat food without much fat, oil and sugar.Teenagers_ to eat some fruit and vegetables every day. Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins and they have little fat.11 . AmanyBmuchCa numberDmuch of12 . AthinBfatCshortDtall13 . AdislikeBbringCdoDlove14 . AofBfromCwithDat15 . ASoBWhileCButDThen16 . AhealthyBunhealthilyCunhealthyDhealthily17 . AbreakfastBlunchCsupperDdinner18 . AhasBhaveCto haveDhas to19 . AforBatCasDon20 . AanBtheCaD/21 . AworriesBworriedCto worryDworry22 . AplansBdecisionsCadviceDaction23 . Atoo manyBmany tooCtoo muchDmuch too24 . AvitaminsBsaltCwaterDsugar25 . AmustBshouldCneedDcan三、阅读单选Welcome to our food shop. All kinds of food are on sale! Do you need vegetables? We have many kinds of vegetables. They are not dear. Do you like milk? We have good milk, like Guangming, Mengniu and Yili, for just two yuan a bottle. Do you like chicken? Chicken is for just twelve yuan a kilo. Beef(牛肉) is for just eighteen yuan a kilo. Fish is for eight yuan a kilo. Come with your family and friends!根据短文内容,选择正确答案。26 . We can buy _ in the shop.AbikeBbookCshoesDmilk27 . Two bottles of milk is just _ yuan.A1B4C3D228 . A kilo of chicken is _ yuan.A2B12C20D2429 . Beef is _ yuan half a kilo.A9B18C36D830 . I need two kilos of fish. Its _ yuan.A8B4C16D20Andrew Engel was puzzled. He was sitting in class, but had no idea what the other students were talking about. He had done his homework, paid attention to lectures, and taken notes, but nothing was familiar. “Everyone is so much cleverer than I am,” he thought. It was a strange feeling, as he was always a good student in high school.He felt even more puzzled a few days later. He got lost on his way to his favorite cinema. Whats worse, he began having trouble finding the right words when speaking. He asked, “Whats for dinner, Mom?” after he had just eaten. Poor Andrew, he was only 15!His parents were worried and took Andrew to see a doctor. A brain scan(扫描) made it clear: Andrew had a malignant brain tumor(恶性脑肿瘤) . It was pressing on the part of the brain that makes new memory. He should be operated on as soon as possible. Andrew wasscared!Doctors removed the tumor, but Andrews memory was still poor. He was told he would probably never go back to school. Andrew was eager to enter a university, but it seemed that his dream wouldnt come true.“Even though they told me this, I knew I wanted to go back to school,” Andrew said. “I wanted to get my memory back.”Andrew began by auditing(旁听) an English class at a nearby school. In class, he took notes carefully and read his notes several times a day, then typed them again and again. He studied twelve hours a day, seven days a week. He worked ten times harder than other students. In 2007, at age 29, he graduated from a local university. Six months later, Andrew found a job.31 . Andrews strange behavior(行为) including all the following except_.Ahaving no idea what the other students were talking aboutBgetting lost on his way to his favorite cinemaChaving trouble finding the right words when speakingDnot knowing who he was32 . The underlined word scared in the third paragraph means “ _”.Avery frightenedBvery excitedCvery surprisedDvery happy33 . The tumor in Andrews brain _.Adidnt damage his memoryBdidnt have to be removedCcaused his forgetfulnessDis still in his brain34 . Andrew studied very hard at the nearby school because _.Ahe wanted to realize his dreamBhe liked to stay with other studentsChe wanted to forget his illnessDhis parents wanted him to do so35 . Which of the following is the best title of the article?AA man with an amazing brainBAn unusual story of memory lost and foundCHow to improve your memoryDNever lose your memoryIt was a very hot day in the middle of summer, and there were no trees along the street. Mr. Read closed his shop at half past four. His bike didnt work. So he went out into the street and began walking to the bus stop. He was very fat. The sun was high up in the sky, and soon Mr. Read felt very hot.A boy came out of another shop in the street and followed Mr. Read. He stayed very near him all the time, and he kicked Mr. Reads shoes some times. Mr. Read looked at him angrily each time.After the fourth time, Mr. Read stopped, turned around and said to the small boy, “What are you doing? Stop following me like that! Youre going to hurt my feet.”“Im sorry, but dont stop me, please!” the boy said. “Its very hot today and there arent any trees in the street!”36 . When did the story happen?AOn a summer morningBOn a hot noonCOn a hot afternoonDOn a cool day.37 . How did Mr. Read get to the bus stop?ABy busBBy carCBy bikeDOn foot38 . What did Mr. Read do after the boy kicked his his shoes some times?AHe asked the boy not hurt his feet.BHe let the boy walk in front of himChe told the boy to stop walking behind him.DHe liked the boy to go with him.39 . Why did the boy follow Mr. Read?ABecause he could find the way home.BBecause the sun wouldnt be on time.CBecause he wanted to follow Mr. Read home.DBecause the boy lost his way.四、用单词的正确形式完成短文begin fair or instead somebody miss use he old feelNobody can be happy all the time. You may become unhappy sometimes, for example, when you fail an exam.40 . you may become sad when you lose one of your friends. Its normal to have these41 . . If you dont know how to deal with these problems , you may learn something from Jeff.Jeff almost went mad when his42 . brother was killed in a car accident. He refused to play soccer or go to the movies with his friends.43 . , he just sat in his bedroom and didnt talk to44 . , even his parents. Jeff felt that the world was45 . .He was quite angry with the driver because his car hit his brother, even though it was an accident. After a few months, Jeff began to understand it was46 . to be angry. Now he still47 . his brother ,but he doesnt hate the driver any longer. He is48 . to talk to his parents and that makes them happy again. He no longer stays in his bedroom by49 . . Instead , he goes to the movies or plays sports with his friends. He is feeling better now.五、语法填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。A group of boys gathered around a tree,50 . a tall tree! they said to each other. The group of boys decided to play a game to see who could climb to the top of the tree first. The mothers were sitting not far away and 51 . (look) at the children as they played. One of the 52 . (climber) was an 8-year-old boy named David. He was53 . (short) child in the group. Nobody thought he would win the competition.Then the game started. All of the boys tried 54 . (they) best to climb as high as they could.55 . they all made it halfway up the tree before David did, he reached the top of the tree fastest in the end.His mother was glad56 . (see) this. She asked him, ”David, how did you manage to reach the top of the tree so 57 . (quick)?“It was easy,”David said. The other children 58 . (keep) looking down as they climbed. When they realized how high they were, they got scared and were afraid of falling down. However, I looked only up. When I saw how close I was, I went on going higher and higher until I reached the top.”It is true in life that if we just keep going forward 59 . looking back, we are more likely to reach our goals.六、回答问题DumplingsWith a history of more than 1,800 years, dumplings are a classic Chinese food. They are also a traditional dish on Chinese New Years Eve(除夕). They are really popular in China, especially(尤其)in the north of China.Dumplings usually look like Chinese silver ingots(银元宝). Chinese people like to eat dumplings. There are some interesting ideas about them. For example, the more dumplings you eat during the New Year celebrations, the more money you can make in the new year.Dumplings have different tastes because of their different fillings(馅). There are many different kinds of fillings. Some popular fillings are pork, shrimp, fish, chicken, beef, mutton and vegetables. Different people like to eat dumplings with different fillings. As for me, I like dumplings with mutton best. Do you know how to make dumplings? Almost all Chinese people can make dumplings. They think its very easy to make dumplings. Here is a recipe for making dumplings.First, mix the dough(面团).Second, make the dough into round wrappers(面皮) with a rolling pin(擀面杖).Third, fill the wrappers with fillings.Fourth, pinch(捏)the wrappers together.And fifth, cook them in the hot water.根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。60 . How many years of history do dumplings have?_61 . What do dumplings usually look like?_62 . Why do dumplings have different tastes?_63 . How many steps are there to make dumplings according to the passage?_64 . Are dumplings popular in the north of China or in the south of China?_七、多任务混合问题Hi Brad,Its good to hear from you again. I find that Im not good at writing compositions. Its hard for me to prepare the form of a composition and organize sentences. _I would really appreciate if you offer me some good methods.Best wishes,CindyHi Cindy,A composition is really a story and any story is told to an audience. There is a form for this and it is in three parts. First, tell them(the audience) what you are going to tell them. Then tell them, and finally tell them what you told them. Parts one and three are short and most of the information is in part two. It works like this.Lets say you are asked to write a 200-word composition about your visit to the Great Wall. You would begin with an opening sentence or two saying something like “The Great Wall of China is a national landmarkthat is famous around the world. I visited it last summer and I want to tell you about it.” That uses about 25 words to tell them what you are going to tell them.The second part would be about 150 words and would contain information about the Great Wall such as how long it is, when it was built, who built it and why, the fact that it is one of the seven wonders of the world and you would talk about how you felt and what you thought when you visited this national treasure. This is telling them.Finally, you would use about another 25 words to say something like “That was my first visit to the Great Wall and it was a very emotional experience to actually touch something so old and famous._.I plan to go back whenever I can.” Here, you are telling them what you told them in the story and wrapping it all up into a neat package. This formula(惯例)works for both compositions and speeches and I think you will find it helps to organize your thoughts. I hope its helpful.Best wishes,Brad Franklin65 . 将文中处的画线部分翻译成汉语:.66 . (A) 试写出文中处画线部分landmark的汉语意思:.(B)下面有四个在文中出现的单词,请找出画线部分发音哪个与众不同?.AworkBwordCinformationDworld67 . 将文中处的汉语翻译成英语:.68 . 从文中找出适当的词组填空:How I wish to get a letter from you soon!How I wish to _ _ you soon!69 . 用英语回答问题:Whats the main idea of the passage?.Riding a Mobike in the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After (A) walking into a store, you see that Huawei smartphones are on sale.But youre not in China - youre in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see similar things in many other cities. Chinese products have been going global (全球的) .Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time. To meet local peoples tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the dishes.“One example is the meat,” said Yin Hang, who is studying at the University of Woliongong in Australia.“We like to eat meat with the bone in, but people here dont. So Chinese restaurants provide big pieces of meat (B)_ bones, even for fish.”Some Chinese brands (品牌) are also (C) becoming more popular. In many cities in Europe,(D) stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers, reported Reuters.More than half of US-owned drones (无人机) are Chinese models, according to China Daily. Theyre not simply made in China, (E)_ designed and developed (开发) in the country.In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and unreliable ( 可靠的) .(F) 但是事情已经发生了极大的变化。 “Made in China” has become cool and more people trust Chinese brands.For example, Huawei, one of Chinas major smartphone makers, overtook Apple in global smartphone sales for the first time in June and July, behind only Samsung, noted consulting (咨询) firm Counterpoint Research. “Huawei smartphones are beautiful and offer some practical (实用的) feature (特点) American phones dont have,” CNN once said about Chinese smartphones.70 . 写出文中画线部分(A)和(C)的同义词或近义词:_;_71 . 在文中(B)和(E)的空白处填入适当的单词:_;_72 . 将文中画线部分(D)改写为:TCL television, Haier fridges and Lenovo computer_ in stores, reported Reuters.73 . 将文中画线部分(F)译成英语:_74 . 从文中找出两个描述华为手机优势的形容词:_八、话题作文75 . Writing(作文)Write at least 60 words on the topic “I am an independent boy (girl) ”(以“我是个独立的男(女)生”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)现实生活中有些学生过分依赖父母和他人,不会做任何家务,不会照顾自己的生活,学习上缺乏自信,不能独立做事或作出决定。请举例证明你在学习和生活中是个独立的男(女)生。Give examples to prove that you are independent in several ways.(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。)The following phrases are for reference only. (以下短语仅供参考)do housework take care of oneself make a decision on ones own第 12 页 共 12 页


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