英语七年级上册Unit 1 Section A(3a-3c)课时练习(青岛专版)

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英语七年级上册Unit 1 Section A(3a-3c)课时练习(青岛专版)_第1页
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英语七年级上册Unit 1 Section A(3a-3c)课时练习(青岛专版)_第3页
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英语七年级上册Unit 1 Section A(3a-3c)课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ is your pencil? Its white.AWhatBWhats colorCWhat color2 . Tom and Ann _ in the same class.AisBareCamDbe3 . 早晨见面问好, 你应该说_AGood morning.BGood afternoon.CGood evening.4 . -Do you like watching ping-pong matches?-Yes, and _ favorite ping-pong player is Ma Long.AweBusCourDours5 . Is Jenny _ sister? No, _ isnt.Aher; sheBher; herCshe; sheDshe; her6 . Sandy lives near my house. So_ always go to school together.AweBtheyCIDshe7 . Does Bob _ a cat? Yes, he does. The cat _ a nice room.Ahave; hasBhas; haveChave; haveDhas; has8 . Does Peter have a tennis racket? _ . But he has some tennis balls.AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes ,she does.DNo, she doesnt.9 . How did Jack get out of the forest? By leaving some _.AmapsBtouristsCmarksDtelephones二、完型填空One day, I took my daughter to the local playground. The minute we got there, my daughter ran to the swing(秋千)and asked for a push. When I was helping my daughter, I _ another girl trying to make her swing go high by herself. Her old grandmother smiled at me, lying on the _ nearby. Maybe she was too old and had to lie on the chair and watch her granddaughter playing.I gave my daughter a big push and then walked towards the little girl. I asked gently _ could do for her. She smiled and said quietly but happily, _ her big shining eyes, Could you please give me a push, too? For the next two hours, I kept pushing the swings and playing with my daughter and the little girl. When we got home, I was very tired. But my heat was flying much _ than the swings.One day, two years later, after a long days work, I was a bit tired, but I needed to _ my daughter before going home. While I was waiting outside the school gate beside my car, a little girl came over and smiled sweetly at me. She gave me a big hug _ she got on her school bus. As I watched her running away, I didnt feel _ anymore.In life, the love we give to _ will find its way back to us. It may travel from heart to _ or it may blossom(开花)in the heart which is planted in. The love we share, the kindness we give, and the happiness we create will always come back to us with a big surprise.10 . AdroveBnoticedCheardDcaught11 . AchairBbedCtableDground12 . AwhoBwhatChowDwhy13 . AtoBofCwithDfor14 . AearlierBdeeperCbetterDhigher15 . Aend upBput upCpick upDtake up16 . AbeforeBuntilCunlessDafter17 . AwarmBsadCcrazyDtired18 . AanotherBthe othersCothersDother19 . AheadBheartCarmDhand三、阅读单选Dear Peter,My name is Frank. I am from (来自) America. Here is a picture of my class. We are in Class One, Grade Seven.You can see my friends in the picture. Jimmy likes to play basketball. He likes to eat apples and French fries. Helen likes math. Her favorite food is hamburgers. Sandra doesnt like math. But she can speak French (法语). She likes pingpong. Sally is a black girl. She likes to swim (游泳). She likes to eat ice cream. I like math, too. Can you find me? I like to eat bananas. Maria likes to study computer very much. She plays computer games very well. Nick is fun. He is good at playing football. He likes strawberries best.Can you send (发送) me a picture of your class.Yours,Frank20 . How many friends does Frank have in the picture?AFiveBSixCSevenDEight21 . _ like(s) sports.AJimmy, Sandra and SallyBMaria, Nick and JimmyCJimmy, Sandra, Sally and NickDFrank, Maria, Nick and Jimmy22 . _ like(s) math.AHelen and FrankBSandra and PeterCHelen and SandraDNick and Peter23 . Who is the efriend of Frank?ASallyBSandraCPeterDJimmy四、句型转换句型转换。24 . He has short hair.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ short hair?25 . Do you have a sister?(作否定回答)_, I _.26 . She has long legs.(同义句转换)_ legs _ long.27 . I am from China.(同义句转换)I _China.28 . We arent in the same class.(同义句转换)We are in _.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子29 . Though the little boy is only three years old, he can dress h_ .30 . No matter what happens, believe in y_ , boys and girls.31 . As is known to all, a_who breaks the rules should be punished.32 . The students in Miss Wangs class are all trying t_best to study hard to go to the university.33 . Its terribly hot outside. There isnt a_ in the square.34 . She wants me to meet an old friend of h_.35 . I have two hobbies. One is swimming, and the o_ is playing soccer.36 . Is there a_interesting on the Internet?37 . When Jane woke up after a dream, she found h_ under the bed. 38 . The doctor told him that he should take a holiday to relax himself, but i_ didnt help.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。每空限用一次meet, be, thank , spell, be not39 . Can you _ your name t please? L-U-C-Y.40 . I often(经常)_ Jack at school.41 . What _ your name? My names Frank.42 . How are you?Fine, _ you. And you?43 . Are you Ms. Wang? No,I _ .七、完成句子根据课文内容及提示完成句子44 . _ this in_?这个用英语怎么说?45 . _ orange. 它是一个橙子。46 . _ in English?那个用英语怎么说?47 . _ map. 它是一张地图。48 . 请拼写它。_ it, _.根据汉语意思,完成下列句子每空一词。49 . 去购物如何?What about _ _?50 . 这是我这学期第三次打羽毛球赢了他。This is the third time that _ _ him in badminton this term.51 . 我太穷买不起车。Im not _ _ to buy a car.52 . 通常是妈妈做家务。_ are usually _ by Mum.53 . 近来可好?How is _ _ ?54 . 十年以后,我能自己赚钱Ill be _ _ make money by myself in ten years.55 . 你介意我把门打开吗?Would you mind _ _ the door ?56 . 我对这本书很感兴趣。This book _ _ very much.57 . 英语老师说我进步很大。The English teacher said that I had _ great _.58 . 那要看明天的天气如何。That _ _ what the weather will be like tomorrow.第 7 页 共 7 页


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