英语七年级上册Module 5 Unit 3 同步检测卷

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英语七年级上册Module 5 Unit 3 同步检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There is always so much _ in the park. I cant stand it.AsoundBnoiseCvoiceDpronunciation2 . My father often gets up_7:30 _the morning_Sunday.Ain;at;onBat;on;inCin;on;atDat;in;on3 . - Is the blouse made _ cotton?- Yes, it is made _ 2014. Its the newest this year.Afrom; ofBof; onCof; in4 . _ the population _ Dalian?AHows; ofBWhats; ofCWhats; forDHow many; of5 . We _take the books out of the reading-room. We _ only read the books here.Amustnt, shouldBshould, mustntCcant, canDshould, can6 . We have _ English class _ Monday morning.Aan; inBa; on Ca; inDan; on7 . -When do youhome? -At around 6: 00.Ato getBgetCget toDgets8 . is your room number?Its B225.AHow muchBHow manyCWhatDHow9 . It is 7 oclock now. Its time _.Ato wake up himBwaking him upCto wake him upDfor waking up him10 . -How did youyour vacation?-Its. Everything was really interesting.Alike, boringBthink of, boringClike, wonderfulDthink of, wonderful11 . -_ do you read English newspaper?-I read China Daily every day.AHow soonBHow longCHow often12 . Shes going to see a filmSunday evening.AinBonCatDto13 . This beautiful island is often full of travelers coming from all over the world.Afilled withBmade fromCbored withDclose to14 . When you _ the road, you should look left and right before going _ it.Across, acrossBcross, crossCacross, crossDacross, across15 . Peter, are these things on the sofa yours?,please.APut it awayBPut away itCPut them awayDPut away them二、补全对话6选5.补全对话A: Good morning, Jill. 16 . B: Yes, sure.A: What time do you usually get up?B: 17 . A: Do you eat healthy food every day?B: Yes. 18 . A: And do you exercise every day?B: Yes. Every morning I run with my brother.A: 19 . B: Yes, I have some bread and milk at home.A: Well, what time do you go to bed in the evening?B:20 . A: Oh, your habits are really good.AI eat fruit and vegetables every day.BI usually get up at six oclock.CI go to bed at 9:30 in the evening.DDo you have breakfast at home?ECan I ask you some questions?三、补全短文5选5Hi, I am Joe. Im 13 years old.21 . I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil, but now I live in Los Angeles, USAI have two brothers and a sister. My brothers are Carlos and Mattias and my sister is Giovanna. My parents are Luisa and Johan. We live in a big house(房子).22 . There is a big bookcase ,a blue bed and a small sofa in it. Carlos and Mattias are in a room. They have yellow beds ,but they dont have a bookcase .My sisters room is tidy . 23 . In my free time ,I like reading and playing sports. My favorite books are about music and sports .24 . On Saturdays, I have a music class. On Sundays, I like to play basketball with my father and my brothers.I like traveling(旅行)very much .25 . We have visited many cities ,like London ,Tokyo ,New York and Paris. We will(将要)go to Beijing next time(下次).AIm a student in a middle school.BBut in my room there are books everywhere.CMy favorite room in the house is my bedroom.DI go on trips with my family every holiday(假期)EI always play soccer or basketball with my friends after school.四、完型填空My name _ Bill. Im _ English boy. Im twelve. Im a middle school student. Li Lei is my _. Were in the same class. Here is a photo _ his family. Look, this is his _. He is a policeman. His _ is a teacher of English. She is a good teacher. Li Lei has _ sisters. _ are twins(双胞胎). Their _ are Fang Fang and Yuan Yuan. They have a cat. We are good _, too.26 . AamBisCareDcall27 . AaBanCDthe28 . AbrotherBcousinCfriendDteacher29 . AatBinCofDfor30 . AparentsBmotherCgrandparentsDfather31 . AparentsBmotherCgrandparentsDfather32 . AaBoneCtwoDthree33 . ASheBHeCWeDThey34 . AnameBnamesCfamily namesDfirst name35 . AfamilyBparentsCfriendsDnames五、句型转换按要求完成句子,每空一词,请注意句子的标点符号36 . This is a blue pen.(对划线部分提问)_ ?37 . That is Toms watch.(改为否定句)That _ Toms watch.38 . Is his name Frank?(做否定回答)_, _isnt.39 . They are my rulers.(变一般疑问句)_ they _ rulers?40 . He is a good boy.(变成复数句)_ are good _.41 . Her name is Gina.(同义句)_ Gina.42 . Those are good photos.(变单数句)_ a good photo.43 . Is this girl your friend?(做否定回答)No, _.44 . Bobs keys are on the table.(对划线部分提问)_ Bobs keys?45 . are, two, here, family, nice, of, photos, my (连词成句)_.六、填写适当的单词补全句子根据汉语意思完成句子46 . “他的生日是什么时候?”“他的生日是1月17日。”_is _ birthday?His birthday is _ January 17th.47 . “你弟弟的生日是什么时候?”“是6月16日。”When is _birthday?Its _.48 . “他们的生日是什么时候?”“他们的生日在1月。”When _?Their _.49 . 你的生日是2月1日吗?_ your birthday _?七、用单词的正确形式完成短文十一、综合填空:选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、正确。arrive,bike,can,do,exercise,finish,I,must,rule,readIm ScottThere are many 50 . in my homeI must get up at six oclockThen I do some 51 . After that,I have to 52 . English for ten minutesI have breakfast at seven oclockThen I go to school by 53 . The first class is at twenty to eight and the last class 54 . at 3:30 in the afternoonI cant play games with my classmates after schoolI 55 . go homeAfter 56 . home,I must do my homework firstThen I have to help 57 . mother make dinnerAfter dinner,I 58 . watch TV for an hourOn the weekendI have to clean my room and 59 . the dishesI can go swimming or play tennis on Sunday afternoon八、多任务混合问题Learning to communicate well is a skill you will use all your life. You need this skill in your personal life to express your feelings to friends and family members. You need to be able to communicate well in school, too.Your future job success may also depend on your ability to communicate. Kinds of CommunicationThere are two main kinds of communication. The first kind is verbal communication( 语言交流 ). It includes the use of words to send information. Speaking and writing are both forms of verbal communication.Nonverbal communication( 非语言交流) includes any means of sending a message that does not use words. Your appearance, body language and the way you react are all forms of nonverbal communication.Global(全球的) ConnectionsCommunication DifferencesWestern cultures value direct eye contact(交流 ) and train kids to “look people in the eye”. But Japanese, African, and many Latin American cultures avoid eye contact to show respect.Go Green Green TechnologyHave you ever considered computers to be green technology? Think about all the trees needed to make paper for books and your written activities. The ability to transfer( 转移 ) the written tasks to a computer makes it quite an environmentally friendly invention. Community ConnectionsGood MannersIt is easy to have good manners if you try to think of others first. If someone new joins your group of friends or moves into your neighborhood. Make a self-introduction first. Make him or her feel welcome. Help someone who needs a hand. Hold the door open for the person behind you.Being an Active ListenerCommunication is a two-way process. Sometimes you are the sender and sometimes you are the receiver. To receive the messages clearly, it helps to be an active listener. Active listening is a communication skill in which the listener shows a clear understanding of what a person is saying. You can do this in several ways.Repeat what you think the speaker is saying.Let the speaker know you are listening by nodding or shaking your head.If the message you receive is not clear, ask questions.Listen before answering.Do not interrupt(打断). Allow the speaker to finish what he or she has to say.60 . Please translate the underlined(划线的) sentence into Chinese.(不超过 25 个汉字)61 . Why are computers mentioned when talking about verbal communication?62 . Which good nonverbal communication behaviors are given in the passage? (One or two examples are OK)63 . In the passage, the underlined word “this” refers to(指)_.64 . After reading the passage, what do you think of your communication skills? Why do you think so?第 8 页 共 8 页


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