英语七年级上册 Module 4 Unit2同步练习

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英语七年级上册 Module 4 Unit2同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话5选5根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。A: Kate, lets go shopping for some vegetables and meat.B: OK.1 . A: Yes,we have.B: And do we need any carrots?A: 2 . B: How about some potatoes?A: 3 . Lets get some potatoes.B: All right.4 . A: No,we have got some.5 . B: OK.ANo, your dad doesnt like carrots.BGood idea!CToo much chocolate is bad for you.DHave we got any chicken?ECan I get some chocolate, Mum?二、补全短文5选5When packing a lunch, you need to remember the rules about food safety.6 . Every counter that will have food on it should be cleaned before you start. You should also make sure to wash your hands with warm, soapy water. Make sure you use clean dishes to put the food in.7 . Dogs cant usually get on it. But cats can jump that high and get on the table in the kitchen. Train your cats not to jump on the table.8 . Leftovers from last nights dinner can be a great choice for lunch the next day. But if you sat around the table after eating, or the food was out for more than two hours, find something else to put in the lunch. I you arent sure if the leftover is still good, throw it out.9 . After eating your lunch, youd better wash the box that you used to bring lunch at once. Or germs may grow in it and cause lots of disease.10 . Foods can go had very quickly during the summer. Put them in cool places to keep cool. The food should not get warmer than forty degrees.根据材料内容从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。AClean your lunch box immediately.BStart with a clean kitchen.CMake sure to put your lunch in a cooler place.DIt is important to keep pets off the table.E. Use fresh foods to make the lunch.三、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)Do you want to be 100 years old? You can learn from the Japanese. There are about 20,000 men and women more than 100 years old in Japan. You may ask, “Why do they _ so long?Do they have much stress (压力)?” Yes. They often work long hours. And just like in other countries, many people have bad _ - they often drink alcohol (喝酒) and they smoke. Whats more, many people dont get a lot of sleep, and they hardly ever take holidays. So, what is the secret? Dr. Shibahara, 92, has some ideas. “Its the diet. The Japanese diet is very _.” I drink green tea two or three times a day. I eat fish two or three times a week and only sometimes eat meat. “Exercise is very necessary (有必要的), too,” says Dr. Shibahara. I often _ a lot. Every day Dr. Shibahara takes the stairs, not the elevator (电梯). He also spends a lot of time with other people. He takes night classes, goes to the movies with his grandchildren and often _ with his wife. She is 89! “_ people die young,” Dr. Shibahara says. “Eat well, walk more, and spend more time with family and friends,” he advises.11 . AstartBliveCstudyDplay12 . AhabitsBfoodsCmagazinesDhouses13 . AbigBdeliciousCstrangeDhealthy14 . AtalkBeatCwalkDremember15 . Aruns awayBtakes notesCgoes on picnicsDcatch thieves16 . ALonelyBHappyCGentleDLovely四、阅读单选Mary: Yeah , I think my habits are healthy. Every day I get up early and go to bed early. Every morning I eat breakfast and eat well .I eat fruit and vegetables every day .And every day I play soccer for two hours with my friends.Alan:No ,I dont .I get up late so I dont have time to eat breakfast. For lunch ,I usually like to eat hamburgers. I know they are not good for me but I like them. I never play sports .In the evening ,after I finish my homework ,I usually play computer games .I go to bed late at about 11:00.Helen: My habits are very good .I never eat unhealthy food. Ice cream tastes good but I never eat it .I t s unhealthy .Every day I get up 6;00 and go to bed at eight thirty. I eat well and play sports every day .I run with my father for half an hour in the morning .So I m very healthy.17 . Mary _with her friends every day .Agoes to schoolBdoes her homeworkCplay soccerDhas lunch18 . What does Alan usually have for lunch?AhamburgersBvegetablesCchickensDfruit19 . Alan goes to bed at about _A9:00B10:00C11:00D12:0020 . Why doesnt Helen eat ice-cream?ABecause she doesnt like it.BBecause its not healthy.Cbecause it doesnt taste good.Dbecause her parents dont let her eat it.21 . Helen runs with her _in the morning.AfatherBfriendsCclassmatesDparents五、句型转换V. 同义句转换22 . To ask the ladies about their ages is impolite. _ the ladies about their ages.23 . I hope I can pass the exam next time.I hope _ the exam next time.24 . I am enjoying myself here in the south of England.I am _ here in the south of England.25 . The boy is so old, and he can go to school.The boy is old _ go to school.26 . I study hard so that I can go to college.(改为简单句)I study hard _ go to college.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意, 用括号中所给的汉语提示或单词的适当形式填空, 使句意完整, 每空一词。27 . The cotton jeans are very _to wear.(舒服的)28 . We can see some _pictures on the wall.(英雄)29 . The Blacks are _a trip to Yangzhou now.(计划)30 . _is so interesting a subject that we all like it.(生物)31 . There are about _ students reading books in the library.(四十)32 . All of us had a wonderful time _ Millies birthday yesterday. (celebrate)33 . I dont think this pair of shoes _ her blue jeans. (match)34 . Jack is looking for his key ring. Maybe this belongs to _. (he)35 . 1 dont think two kilograms of beef _ enough for us ten. (be)36 . We were late for the film, but _we didnt miss much. (luck)七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子, 每空格限填一词)37 . An _ calculator is very useful when we do calculations. (electron).38 . Its very difficult to _ the problem of air pollution. (solution)39 . Thomas Edison was one of the most famous _ in the world. (invention)40 . Walt Disney _ a lot of interesting cartoon characters in his whole lifetime. (creative)41 . Heres the _ for the class meeting next Monday. (arrange)42 . Its about ten _ walk from my home to my school. (minute)43 . Dont try to _ the dog away. It will bite you. (frightening)44 . Disneyland is a famous _ park in the U.S. and many children go there for fun during the summer holiday. (amuse)八、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子, 使句子通顺、正确whose, lose, mine, my, your, yours, her, hers, careful, purple45 . Tony, is this _ bag? No, its not_. Let me ask Lingling. Maybe its _.46 . _ pen is this? Its _ pen. I am looking for it.47 . What colour are Marys shoes? _ shoes are _.48 . Mr Smiths watch is in the _ and found box.49 . Is this sweater _,Tom? Please be_ with your things. Thanks a lot. I will.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次,每空一词。remember;eye;breakfast;stay;delicious50 . We see many nice things with our_.51 . Working without _ is a bad habit.52 . The food here is _.53 . I cant _ their names.54 . The teacher asks her students to_ quiet(安静的)in class.九、语法填空词语运用。Paul is often seen walking around San Francisco. Sometimes people are 55 . (surprise) to see him walking without any shoes, b 56 . he doesnt mind at allAHe really57 . (like) to walk barefoot (赤脚), and so do 640 other members of Dirty Sole SocietyAIt is a club Paul 58 . (begin) years agoAHis idea for this is to encourage others to live 59 . (free) free of shoes.According to Paul, the barefoot life has lots of advantages. The most important is that it makes people feel g60 . AHe also says walking barefoot allows you to directly experience 61 . world we live in. In addition (此外), the feet do not smell so much because they stay dry, making it hard for bacteria (细菌) to grow. O62 . course, walking barefoot keeps your 63 . (foot) in good shape, so its 64 . (healthy) than wearing shoesA第 7 页 共 7 页


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