英语七年级第一学期Unit 4 Jobs people do单元测试卷

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英语七年级第一学期Unit 4 Jobs people do单元测试卷_第1页
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英语七年级第一学期Unit 4 Jobs people do单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Well study in different schools next term. Enjoy your time in the new school!_AIll take your advice.BThe same to you.CCongratulations!DYou are welcome.2 . We must keep the environment .AcleanedBcleaningCcleanDcleans3 . A lot of storiesby grandma when I was young.Atold meBare told meCwere told meDwere told to me4 . David is busy because he moves _ furniture to peoples new flats every day.Aa fewBmanyCa littleDmuch5 . Lets go by train. .AThats a good ideaBThanksCYes, pleaseDIm sorry to hear that6 . Have you heard _the terrible accident happened _the afternoon of April 2?Afrom; inBof; inCof; onDfrom; on7 . -Is that woman_the right your aunt?-No, she isnt. The woman in front_me is my aunt.Aof; onBon; ofCof; ofDon; on8 . Are you alone? 1 just want to have aword with you.AsingleBawfulCprivateDcertain9 . Good health is importantus so we should eat.Ato, healthyBfor, healthyCto, healthilyDfor, healthily10 . Dalian is of China.Ato the northBnorthCin the northDon the north11 . -How long can we read in the reading room? -It _ from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day.AopenBopensCis openDis opening12 . A recent shows that 80% of young people buy things online.AsurveyBtaskCadvantageDinstruction13 . Where was Helen Keller from?Athe USABthe UKCAustraliaDCanada14 . Two policemen came towards the man in black. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A/tw:dz/B/tw:dz/C/tw:dz/D/tw:dz/15 . We plan _ basketball tomorrow.Ato playBplayCplayingDplays16 . ( ). Please look _ the boy.AatBonCinDto17 . When you have trouble, you can _me _help.Aask, forBlook, forCfind, outDask, in18 . How would your family like to travel?My mother prefers to take a bus to travel, while my father always sticks_.AdriveBdrivingCto driveDto driving19 . We look forward to _ you again.AseeBseesCseenDseeing20 . If you dont know how to spell the new words, _ in a dictionary.Alook them upBlook at themClook up themDlook them at二、完型填空完型填空Andi Davise, a 49-year-old woman liked hiking. She crossed the trail through the Phoenix Mountains Preserve with a few other hikers as usual. But this morning, she met_and heard only the sounds of the animals.After a while, she reached the steep slope (陡坡), she climbed up to the top_her hands. When she finally got to the top of the mountain, she_a dark shape several inches from her left foot. She was_and then looked carefully. “Its a dog and its dead,” she said to herself. It took her a few seconds to realize that the dogs eyes were_She greeted in a low and soft_to show she was friendly. The bull dog shook when he heard her.Andi inched(一点点移动)_and dropped some water into the dogs mouth. He tried to stand up but failed. Something was wrong with his left_Andi pulled out her phone to contact her husband, Jason,_, he didnt notice it. She knew that if she didnt carry the dog_the mountain, he would die.Andi had_trouble going down the steep, rocky mountainside with the 50-pound animal in her arms. Even her arms and back started aching, she didnt give up. The trip up_minutes while going back down took twice that.Andis_received her messages at last. He and their son, Justin, jumped into the car and_to pick up Andi.Later that morning, an X-ray showed that the bull dog was badly hurt, he was likely to_his left leg. A few days later, the Davises returned to the animal hospital. They named the dog Elijah and brought him home that day.21 . A. nobody B. everybody C. anybody D. somebody22 . A. making B. using C. having D. thinking23 . A. knew B. heard C. noticed D. looked24 . A. satisfied B. sad C. excited D. frightened25 . A. open B. closed C. big D. small26 . A. sound B. voice C. noise D. hearing27 . A. faster B. slower C. closer D. longer28 . A. foot B. eye C. ear D. leg29 . A. however B. but C. so D. yet30 . A. up B. down C. left D. right31 . A. few B. little C. great D. many32 . A. paid B. cost C. spent D. took33 . A. husband B. son C. wife D. daughter34 . A. ran B. drove C. walked D. jumped35 . A. lose B. lost C. loss D. miss三、阅读单选Many years ago,when I was working as a volunteer in a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Lisa. The poor little girl had a very serious disease and was dying. The doctor had done his best but no medicine really worked. The only chance to save her seemed to be a blood transfusion(输血)from her five-year-old brother. The little boy had the same disease before and had developed the antibodies(抗体)to fight the illness.The doctor talked to the boy about what they planned to do, and asked him if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate(迟疑)for a moment. He took a deep breath and said, “Yes, Ill do it if it can save Lisa.”As the transfusion was going on, the little boy lay quietly in bed next to his sister. He 1ooked at her and smiled all the time. When everything was done and the colour returned to his sisters face, his smile disappeared(消失) and he looked a little afraid. He 1ooked up at the doctor and asked, “Will I die now?”He was too young to understand the doctor. He thought he would have to give all his blood to his sister, but he agreed.36 . What happened to the 1ittle girl named Lisa?AShe died of a very serious disease.BShe got better with the antibodies from her brother.CShe lost her little brother.DThe doctor didnt save the girl.37 . The doctor waited the little boy to_.Agive all his blood to his sisterBgive some of his blood to his sisterCgive his life to his sisterDget the same disease as his sister38 . How did the five-year-o1d boy understand the doctors plan?AHe thought he was going to lose all his blood.BHe thought he was going to be killed.CHe thought he was going to die together with his sister.DHe thought he was going to die when he grew up.39 . What did the boy feel when the doctor talked to him about the transfusion?AHe was unhappy to help his sister.BHe was so afraid that he refused to do anything.CHe was a little angry.DHe was willing to give his blood to his sister.四、句型转换Rewrite the sentences as required.(按要求改写下列句子,每空一词)40 . He does morning exercises at 6:00 every day. (改为否定句)He _morning exercises at 6:00 every day.41 . Kitty sometimes plays badminton with her uncle at weekends. (就画线部分提问)_ does Kitty play badminton with her uncle at weekends?42 . Alice would like to be a doctor in the future.(保持句子意思不变)Alice_ be a doctor in the future.43 . He usually finishes work at six oclock in the evening. (就画线部分提问)_ he usually finish work?44 . have been to, with, a lot of places, in Shanghai, Kitty and Alice, their cousin. (连词成句)_第三节根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题45 . Do they often have an art lesson on the playground? (用now代替often改写句子)_46 . Put your schoolbag on the desk, please. (改为否定句)_47 . There is a little rice in the bag. (就划线部分提问)_48 . We met at the school gate last Saturday. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_Complete the flowing sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子):49 . He went home late last night. (改为否定句)He _ home late last night.50 . My grandma changes her password to Wechat every two weeks. (对划线部分提问)_ does your grandma change her password to Wechat?51 . My classmate Judy often goes to school on foot. (保持句意基本不变)My classmate Judy often _ school.52 . the mountains, I, pictures, love, of, drawing(连词成句)_根据要求改写句子53 . Our train number is T28. (对画线部分提问)_ your train number?54 . We will start immediately. (改写同义句)We will start _ .55 . He stopped working after 11 oclock last night. (改写同义句)He didnt _ until 11 oclock last night.56 . I can take care of myself. (改写同义句)I can _ myself.57 . The Greens went to Paris by plane last month. (改写同义句)The Greens _ Paris last month. 根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相同或相近,每空一词。58 . Maybe he is in the library. He _ in the library.59 . This book is more interesting than that one.That book is _ interesting _ this one.60 . How do you like this trip?What do you _ this trip?61 . Why dont you tell him about it?_ tell him about it?根据所给提示,完成句子,每空一词,含缩略词。62 . Lucy found the new supermarket by asking the policeman for help.(对画线部分提问)_ did Lucy _ the new supermarket?63 . Whenever he comes back to Chongqing, he will visit his grandparents first.(同义句转换)_ when he comes back to Chongqing , he will visit his grandparents first.64 . A thief stole the medicine when Jim was not at home.(一般疑问句)_ a thief _ the medicine when Jim was not at home ?65 . 昨天我错拿了Lisa的雨伞。(完成译句)I took Lisas umbrella _ yesterday.66 . 蒂娜的英语老师对她影响很大。(完成译句)Tinas English teacher has had a great _ her.67 . The policemen stopped the traffic to let the fire engine come quickly.(对划线部分提问)_ the policemen stop the traffic?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)68 . I cant do the_question but I have finished doing the other. (four )69 . Peters mother has promised to buy_a Millet Bracelet(小米手环) as a present. (he)70 . As a good detective, Ken looks for clues carefully and never jumps to_.(conclusion)71 . My partner was_ill and she had an operation the day before yesterday. ( serious)72 . Having done enough revision work, Joe is sure that hell_in the final exam.(success)73 . That shop sells a_of unusual, fun model cars, many kids like to go there. (vary)74 . Linda is a_leader in our group. She is always active in dealing with problems.(confidence)75 . When you feel tired or_, you can look for something interesting to do.(happy)Word translation76 . Several policemen _ these robbers to the prison last night. (transportation)77 . At most of the important _in the USA, there is a plan of the streets. (across)I never heard a _word from her lips.78 . Excuse me, what is the _of an air letter? (poster)79 . The young man was lucky enough to be still _after the accident.(life)80 . The twin brothers_ their birthday presents and cards on their birthday last year.(change)81 . The problem is too hard. I think there is no _ for me to work it out.(possible)82 . The train _ often need to check tickets and help passengers. (conduct)83 . To our surprise, the _ took the fire from his mouth. (magic)84 . Because of tiredness, he is driving _ on the road.(danger)85 . From the _ in the museum, you will know more about history. (exhibition)86 . Liz goes between her two friends to help them solve their _. (agree)87 . The actor was excited when he won the Oscar Award. He _ his dream finally.(real)88 . A large number of parents in China hope that their children can be great _ in the future.(piano)89 . Danny looks _ than before, because he eats food very _ now.(health)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空90 . Wendy always does her homework _ (careful) and she usually gets an “A”.91 . “Where did I put the key? ” the boy asked _ (he).92 . Tom is in the bathroom. Would you please call him _ (late)?93 . My father _ (leave) for Shanghai this morning, and he is in Shanghai now.94 . There are some _ (bush) behind the house.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空95 . “Thirteen” is considered an unlucky number in some _ (west)countries.96 . Sally couldnt stop _ (smile)when she looked at the photo.97 . The hunter(猎人)_ (shoot) the lion just now.98 . I think its not the best way _ (solve) the problem.99 . The cheats kept all the things for _ (them).100 . Jack watched the football game instead of _(play) the piano .101 . I _ (shoot) a bird in the tree yesterday.102 . Yu Gong kept _(try) and didnt give up .103 . My sister becomes interested in _(swim).104 . We couldnt stop_(laugh) after we heard the story.105 . The two men were trying _(cheat) the emperor .106 . Who is brave enough _(eat) my house?107 . As soon as the man finished _(talk) , Yu Gong said his family could.108 . I _ (call )you as soon as he comes.109 . The teacher reminds me_(take) my homework to school tomorrow.110 . Lucy continues _(write) while in hospital .111 . Long long ago, there _(be) ten suns in the sky. Every day, one of them set out on his journey across the sky, but one day all ten suns _(get) together. As a result, the world was so hot that many plants, animals and people died. Finally, the god _(send) Hou Yi _(save) the world.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。112 . When you go to the beach, you can enjoy all the water sports, or_(simple) lie on the beach.113 . Dennis is always on time. Its_ (usual) for him to be late.114 . You must pay attention to your _(pronounce), especially some new words.115 . Thousands of tourists come to enjoy the _ (beautiful) of the West Lake every year.116 . Being afraid that Tim is lonely, his mom wants to have a _(two) baby to play with him.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)117 . The old tree is so tall that no one knows the age and the _ of it. (high)118 . I found a schoolbag on the playground, but didnt know who the _ of it was.(own)119 . The weather report says it will _ rain tonight.(probable)120 . If you want to be an accountant, you should always work very _.(care)121 . _ exercise is needed in order to be healthy.(physics)122 . Some people keep dogs as their pets because they think dogs are much _ to people than cats. (friend)123 . I was _ to meet Frank in the street last night because we hadnt seen each other for a long time.(excite)124 . Ive _ a photo of me. The one on the far left is me.(close)用所给动词的适当形式填空125 . How long does it take you _(get)home from school by bike?126 . When he met his old classmate, he stopped _(chat)with her.127 . Mr. Wang asked the question again, but nobody _(reply).128 . They are surprised _(see)a stranger in his house.129 . Our teacher wont come back until the _(follow)Monday.130 . When he moved, he _(make)a sound like a car.131 . Later that day, they _(take)the dog to my home.132 . Cindy, can you hear someone _(call)my name?133 . Our monitor is usually the last _(leave)school in our class.134 . Sandy has great fun _(ride)a horse on the farm.用所给单词的适当形式填空135 . Its not easy_ (cross) the river.136 . Bob always _ (leave) school at 4:20 p.m.137 . Here, all the_ (villager) can speak English.138 . We can see some old _ (boat) in this picture.139 . _ ( Ben) apples are not big but red.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文miss drop climb bite find catch reachThe Ant (蚂蚁)and the Dove (鸽子)One hot day,an ant was looking for some waterAfter walking around for some time,she saw a river140 . the river,she had to climb up a piece of grass. While the ant 141 . on the grass she fell into the waterJust then a dove in a tree saw herWhen the dove saw that the ant was in trouble,he quickly picked off a leaf and 142 . it into the water near the antThe ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up thereSoon it carried her safely to dry groundJust at that time,a hunter (猎人) was going to143 . the doveAs soon as the ant 144 . what the hunter was going to do. She quickly145 . him on the legFeeling the pain,the hunter dropped his gunThe dove was quick to fly to a safe placeAmembersBplayingCbeforeDdeliciousEbuyingChristmas Eve is on December 24th. On this day in western countries, the whole family gathers together to have dinner or a party. Children put stockings at the end of their beds _ they go to sleep.Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. Children wake up very early, and cant wait to open the presents in their stockings and under the tree. They wake up the other family _, calling “Merry Christmas !” After all the presents are opened, the family will have a _ breakfast.They spend the day _ with the new toys and visiting their relatives and friends. They greet each other with a hug and say, “Merry Christmas !”146 . _147 . _148 . _149 . _七、单词填空缺词填空请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,每空一词。Hello, boys and girls. I have some important things to tell you.Whats the d150 . today? It is 8 November. And tomorrow is a big day for u 151 . . Its our first Open Day. And all your parents will come to school. We must get r 152 . for it. First of all, there is a meeting in the school h153 . . It b 154 . at 8:30 in the morning. So please tell your parents not to be late. And a155 . that, your parents can come to the classrooms. They can w156 . two of our lessons. You dont want your parents to see a dirty and messy classroom, do you? So we must keep our classroom c 157 . . And I h158 . all of you can be active in class. And I want you to be polite, too.L159 . work hard together to make tomorrow a happy day!八、回答问题Alice, Tina and Bob are looking at the Employment section (招聘栏) of the local newspaper. Part-time WaiterBusy caf needs honest and reliable waiter for weekends. Must enjoy working with a team and dealing with customers. Call Serge at 96852746 after 6 p.m.Delivery PersonYoung, fit person required to deliver heavy boxes of books. Must have a current drivers license. We are looking for a trustworthy person for this position (职位). Call Gary at 0218906786 any time.Nannywanted Kind, hardworking nanny wanted to look after three friendly children Must be experienced and have childcare qualifications(资格) Please call Tess at 98674451between 10am and 3pm


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