牛津上海版英语 六年级下册Unit5 基础练习

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牛津上海版英语 六年级下册Unit5 基础练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I dont have much time _ breakfast.AwithBonCto eatDeating2 . Im sure you cant find any mistakes in his speech, and he speaks than before.Amuch properlyBmuch more properCmuch more properly3 . I think the boy is to catch the ball.Atall enoughBshort enoughCenough tallDenough short4 . I have 8 classes _Monday,so Im very _.Ain;coolBat;freeCon;busy5 . -_ will your parents come back to Shanghai?-Maybe in a month.AHow farBHow manyCHow soonDHow often6 . I_more beautiful in the future.AamBwasCwillDwill be7 . Is it_for us to fly to moon in the near future?ApossibleBpossiblyCterribleDterribly8 . Alice is good at singing. The underlined part means _.Ais good inBdoes well inCdo well inDis good for9 . - What did your father say?- He asked us _ .Ahow to fix up the bicyclesBwhy we fix up the bicyclesCthat we fixed up the bicyclesDwhere did we fix up the bicycles10 . Danny is _ than his classmate.Amore tallerBmuch tallerCtoo tallDvery tall11 . Dont shout at her. Shes just a little girl.Aall afterBafter allCtooDalthough12 . They had to continue _ their homework after school.AdoBdidCto doDdoes13 . WhenshallI there?AgettoBreachCarrive atDgo to14 . I must practice English and Maths_.Aa lot ofBmanyCmuchDmore15 . Mum, I want to buy an iPhone 5 for a change.Well, I think there is no _. Its almost the same as an iPhone 4.AreasonBneedCanswerDway二、补全对话7选5Complete the following dialogue with proper sentences in the box.A. Whats your fathers job?B. Is he a teacher, too?C. Is that man your father?D. Whos that man over there?E. Whos your father?F. Where is he now?G. I want to be a fireman, too.A:16 . B: Oh, my father.A:17 . B: He is a teacher. He teaches English.18 . A: The man in blue.B:19 . A: Hes sitting by the window.B:20 . A: No, hes a fireman.B:21 . 三、阅读单选Look at this picture. Do you know the boy and girl in the picture? The girl is from Canada. She is eleven. Her name is Jenny. Her favourite colour is yellow. Her eyes are black is very tall. The boys name is Li Lei,He is twelve,He has two long legs and two big feet. They live in Beijing, China. They are very happy.22 . The girl is from.AChinaBCanadaCBeijingDour school23 . The girl is .ADannyBJennyCLi LeiDJenny24 . Her favourite colour is .AyellowBwhiteCblackDblond25 . Now the boy and the girl are.Ain CanadaBin China.Cin the pictureDin the library26 . How old is Li Lei?AElevenBTwelveCThirteenDfourteen四、阅读判断Peter and John studied in the same class. And they lived next to each other. One day Peters house was on fire. John rushed into the house and carried Peter out of the room. Peter was thankful to him and they became good friends. Just before they finished middle school, the war broke out. They both joined the army. And they always helped each other.In a hard fight John killed two enemy soldiers but one of his legs was broken He couldnt fight any longer. Peter found it and ran to help him.Take me to the hospital at once. John called out. Or Ill die! Dont worry, my friend, said Peter. Ill do my best to save you ! Then he carried John on his back and ran to the hospital as fast as he could. As he was running, a flying fragment(弹片) cut Johns head of, but Peter didnt know about it. At the gate of the hospital a soldier stopped Peter and asked, What are you carrying the man without a head for? Peter placed John on the ground and found his poor friend had already died Oh. clear! cried Peter. When he asked me to carry him to the hospital five minutes ago, he had a head with him ! 根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的在答题卡上将“T”涂黑,错误的存答题卡上将“F”涂黑。27 . Peter and John studied in the same class. And they lived next to each other.28 . Johns house was on fire. Peter rushed into the house and carried John out of the room.29 . Peter would do his best to save John.30 . When John asked Peter to carry him to the hospital. he had a head with him!31 . In fact事实上),when they arrived at the hospital, John died.五、句型转换V. 句型转换32 . Im fine. (对画线部分提问)_ you?33 . Tom comes from the USA. (同义句转换)Tom _ the USA.34 . Mary is from England. (对画线部分提问)_ is Mary _?35 . Helen is 13 years old. (对画线部分提问)_ is Helen?36 . He is a student. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ student?六、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) The World Cup 2018 is coming soon, but have you heard of the Homeless World Cup before? The Homeless World Cup is a37 . an international football event. The teams are made up of homeless people from all over the world to compete. The event has t38 . place every year since 2003.There are some interesting and special r39 . of the event. For example, players (male or female at least16 years old) must be homeless for some time or earn their main living by selling newspapers in the street. Besides, there are at most 4 players per team to compete in the field, and games are 14 minutes long. The winners of the game can get a large a40 . of money. Homeless World Cup has been a success for two reasons. It helps to attract the worlds attention(注意) to the problems of homelessness and to help the homeless live a b41 . life.七、回答问题The old name for films was moving pictures. Now in the USA people still call films movies.One day a boy said to his friend, Do you like moving pictures? The friend thought the boy was going to ask him to see a film. So he said, Yes, please. I like moving pictures very much.Good, said the boy, My father has a picture shop. He sells pictures. Today I must move fifty heavy boxes of pictures from one place to another. You like moving pictures. So I think you will be happy to move the picture with me. 42 . What was the old name for films?43 . Who still call films movies?44 . His friend was very happy at first when the boy ask him to move pictures, wasn t he ?45 . Was the boys father a teacher?46 . What must the boy have to do?第 6 页 共 6 页


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