英语七年级下册Unit8 Integrated skills同步测试卷

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英语七年级下册Unit8 Integrated skills同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -_ goldfish you have!-Yes. My father bought them for me last year.AHow a prettyBWhat a prettyCHow prettyDWhat pretty2 . We always had fun _ DIY jobs.AdoingBto doCdoDdid3 . That boy loves _ things on the Internet.Alooks forBlooking forClooks afterDlooking like4 . They help me _ Japanese _ the club.Ain, inBwith, inCwith, withDin, with5 . Have you got everything?Ato open the boxBopening the box withCopening the boxDto open the box with二、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据要求改写句子)6 . It took her two weeks to work on the project.(保持句意不变)She _ two weeks _ on the project.7 . Danny writes to his friend once a week.(划线部分提问)_ does Danny write to his friend?8 . He is American.(划线部分提问)_ is his _?9 . My sister likes biscuits better than cakes.(保持句意不变)My sister _ biscuits _ cakes.10 . pets, of, new, most, however, to , they, good, promise, take, care, their(连词成句)_.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空语法填空基础训练11 . Children see things _(different)from their parents.12 . The boy is _(describe)the criminal to the police.13 . _ the end, all of us can get an apple.14 . The _(strawberry)are delicious. Can I have another one?15 . An _(art)can draw well just as a dancer can dance well.16 . There are many _(way)to make the food.17 . Do you like the house _ a swimming pool?18 . Here is your CD player. Where do you want to put _?19 . He cant tell me his _(really)name.20 . Look at the girl with long curly hair. Shes a famous _(sing).21 . _(put)the meat into the fridge(冰箱), or it will go bad.四、单词填空Avoid being a crime victimVisiting a new city can be exciting, but every big city has crime Nevertheless, that shouldnt stop you from having a great time Here are some tips so that you dont become a victimLets start with the obvious Day or night, dont hang out in areas that dont seem safe And remember: Its always better to be with other people than to be a22 . We all want to look our best, but its not a good idea to wear an e 23 . watch or valuable jewelry in publicCarry those in a pocket or bag where no one can see themDont act like youre from out of town Walk like you live there! Pay attention to your personal space, and know what the people a 24 . you are doing Headphones are cool, but lets face it, ou cant pay attention to others while youre listening to musicAlways bring your phone with you, but dont make it easy for the bad guys to s 25 . it from you Wait to call or text u 26 . youre inside a restaurant or some other safe place Before you take any photos, be aware of whos nearbyBe e 27 . careful if you use an ATM or cash machine at a bank or when youre buying souvenirs or ticketsDont let other people see your moneyThere are millions of people who visit cities all over the world every day S 28 . somewhere will probably become the victim of a crime But it doesnt have to be you!五、信息归纳任务型阅读I love animals and I always want to keep a cat as my pet. But Im busy every day. I dont have much time to look after a pet. When I found I could keep an e-cat in my electronic dictionary(电子词典),I was so glad.At first,the e-cat was very small. It didnt eat fish,but it drank milk and water. I tried my best to make money to buy milk for it. How could I make money in the electronic dictionary?I played games in it. If I won,I could get some“money”.After a few days,the cat grew bigger. I not only bought fish for it and washed it,but also played ball games with it or took it to the hospital when it was ill. It grew happily and healthily.Now it is very big,or maybe I should say fat. It isnt greedy(贪吃的).When it is full,it wont eat any fish. However,it is very lazy. When I ask it to play games after a meal,it always refuses(拒绝).根据短文内容,将下面句子补充完整。每空词数不限。29 . The writer doesnt keep a real animal as a pet because he_.30 . The writer was _ to have an electronic pet.31 . At first,the e-cat didnt eat _ .32 . The writer made money” for the pet by _.33 . When the cat is full,it_.六、汉译英:整句翻译句子34 . 一条金鱼重约四十克。_35 . 我加入了宠物俱乐部,我们昨天听了一个讲座。_36 . 我们学习了他们如何生活以及如何照料他们。_37 . 人们能从它那里得到不同种类的信息。_38 . 搜索引擎(Search engines)帮助我们既快又容易地找到信息。_第 4 页 共 4 页

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