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沈阳市2019版九年级下学期线上教学质量检测英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I hear a new modern science lab _ in our school next year.Ais builtBwill buildCwill be builtDbuilds2 . It seems that Mr. Wu is standing there. It _ be him because he called me from Canada just now.AmustntBcantCneedntDshouldnt3 . Do you know who played the_of Monkey King in the TV play?Zhang Jinlai. He is also known as Liuxiaolingtong.AruleBroleCactor4 . What did you do at weekend ? I did _.Asomething interestingBinteresting somethingCanything interestingDinteresting anything5 . _ do you have a school trip in your school?Once a year.AHow longBHow oftenCHow far6 . -Tom,dont throw litter about.It _terrible in summer.-Sorry,I wont.AsmellsBtastesCsounds7 . This is my sister. she and I usually part in the game.ABoth; takesBAll; takeCBoth; takeDBoth; to take8 . If he keeps on working so hard, hell_under the pressure of work.Abreak downBbreak outCbreak into9 . Neither he nor I _ a middle school student.AbeBisCareDam10 . Nowadays, science and technology has made a big difference to many _.AchancesBresultsCsituationsDfields11 . Look, someone _ the classroom.Well. It wasnt me. I didnt do it.Ais cleaningBwas cleaningChas cleaned12 . His grandfather went to _doctor and got _X-ray in the hospital yesterday afternoon.Aa; /Ba; anCthe; aDa; the13 . _ no one agreed with him, _ he insisted on learning play the piano.AThough; butBThough; andCThough; /DBut; though14 . I am the person_ wrote to you last weekAwhomBwhoCwhichDhe15 . Which of the following sentences is correct?_ACould you tell me how I could deal with it?BCelia got out of her house, it started to rain.CI spent lots of time listening to English songs.DWith the help of the map, they reached to the mountain in the end.二、补全短文5选516 . The Chinese people of all nationalities(民族) are very happy on that day every year. National Day of this year was more exciting. On Oct.1, there were some clouds in the sky, 17 . What a fine day! I went to the park with my parents by bike. 18 . They dressed beautifully and looked very happy. There were many kinds of trees in the park, and they were very old. Some of them were one or two hundred years old. 19 . I climbed very quickly and was the first to arrive at the top(顶部). But I was very tired. On top of the hill, I wanted to shout(大喊), “Happy birthday, my dearest motherland(祖国)!” 20 . AHow happy we were on that day!BWe climbed the hill.Cbut the sun was shining.DOct. 1 is our National Day.E、There were a lot of people playing in the park.三、完型填空Zhou Yang was born on June 9th, 1991._she was four years old, she got a serious illness. Luckily, she got_soon, so her parents decided to make her play sports. They thought that playing sports could keep her_good health.When she was eight years old, her father_her a pair of skates. She started to skate that year. She practiced skating_more than eight hours a day. One of_teammates said, “Zhou Yang always practices skating hardest.” In the same year, Zhou Yang_part in her schools running competition. One teacher found that she had a great potential(潜力) for_In 2010, she_a gold medal in the Olympic Winter Games. Chinese people are_proud of her.21 . A. And B. When C. If D. Because22 . A. good B. beautiful C. nice D. well23 . A. in B. at C. on D. with24 . A. began B. bought C. went D. held25 . A. of B. on C. for D. at26 . A. her B. shes C. she D. hers27 . A. brought B. gave C. took D. joined28 . A. arts B. sports C. hobbies D. ideas29 . A. beat B. made C. found D. won30 . A. some B. every C. both D. all四、阅读单选ProblemsCausesAdviceFeel stressedToo much homework. Dont have enough time for their hobbies.Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax.Get short-sightedToo much homework. Bad study habits.Do eye exercises or read in a correct way.Fight with each otherDont know how to get on well with classmates.Make more friends and understand each other.Dont like to studyThe bad influence of computer games.Play computer games just for a short time.Get fatHave more pocket money to buy snacks. Dont like to do exercise.Use your pocket money to do something meaningful. Do exercise every day.31 . For whom is this form above most probably written?AParents.BChildren.CTeachers.DStudents.32 . According to the information given in the form, why dont students like to study?ABecause of too much homework.BBecause they dont know how to get on well with classmates.CBecause of the influence of computer games.DBecause they dont like to do exercise.33 . _ will help you avoid becoming short-sighted.ADoing eye exercises regularlyBReading in bedCReading in the sunDReading too long34 . If you feel stressed, you should _.Ado less homeworkBmake plans for your study, hobbies and relaxationCfight with othersDhave some snacks35 . Peter is very fat. Maybe he _.Aplays computer games too muchBhas too many snacksCdoesnt like to do exerciseDBCRainforests are important places for people and animalsThere are different kinds of rainforestsSome are high in the mountains and others are near the sea In the last forty years humans have destroyed half of the earths rainforestsRainforests are homes for about fifty million peopleThere are also millions of animals,plants and insects living thereWhen we destroy the rainforests,people lose their homes and thousands of kinds of animals and plants disappear Once these animals and plants have disappeared,we will never see them againThe weather in a rainforest is hot all year round The weather is always wet, tooThe Amazon Rainforest is about a hundred million years old, and has more kinds of animals and plants than any other place on the earthPeople have now cut down much of this rainforest to plant coffee and sugar36 . Weather in rainforest is _ Aneither hot nor wetBboth hot and wetChot and dryDcold and wet37 . The underlined word disappear in the passage means _ AleaveBcut downCbe seen no moreDlose38 . Which of the following about rainforest is true? _ARainforest are important to living thingsBPeople have destroyed half of the earths rainforest since 40years agoCRainforest are destroyed, people will lose homes, animals will never be seenDAll of abovePeter Owen has been making wigs (假发) since the 1980s. He has made wigs for the stars of more than seventy movies, including Tom Hanks inPhiladelphia, Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hollow, and Nicole Kidman in The Others. One of his biggest jobs so far has been designing the hair and make-up(化妆) for the three Lord of the Rings movies. He had just six weeks to design and make more than a hundred wigs, each one a different style, colour, shape and length.The hair and make-up in a movie are just as important as the costumes(戏装) or the sets. Over the years, Peter has made actors look older, younger, healthy and sick. For one movie he even made a female actor look like a man!“What people dont realize about wigs is that we are not always making people more beautiful,” he says. “Often we are covering up beauty and making them look ordinary.”All Peters wigs are hand-made using human hair, so they look as real as possible. This also makes them very expensivebetween US$4,500 and US$12,500 each! He knows hes done a good job when people dont realize the star of the movie is wearing a wig. So he was pleased when one newspaper said that Nicole Kidman had dyed(染色) her hair dark brown for a movie. “It was a wig and no one knew that,” he says.39 . What is Peter Owens job?AAn actorBA directorCA wig makerDA manager40 . How many wigs did Peter make for the three Lord of the Rings movies?AMore than one hundred.BSeventy.CSixty.DThree hundred.41 . What special feature(特点)about wigs does Peter mention?AThey can make people more beautiful.BThey can change peoples hair styles.CThey can cover up beauty and make people look ordinary.DThey can make people look younger.42 . Why are Peters wigs so expensive?AThey are made in foreign countries.BPeter makes the best wigs.CThey are only made for rich film makers.DThey are hand-made using human hair.43 . Which statement is NOT TRUE about Peter?APeter Owen has made wigs for lots of movies.BDesigning and making the wigs for The Lord of the Rings was a huge job.CIf people know the star is wearing a wig, Peter will be happy.DPeter can make actors look quite different from their real looks.Hello! My name is Li Xiang and Im a kite lover. Last year on April 21, I went to Weifang with my father to celebrate the 35th Weifang International Kite Festival. It was really a happy trip for me.It was Saturday and we went to the festival early. Over 2000 kite lovers from 60 countries and areas came to the festival. There were more than 40 activities for us to take part in. The most exciting one was the kite flying competition. We saw a 100-metre-long kite made up of 53 smaller kites. An old man called Chen Jianquan made it. He first got to Weifang 30 years ago. After that, he takes part in the festival every year. In the afternoon, we went to watch a great kite show. There were all kinds of kites on the show. The second day, my father took me to Weifang World Kite Museum. There are four halls in the museum. We learnt about the history of kites and all the uses of them. We spent a whole morning in it. The festival lasted for 20 days and we stayed in Weifang for only three days. But I think I will come again, because Im a kite lover.44 . How many people took part in the kite festival on Saturday?AAbout 400BAbout 600CAbout 1000DAbout 200045 . When was the kite festival over?Aon April 21Bon April 23Con May 1DOn May 1046 . What can we learn from the passage?ALi Xiang and his father went home on April 25.BWeifang World Kite Museum is big with four halls in it.CPeople could take part in 60 activities during the festival.DLi Xiang and his father stayed in the museum for a whole day.五、完成句子完成句子47 . 这部电影有助于帮你了解中国的过去和现在。This film helps you know_ Chinas _ and _.48 . 深圳市一个高楼林立,灯火闪烁的现代化城市。Shenzhen is a modern city _ tall buildings _ lights _ in the evening.49 . 我太激动以致不能停止鼓掌。I was so excited that I _my hands.50 . 我爸爸到重庆出差已经五天了。My father _ for five days.51 . 春天是放风筝的最佳时间。Spring is _.52 . 他们一大早动身去南京了。They _.六、单词填空流浪地球是中国第一部科幻大片,也是春节期间最受欢迎的电影之一。该电影由郭帆导演,吴京主演,如果你想去看电影,这部科幻大片是不错的选择。Do you like watching movies? If you are interested 53 . movies, I think The Wandering Earth is the best choice. Its a very successful Chinese science fiction movie and is also one of the most 54 . movies during the Spring Festival. The movie is directed by Guo Fan. Wu Jing is the main 55 . and he acts as a great Chinese astronaut Liu Peiqiang. In the movie, people tried their best to 56 . the earth, or all the people on the earth would die. They finally came 57 . with a good idea. But at last, Liu Peiqiang died because he wanted more people to live. What a touching movie! 七、根据图画及所给单词写出句子根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。58 . (buy, last week )_59 . (now, farm) _60 . (have, for )_61 . (allow, library) _62 . JackTom( than )_八、书信作文63 . 书面表达。同步英语周报和动物保护协会正在联合招募观鸟协会会员,请你以陈泽的名义,根据下面的提示写一封申请加入观鸟协会的信。提示:1、你是阳光中学8年级学生,喜欢观鸟,想成为观鸟协会的一名成员;2、你热爱大自然并理解保护野生动物的重要性,所以什么也不能阻止你加入该协会;3、可拨打电话88833322或发电子邮件至chenze163.com联系你;4、你加入该协会后的感受和做法。要求:1、短文应包括要点中所给信息,可以适当发挥;2、句意连贯,语句通顺;3、80个词左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Sir/Madam,Yours,Chen Ze第 11 页 共 11 页

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