英语七年级下册Unit2 Integrated skills同步测试卷

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英语七年级下册Unit2 Integrated skills同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . China is famous _ the Great Wall. The Great Wall is famous _ a place of interest.Aof; forBfor; ofCfor; asDas; for2 . I dont know if Mr Wang _here tomorrow . If he _ , please tell me.Acomes , comesBwill come ,comesCcomes , will comeDwill come ,will come3 . I think football is _ best game in _ world.Aa; aBthe; aCa; theDthe; the4 . How much _ and how many _do you need?Abutter;honeyBcheese;applesCbananas;sugarsDyogurt;sandwich5 . Our teacher often gives us many good _ on how to learn English.AsuggestionsBinstructionsCadviceDinformation二、完型填空I had always cared about sick children and tried to help them. But when my little grandson received third degree burns, I learned first-hand how_a loving adult feels when his/her child is suffering and he/she cant take the pain away. This experience _me to feel sorry for parents with sick children.One mom told me that she_like running into the street and screaming, “My child is sick. Would somebody please help us?” It breaks my_that these parents are so anxiously(忧虑地) searching for someone to care and help them_the hard times of watching their helpless child suffer. So I decided to do something to help them.Two years ago, I almost lost my eyesight. Luckily, I regained(恢复) some eyesight, but I was no longer able to work._I had a lot of time. At first, I thought that my life was_because I couldnt do any of the things I used to do. I believed that my life had no purpose and I was no_to anybody anymore. I began to be interested in surfing the Internet for information.One day I received several emails asking for help for sick children. I decided to post their stories and pictures on a webpage. What began as a _has grown into a fulltime job I enjoy doing every day. Since my website was built, Ive received tens of emails from worried parents asking me to put their childs story online. And over 325 volunteers have_me to send children “happy mail” without being paid.6 . AboredBpuzzledChelplessDhopeful7 . AmadeBadvisedCguidedDled8 . AseemedBfeltClookedDsounded9 . AheartBheadClegsDface10 . AoverBwithCacrossDthrough11 . AButBThoughCSoDSince12 . AmeaninglessBmeaningfulCinterestingDboring13 . ApointBsenseCgoodDhope14 . ApictureBwishChobbyDwebsite15 . ApaidBjoinedCinvitedDadvised三、句型转换按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词。16 . I have already been to Seaside Town on Lucky Island. (改为否定句)I _ been to Seaside Town on Lucky Island _.17 . They will look at the English Club noticeboard in the library at four ten. (对划线部分提问)_ they do in the library at four ten?18 . We can use the lift on the left if we want to go upstairs. (对划线部分提问)_ can we use if we want to go upstairs?19 . Finally, we went to the Peoples Square on foot. (保持句意不变)Finally, we _ the Peoples Square.20 . Dont climb the trees in the park(保持句意不变)We _ the trees in the park.21 . to, buy, picnic, the, for, fruit, go, the, some, lets, to, supermarket,( 连词成句)_四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写22 . There is a big tree _(在后面)the house.23 . What is your mother doing in the _(厨房)?24 . Dont let the little boy get close to the _(浴缸).25 . When you see yourself in the _(镜子), youll find you are thin.26 . Im going to the _(修车铺)to get my car back.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。27 . I like Jay Chous songs because they can make me_ (feel) great.28 . Are you worrying about what_ (wear) to a party?29 . The social workers will be happy_ (give) you some ideas.30 . Its_ (real) hot. I want to go swimming this afternoon31 . His idea_ (sound) very good. Lets have a try.32 . It is so cloudy. I think it_ (rain).33 . - What are you doing?- We_ (plan) a birthday party for Daniel.34 . - There is something wrong with my computer.- OK, I_ (ask) my uncle to help you.35 . There are different_ (skill) for us to learn in school.36 . - Are you going to have a_ (meet) this weekend?- Yes, we are.六、填写适当的单词补全对话阅读下面的对话,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。Mary: Tony. do you know Peter?Tony: Yes. He is your new n37 . ,right?Mary: Yes. We live in the same b38 . ,but his flat is not n39 . to mine. He 1 40 . on the second floor. Tony: Are you good friends now?Mary: Of course. We often have fun together a 41 . our neighbourhood. We go to the supermarket together and we often eat out in the r 42 . . He is really a good friend. I am sure you will like a boy 143 . him,too.Tony: Yes. Id like to m 44 . him. Mary: Well,you know,I will have a party at home this Saturday afternoon. He will be one of the v45 . . You can meet him then. Tony: A party?But I am a 46 . I wont be free that day. I have to go to the library.Mary: Thats OK. You can come when you are back from the library.七、单词填空Johnson is an American. He has many47 . (计划)for his holiday. He is going to China48 . (乘,坐)plane for travelling. He is going to go49 . (观光)in China. He is going to watch a table tennis match and he wants to 50 . (为喝彩)the players.He is going to take a walk around a51 . (乡村)and52 . (收集)litter. 53 . (因为)he thinks it is meaningful. And he54 . (希望)that the weather will be fine in Beijing every day. If it55 . (下雨), it will be wet and he will not be56 . (能够的)to do that.第 5 页 共 5 页


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