英语七年级上册Unit4 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习(青岛专版)

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英语七年级上册Unit4 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习(青岛专版)_第1页
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英语七年级上册Unit4 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Put the sofa _ the TV set, then we can watch TV comfortably in it.AonBnext toCoppositeDbehind2 . _ is it from your home to the bookstore? About four miles.AHow longBHow muchCHow manyDHow far3 . We do eye exercises_ the afternoon.AinBonCatDbetween4 . Where are his pens? _on the desk.AItBItsCTheyDTheyre5 . It will take _ time to finish the work.Aone and a half yearsBa year and halfCone and a half yearsDa year and halfs6 . I have e-dog. name is Hobo.Aa; ItsBan; ItsCa; ItsDan; Its7 . Is your name Daniel?_.AYes, I amBNo, Im notCYes, it isDYes, its8 . does he want to be when he?He wants to be a computer programmer.AWhat, grows upBHow, grows upCWhat, grow upDHow, grow up二、完型填空The Browns have a twofloor building On the_ floor , there is a living room , a dinging room and a kitchen Look , Mr Brown is _ a newspaper in the living roomHis wife (妻子)is cooking dinner_ the family in the kitchenTheir son is drinking _ in the dinning room On the second floor, there are two_ a study and a bathroom The big bedroom is for Mr Brown and his wifeThe _ one is for Jim In the study , there_two book shelves and a computer Jim usually plays games and_ music on the computerThere is a garden_their building Mrs Brown is picking (采,摘)some _ in the garden She will put the flowers in the living room9 . AfirstBsecondCone10 . AlookingBseeingCreading11 . AwithBofCfor12 . AbreadBmilkCapples13 . Aliving roomBbedroomsCkitchen14 . AlargeBbigCsmall15 . AareBisChas16 . Alistens toBlooks atCwrites to17 . AonBbehindCunder18 . AtreesBflowersCfruits三、阅读单选阅读理解。Mr. Lin has a store. Its next to No. 5 Middle School. It_maps, books, pens, pencils, clothes and some other things. The things in his store are not expensive. Boys and girls like to go to his store. They like Mr. Lin because he is very nice. Mr. Lin likes the boys and girls, too. Mr. Lin has a “lost and found” box in his store. Look! A baseball, a ruler and some books are in the box. This box helps some boys and girls find their lost things. A sofa is in Mr. Lins store, too. Boys and girls can sit there and read books after school. They can ask Mr. Lin questions about these books and he often helps them to find the answers.19 . 划线单词“ sells ” 的中文意思是“_”。A展示B制作C购买D出售20 . The boys and girls like Mr. Lin because_.Ahe is niceBhe is interestingChis store is tidyDthe things in his store are not expensive21 . _ are in the “lost and found” box.AA baseball, a pen and some booksBA baseball, a ruler and some booksCA basketball, a pen and some mapsDA basketball, a ruler and some maps22 . The boys and girls can _ in the store after school.Aplay sportsBplay gamesCread booksDwatch TV23 . 下面的陈述哪一项是正确的?AMr. Lin has a sofa in his house.BMr. Lin s store is in No. 5 Middle School.CBoys and girls like to buy baseballs and books in Mr. Lins store.DBoys and girls can get the answers about the books from Mr. Lin.四、句型转换按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。24 . Are those your sisters?(作否定回答)No, _25 . Is that a cup?(作肯定回答)Yes, _.26 . What is that?(改为复数句)What _?27 . Are these your friends?(改为单数句)_ your friend?28 . She is a nice girl. (改为复数句)_ nice girls.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇检测29 . Andy is so busy that he hasnt _(回复) my last three e-mails.30 . Now, school children all get _(免费的) books from the government in China.31 . During her lifetime Hepburn earned four more Oscar_(提名).32 . Like many famous scientists, Yuan Long-ping _ (致力于) himself to the study of science.33 . Fang-fangs mother is busy doing her business, so she isnt able to_( 留出,匀出) time for her daughter.34 . How are you going to _ (证明) that it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild?35 . I could_( 几乎不) find my old house because great changes had taken place there.36 . Murder in a Country House is a horror film _(导演) by Cindy Clark.37 . Some students of our school got good results in the English _(竞赛) in December.38 . - Look!He is skiing so fast. -Hard to _ (想象) his legs were once broken.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词39 . 攀登者昨天在电影院上映了。The Climber _ at the cinema yesterday.40 . 他从早到晚忙着工作。He is busy working _ day_ night.41 . 杨老师是我的第一个老师。Miss Yang was_.42 . 李明上小学时怎么样?_ Li Ming_ at the primary school?43 . 青岛是中国东海岸的一个城市。Qingdao is a city _ China.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确的形式填空。ride, ask, visit, remember, catch44 . Kate was so lucky that she _ the last bus this morning.45 . Thank you for _ me to your party.46 . Please _ to bring your homework to school this afternoon.47 . They went bike _ last Sunday and had a good time.48 . Im sorry that I cant _ our English teacher with you tomorrow.八、多任务混合问题看图,完成短文并根据要求回答问题。This is my room. Its not tidy. My things 49 . everywhere. My shoes50 . under the bed. And my schoolbag 51 . on the floor. My ruler is 52 . the schoolbag. The chair is53 . the table. And the book is54 . the chair. Do you like it?7.Where are my shoes?55 . 8.Is my schoolbag on the chair?56 . 9.Where is my chair?57 . 10.Is the book under the chair?58 . 第 7 页 共 7 页


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