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沈阳市2019年七年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . How was your visit to the World Park? Did you enjoythere, children?Wonderful! We had great fun.AyourselfBitselfCourselvesDyourselves2 . But sometimes hobbies can get of their schoolwork.Ain the wayBon the wayCby the way3 . Will you please invite him _ in a writing competition?AjoinsBto joiningCto joinDjoining4 . do you go to the movies? Hardly ever. I always see the films on the Internet.AHow longBHow oftenCHow much5 . My father _ reading books,but my mother _.Adoesnt like;doesntBlikes;likeCdoesnt like;doesDlikes;does6 . _ ? Id like to buy some books.AWhat are you doingBWhat can I do for youCHow are youDHow is it going7 . This is _ interesting book and it is also _ useful one.Aan; anBan; theCan; aDa; a8 . -I feel really tired.-_ALucky you!BYoud better work harder.CCongratulation!DWhy not go and have a rest?9 . Maths is more popular than.Aany other subjectBall the subjectsCany subject10 . -How can Ithe nearest hospital?-right into the People RoadAarrive;TurnBreach;To turnCget to;TurnDreach at;To turn二、完型填空Mike is my friend. He _ the day with morning exercises. After morning exercises, he_ English at home. Its time to _ breakfast. His _ habits are _ good. He eats a lot of vegetables. He _ ever eats junk food. He says it is bad for _ to eat junk food too much. In the afternoon, he plays football with his classmates. Because he doesnt like to go to the movies, he often _ TV at home. Sometimes he _ on the Internet and talks with me _ the Internet.11 . AstartBbeginCstartsDbegins with12 . AreadingBreadsCwatchDlooks at13 . AtakeBhaveClikeDowe14 . AeatingBeatsCeatDto eat15 . AratherBprettyCmuchDtoo16 . AhardBharderChardlyDhearty17 . AhealthyBhealthCfitDfitness18 . Alooks atBreadsCwatchesDsees19 . AgetsBgotCgettingDto get20 . AinBonCatDwith三、阅读单选One pleasant evening, I was holding Grandpas hand and taking a walk in the park. “Where are the peanuts? Give me now!” He suddenly said. How I wished I had some with me! “William, the monkeys are taking long to come out today. Wait till they smell the peanuts.” I knew he was lost in one of his memories again. I remembered the stories he told me of how he fed the monkeys when he was a kid. Then, he saw the goldfish! He acted as if he was seeing them for the first time.Poor Grandpa! He fell ill with Alzheimers disease (阿尔茨海默症) last year. The doctor said it was a progressive brain disorder which could destroy ( 破 坏 ) a persons memory. The patient might also not be able to make reasonable judgments (判断). The saddening part was that it was a lifelong disease. But when my parents invited him to stay with us, he refused and said he liked living alone. One day, he forgot to turn off the fire after cooking porridge. Luckily, one of the neighbors came to help him before the fire could spread.It was then that my parents brought Grandpa to live with us. Often, he would forget my name and ask me who I was and what I was doing in his house. Each time I would answer softly, “Its me, Ray, Grandpa!” Even if he had forgotten who I was, he would always be my beloved grandfather.21 . What did Grandpa want to do in the park?AEat peanuts.BSmell flowers.CFeed monkeys.DTell stories.22 . What would happen to Grandpa according to the doctor?AHis brain wouldnt need examinations.BHis memory could get better.CHe might not judge things correctly.DHe had to live by himself.23 . After getting to Grandpas, the neighbor.Aturned off the fireBcooked porridgeCshared the mealDspread some news24 . Why did the writers parents bring Grandpa to live with them?ATo make sure of his safety.BTo help him remember their names.CTo answer his questions in time.DTo get his help with the housework.25 . Which of the following best describes the writer?ASmart.BCaring.CHonest.DBrave.A: Good afternoon. Are you Zhang Li?B: Yes, I am.A: Is Li your family name?B: No, Li is my given name. My family name is Zhang. Whats your name?A: My name is Alice. Im from the USA.B: Nice to meet you, Alice.A: Nice to meet you, too! Im a student in Sunny Middle School.B: Oh, great! We are in the same school. Im in Class Three, Grade Seven. What class are you in?A: Im in Class Four, Grade Seven.B: My English teacher is Mr. Miller. He is from the USA, too. Is he your English teacher?A: No, he isnt. Hes my father.B: Oh? Thats good. My QQ number is 2521786. Do you use QQ?A: No, I dont . But you can call me at 789-0765.B: OK, my phone number is 675-4721.A:OK! See you!B: Bye!26 . Alices family name is _.ABrownBMillerCAliceDBlack27 . 划线单词same的汉语意思是_.A不同的B附近的C相似的D同样的28 . Alice is in Class _ Grade _.A3, 7B4, 7C7, 3D7, 429 . Zhang Lis QQ number is _.A2521867B675-4721C2521786D789-076530 . Which statement is right? (以下哪个描述是正确的?)AAlice and Zhang Li meet in the morning.BAlice and Zhang Li are classmates. (同班同学)CAlices father is an English teacher.DAlice has a QQ number.My name is Lucy. I get up at half past seven. I have breakfast with my parents and my sister Paula. I like hamburgers but my sister likes milk and eggs. My parents always eat bread.Paula and I have lunch at school. In the afternoon, I go to science class and then play basketball. Paula goes to art class and then plays the violin.After school we go home and do our homework first. After dinner, we help our mother. I clean the rooms and Paula does the dishes (清洗餐具). Then we read books and talk about our day. My sister and I go to bed at nine oclock.On weekends Paula and I get up late, at about nine oclock. We play games in the park or our garden (花园). Then we visit our grandmother. We like her very much! Shemakes us fruit salad and we play all afternoon. Its great fun!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。31 . What do Lucys parents always have for breakfast?AHamburgers.BEggs.CBread.DMilk.32 . Lucy has lunch _.Aat homeBat schoolCwith her teacherDwith her parents33 . What does Lucy do after dinner in the evening?AShe does her homework.BShe watches TV.CShe cleans the rooms.DShe tells stories.34 . What can we know about Paula?AShe is Lucys cousin.BShe can play the violin.CShe is good at basketball.DShe gets up early on weekends.35 . On weekends, Lucy and Paula _.Amake fruit saladBclean the gardenCplay with their friendsDvisit their grandmother四、用单词的正确形式完成短文36 . 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。they true poor as instead eye use change age bothThanks to the development of technology in the past few years , people now can read news on the Internet quickly . _of holding a newspaper to read , some people prefer to get worldwide news on mobile phones , computers and so on . So , does it mean it is the _of information technology and newspapers will be replaced(取代)in the future ?On the one hand , many people believe that newspapers will be replaced . Online news _in a minute but newspapers cant . So , by taking advantage of technology , people can connect _ with the world in minutes . Whats more , many people prefer to read electronic news _ they think it is not only fast but also costs little . Besides , using paper means cutting trees . Reading online news can _ protect trees and save paper .On the other hand , some people believe that newspapers will still exist(存在)in the future . Firstly , not everyone likes to read online news since some of them think it is bad for _ . Secondly , the development of high technology is not spread all over the world . The online services will only be _in the developed countries , but not in some other developing or _ countries . So , people there may still read newspapers .In short , although it is _ that electronic news has developed quickly in the past years , newspapers still play a certain role in our modern life .五、多任务混合问题任务型阅读阅读短文,完成后面的问题Sally is an English girlShe is my English teacher Mrs Browns daughterShe is only five years old(A)她没有上学。She likes playing ping-pongHer favorite ping-pong player is Zhang YiningSally is in the ping-pong clubShe goes to the ping-pong club every dayShe plays ping-pong for two hours thereSally has a sisterHer name is MariaShe is in our classShe likes runningShe runs with her mother every morning_1_Maria says she wants to be a running star like Liu Xiang根据短文内容。判断句子正(T)误(F)37 . Mrs Brown is also Marias teacher38 . Maria goes to the ping-pong club every day根据短文内容,选择最佳答案39 . Mrs Brown teaches_APEBEnglishCping-pong40 . From this passage(文章)we know Mrs Brown_every morningAruns with MariaBruns with SallyCplays ping-pong41 . 将句中(A)处画线句子译为英语。_42 . 将句中(B)处画线句子译为汉语。_六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句。43 . you, have, paper, do, any, (?)44 . doing, she, what, is, (?)45 . I, every day, an, eat, egg, (.)七、材料作文46 . 愉快的暑假结束了,在近一个月的紧张学习中,你还常记起你在假期是怎样度过的吗?请根据提示完成一篇名为“My Vacation”的短文。提示:1.Where did you go? 2.Did you go with anyone?3.How was the weather? 4.What did you do there?5.What food did you eat? 6.What did you like best?7.Did you dislike anything? 8.How did you like your vacation?要求:1.题目已给出。 2.词数80词左右。3.文中不得出现真实学校或姓名。 4.不要逐条回答问题,可以适当发挥。My VacationThe weather there is fine第 9 页 共 9 页


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