英语七年级下册Module 11 Unit 2同步测试卷

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英语七年级下册Module 11 Unit 2同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Lets plant more trees to stop the sand _ towards the rich farmland.Afrom blowingBfrom movingCrunningDleaving2 . His mother often tells him_ too much time playing games.Anot to spendBdont spendCspendsDspending3 . I think its _ to say nothing if someone helps you.AkindBrudeCrightDpolite4 . I put my book in my school just now.AeverywhereBsomewhereCanywhereDnowhere5 . When you are in China, you can stand to people.AcloseBclosedCopenDopened6 . _be late for class, boys and girls!ANotBCantCDontDDoesnt7 . When I talked to her on her first day I stated that she must be to work hard.AreviewedBproducedCimprovedDprepared8 . Thank you _ your help.AatBonCofDfor9 . How do you usually go to the club? _. I like walking.ABy bikeBBy busCBy carDOn foot10 . _, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eatAAt lastBAs a resultCIn factDAt first二、补全对话7选5从所给选项中选出最佳选项补全对话A: Hi, Li Xing. Where are you going for your winter holiday?B: Hi, Kate. 11 . A: Really? I think youd better(最好)know some rules(规则)and customs(风俗)in England. They are different from that in China.B: But I dont know. 12 . A: Sure. The first rule is that you must drive on the left of the road.B: whats the next rule?A: And you mustnt ride your bike on the pavement(人行道).B: What else?A: 13 . For example, “How old are you?”B: 14 . A: You can call them Mr, Mrs, Ms or Miss before their family names.B: Thanks a lot.A: 15 . AWhat do you think of the differences?BWhat should I call people there?CIm going to England.DIts not polite to ask personal questions.EI visited the Great Wall with my classmates.FYoure welcome.GCan you tell me some?三、补全短文5选5根据短文内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项Taking a nap (小睡) every single day may be the least favorite thing for a child in kindergartenHowever, being able to relax and get some rest in the middle of the day is great for many adults16 . 17 . People who take naps are seen as lazy You can even be kicked off your job if you fall asleep at work This kind of thinking dates back to the founders of the US, Puritans(清教徒)18 . 19 . Some people even bring their pillows (枕头) to work for nap time People have a much more relaxing attitude towards taking naps than in the US20 . But on the other hand, having a short rest can help you work better A good rest can mprove your mood as well So why not take a nap during lunch break and make the rest of the day more enjoyable?AOn the one hand, it is true that you spend less time working if you take a napBBut attitudes towards naps are quite different between the US and ChinaCBut in China, taking a nap is just a normal part of the dayDThey are known for working hardEIn the US, a nap in the middle of the day is looked down upon四、完型填空During my second year at the city college. I was told that the education department was offering a free course (课程) called Thinking Chess for three credits (学分). I jumped at the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesnt want to _ a few dollars? More than that, Id always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I werent excited enough about free credits, news about our instructor was appealing enough to me. He was an international grandmaster (大师), which _ I would be learning from one of the games best. I could hardly wait to him.The instructor Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this meet was no game for him. He meant business. In his introduction, he made it job real that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to _the class, we had to write a paper on how we plan to _ what we would learn in class to our future professions and, finally to our lives. I managed to get an A in that _ and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the _.Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, Im still putting to use what he _ me: The most important _ that you learn when you play chess is how to make good _. On every single move you have to analyze (分析) a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and evaluate (评估) the best move from among all your choices, these words still ring true today in my _ as a journalist.21 . AwasteBearnCsaveDpay22 . AsupportBdemandedCheldDmeant23 . AattendBpassCgetDobserve24 . AprotectBexposeCapplyDcompare25 . AgameBgradeCcourseDtest26 . AlifeBclassroomCdepartmentDsituation27 . AtaughtBwroteCquestionedDpromised28 . AfactBstepCmannerDskill29 . AgradesBdecisionsCprogressDcomments30 . AroleBdesireCconcernDbehavior五、句型转换V. 同义句转换31 . To ask the ladies about their ages is impolite. _ the ladies about their ages.32 . I hope I can pass the exam next time.I hope _ the exam next time.33 . I am enjoying myself here in the south of England.I am _ here in the south of England.34 . The boy is so old, and he can go to school.The boy is old _ go to school.35 . I study hard so that I can go to college.(改为简单句)I study hard _ go to college.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词36 . In a_, the weather becomes colder.37 . We like t_ Chinese food, such as dumplings, noodles and Chinese rice cakes.38 . You should cook the turkey at a high t_.39 . Can you tell me how to c_ Childrens Day in China?40 . How much_ (食糖)should I add to get the soup the best taste?41 . How much_ (蜂蜜)do we need to get the drink sweet enough?42 . Mom added too much p_to the beef so it tasted too hot.43 . My family and I are going to _ (英格兰)and France for vacation this summer.44 . I usually have some p_of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast.45 . You can see some cheese on the_ (盘子). Its for my sister.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的适当形式填空46 . Jenny hurt her two _(foot).47 . May I ask you some _(person)questions?48 . _(be)careful! Here comes the bus.49 . Here are some good ways of _(learn)English.50 . How about _(go)for a walk after supper?51 . Its interesting _(play)computer games, but its not good for you.八、完成句子. 根据汉语提示完成句子52 . 如果这次考试不及格,我会有大麻烦。If I dont pass the exam, I will _ deep _.53 . 政府警告过我们有关H7N9流感的情况。The government _ us _ H7N9 flu.54 . 她是一位很好的老师,我们都非常爱她。She is _ a good teacher _ all of us love her very much.55 . 你今天看上去气色不好。怎么了?You dont look well today. _ you?56 . 不要从高楼跳出去。Dont _ high buildings.九、单词填空根据短文内容及汉语提示完成短文What do we do if we have something to tell others or if we want to learn something from others? Yes, we 57 . (使用) our language, that is, either spoken language or written language. But in58 . (事实), there is another kind of language and it is also very 59 . (重要的). Do you know what it is? Yes, that is60 . (身体) language. Can you tell me something about body language? For example, if you 61 . (赞同) with what I said just now, what do you do? And if you dont agree with what I said, what do you do? But 62 . (有时) the same gesture means different things in different 63 . (国家). For example,64 . (某处) in the world 65 . (点头) head doesnt mean YES. So if you visit a 66 . (外国的) country, only speaking its language very well isnt enough.十、填空摘录阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要。每空不超过三个单词Stories and Art of Chinese FansYou may think you cannot live through summer without air conditioners. But in ancient China,hand fans were almost the only ones to help people keep cool.Chinese people started to use hand fans over 2,000 years ago. The fans came in different shapes,such as round and square. They were also made from a11 kinds of materialsPalm leaf fans were cheap and easy to make. Feather fans(羽毛扇) showed the owners high statusSandalwood(檀香)fans could send out a sweet smell.Later, hand fans became far more than just something that could cool you down. They developed into art works,in which tuanshan (round fans)and zheshan(folded fans)were the most commonIn the shape of a full moon,tuanshan was usually made of silkThey had beautiful birds and flowers on themWomen especially those in the imperial palace(皇宫),liked to use themMeanwhile,men,especially the literati(文人),used zheshanThe literati liked them because zheshan were usually made of paper and they could paint and write poems on themIt was a way for them to show off their ability in literature,painting and handwritingAlmost anything can be painted on zheshanToday,Chinese people still use these fans,only not many people write or paint on them any moreNext time when you are waving a fan, you may think of the stories behind it.NameFeatures(特征)Palm leaf fans67 . and easy to make68 . Show the owners statusSandalwood fansSend out69 . TuanshanIn the shape of70 . ZheshanPaint and write 71 . 第 8 页 共 8 页


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