英语七年级上册Unit 7易错知识点专题练习

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英语七年级上册Unit 7易错知识点专题练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . South Africa is _ from China.AawayBnearCfarDlong2 . _ does the girl look? She is very small and thin.AHowBWhatCWhenDWhere3 . How long have you _ ?Abought the bookBborrowed the dictionaryCleft our schoolDnone of the above4 . (题文)_ does it _ you to walk from your home?AHow far;takeBHow long;takeCHow far;spendDHow long;spend5 . The price of the ball_10 yuan.AamBisCareDbe6 . - _ does your car need the vehicle repair?- Every six months.AHow longBHow oftenCHow soonDWhat time7 . You _ nice on that blue hat,Grace.Thank you.AsoundBseeClookDeat8 . -Where would you like to go on vacation,Lily?-Its hot here.Id like to go_.AanywhereBcool somewhereCsomewhere cool9 . The doctor told him _ more water.AdrinkBto drinkCdrankDdrinking10 . The store _ school things_the students.Asell; toBbuy; fromCsells; toDbuys; from11 . _is the ruler?Its 2 yuan.AHow muchBHow farCHow often12 . Mrs. Green is our English teacher. We all like_.AmeByouChimDher13 . Are these Jennys trousers?_They are Helens.AYes,it is.BNo,it isntCYes,they are.DNo,they arent.14 . -Is he watching TV?-No, he_a newspaper*Ais lookingBis watchingCis readingDis singing15 . They have T-shirts _ white and red at the store.AforBinCwithDOn二、句型转换句型转换16 . That is a yellow key. (划线部分提问)_ that?17 . Are those your friends? (改为单数句) _ your friend?18 . My sisters birthday is in May. (改为一般疑问句)_ sisters birthday in May?19 . My cousin has a computer. (改为否定句) My cousin _ a computer.20 . Are the English books on the desk? (肯定回答) Yes, _.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词21 . Toilets are called r_ in America.22 . P_ me, but I have to answer that phone.23 . The sun rises in the e_ and sets in the west.24 . Hurry up! We dont need to r_. There is enough time.25 . New Year is coming. Ill send my teacher a _(明信片).26 . He likes eating apples and _(葡萄)very much.27 . His father has collected a lot of _(邮票).28 . The old man _(建议)taking the bus to the village just now.四、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Mary! Do you like oranges?B: Yes, I do. What fruit do you like?A: I like bananas. 29 . . Does your mother like bananas?B: 30 . . My mother likes apples and bread. What about your father?A: He likes chicken and milk.31 . ?B: Yes. And my father likes salad. A: Does he like carrots?B: Yes, he does. 32 . . But I like broccoli.33 . ?A: Yes, very much. Lets eat some broccoli for dinner.第 4 页 共 4 页


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