英语七年级上册Module 4 Unit 1 同步检测

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英语七年级上册Module 4 Unit 1 同步检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Please give me _ and two _.Aa bottle of apple juices; breadsBan apple juice; breadCa bottle of apple juice; fruit cakesDa apple juice; breads2 . I have _ every day.AchickensBchickenesCjuicesDbananas3 . Whats your favourite vegetables? _.AHamburgersBTomatoesCBananasDEggs4 . I wont stay long . No , please . I need the _ .ArelationBcompanyCcourageDreplay5 . If you make a mistake when you do your homework, you need a rubber. Here “rubber” is called “” in American English.AliftBhallCvacationDeraser二、完型填空It is a small factory. There is nowhere(没有地方)to _ near it, so the workers take some food from their _ and eat it in the factory at noon.One of the workers always has _ sandwiches(三明治). Every day he takes one of them out of his _, bites(咬)it and then throws(扔)all the other(其他的)_ away. One day one of the _ says to him, “But Bill, dont you _ fish sandwiches?”“No, ” says Bill, “I dont like them.”“Then why does _ wife(妻子)make them for you every day? There are lots of other _ kinds of sandwiches. Tell her and she will make other sandwiches.”“It isnt easy as that, ” answers Bill. “I dont have a _.I make sandwiches myself.”6 . AplayBeatCswimDrun7 . AschoolsBparksCstationsDhomes8 . AfishBbeefCchickenDvegetable9 . AroomBpencil caseCbagDshirt10 . AsandwichesBhamburgersCdumplingsDfruits11 . AteachersBdoctorsCworkersDdrivers12 . AhaveBlikeCdrinkDget13 . AhisByourCmyDtheir14 . AwarmBlongCniceDcool15 . AwifeBsisterCmotherDfriend三、阅读单选Hi! My name is Kate. I love dancing. I dance for an hour every day. Healthy food is good for me. I always have milk and bread for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, I usually eat fish and vegetables. Sometimes I feel hungry between meals, so I eat an apple or a pear. I dont like ice-cream or chocolate.Hello! I am Peter. I like playing computer games. I dont like doing sports. I love hamburgers and cola, but they are not healthy. I need to change my lifestyle (生活方式) now. I plan (计划) to eat more fruit and vegetables every day. I love beef, but I also need to eat some fish. There is a swimming pool (池) near my home. I plan to go swimming every week.16 . Kate has _ for lunch and dinner.Amilk and breadBfish and vegetablesCan apple or a pearDice-cream or chocolate.17 . What does Peter like?ADancing.BSwimming.CPlaying computer games.DPlaying soccer.18 . From the article (文章), we know _.AKate has a healthy eating habitBPeter doesnt like fruit and beef very muchCKate and Peter always eat healthy foodDPeter eats more fruit and vegetables every day19 . The articles are about Kates and Peters _.Ahobbies (业余爱好)BlifestylesCfavorite foodDsports四、句型转换根据括号内的要求,完成下列各题。20 . These are his computer games. (变一般疑问句)_ his computer games?21 . Those are her pencils.(变成单数形式)_ her _.22 . Those are my aunts.(对划线部分提问)_ those?23 . Is this your ring?(改为同义句)Is this _ ?24 . the, is picture, Jane, next, in, not(连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空25 . The camel _ (live) in the desert.26 . _ (do) the elephant Meimei come from Yunnan, China?27 . The kangaroo is an _ (Australia) animal.28 . There are about 1,600 _ (panda) in the wild in China.29 . The tiger _ (eat) meat.六、回答问题Laugh away painSeveral years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. It was the most difficult time I have ever faced. I think it was my sense of humor that allowed me to hold onto my sanity(心智健全). Like many people who have gone through chemotherapy(化疗), I lost all of my hair and I was bald as a golf ball. I had always enjoyed wearing hats, so I ordered several special hats with the hair already attached. It was easy and I never had to worry about how my hair looked.I have always been a big golf fan. At one point during my cancer treatments, my husband John and I decided to get away from the cold Minnesota winter and take a trip to Scottsdale, Arizona. There was a Senior PGA Tour event called The Tradition being played, and that seemed like just the ticket to lift my spirits.The first day of the tournament(锦标赛)brought out huge crowd. It was beautiful day, and I was in heaven (天堂). I was standing and watching my three favorite golfers in the world approach the tee box(开球区): Jack Nicklaus, Raymond Floyd and Tom Weiskopf.Just as they arrived at the tee box, the unimaginable happened. A huge gust of wind came up from out of nowhere and blew my hat and hair right off my head and into the middle of the fairway(高尔夫球场的平坦球道)! The thousands of spectators lining the fairway fell into an awkward silence, all eyes on me. Even my golf idols were watching me, as my hair was right in their flight path. was mortified(窘迫的)! Embarrassed as I was, I knew I couldnt just stand there. Someone had to do something to get things moving again.So I took a deep breath and went out into the middle of the fairway. I grabbed my hat and hair, nestled(安放)them back on my head as best I could. Then I turned to the golfers and loudly announced: “Gentlemen, the wind is blowing from left to right.”They said the laughter could be heard all the way to the nineteenth hole.30 . Was it a difficult time to the writer when she was diagnosed with cancer?_31 . What helped her through when she had cancer?_32 . How did she feel on the first day of the tournament?_33 . What happened when her three favorite golfers arrived at the tee box?_34 . How did she deal with the unexpected thing?_35 . What can you learn from the story?_第 6 页 共 6 页


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