英语七年级上册Module 10 综合单元测评卷

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英语七年级上册Module 10 综合单元测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . People alsofoodthe oceans.Aget. . inBget. . .onCget. . . fromDget. . . around2 . There are many people here. They _ a dragon dance now.AlearnBlearningCare learningDlearns3 . - To tell _ truth, Jane! Why didnt you go to school yesterday?- Sorry, Mrs White. I had _ fever and stayed at home.Aa; aBa; the ;Cthe; aDthe; the4 . One of the boys _ a pet. The pet is really cute.AhaveBhasCisDare5 . I took her bag instead of mine _Aby mistakesBby mistakeCwith mistakeDwith mistakes6 . -Have you heard of the story of Steve Jobs? -Yes, his life was _ a movie in 2015.Amade intoBmade ofCmade fromDmade by7 . Vegetables are _. They are good for our _.Ahealth;healthyBhealthy;healthyChealthy;healthDhealth;health8 . _ would you like to read?The fifth one on the right.AHow many booksBWhat bookCWhere bookDWhich book9 . There are no desks in the classroom. The students all sit on the _.AbedBtreeCfloorDwall10 . Linda, I _ paper last week. Could you help me buy some?Agot outBgot out ofCran outDran out of二、完型填空完形填空What do you do at weekends? Some people like to _ home, but others like to go for a walk or have _ picnic. My friend Jack works _ in a factory during the weekdays (工作日). At _ he always does some other things. On Saturday he washes his car and on Sunday he _ to a village with his family by car. His uncle _ aunt have a farm there. It isnt a big one, but there _ always a lot of things to do. The children help with the animals and give _ their food. Jack and his wife _ his uncle in the fields. At the end of the day, they are all _ and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal.11 . AplayBstayCliveDlike12 . AaBanCtheD/13 . AangrilyBearlyCfastDhard14 . AweekendsBweekdaysCSaturdayDSunday15 . AgoesBgoCdrivesDdrive16 . AorBandCsoDbut17 . AisBareCbeDam18 . AtheyBthemCitDhim19 . AplayBplaysChelpDhelps20 . AbusyBhungryCexcitedDfriendly三、阅读单选NameTelephone NumberLinda Smith535-2375Jim Green278-1567Alice White398-5117Dale Black281-9176Alan Hand495-353921 . Whats Alans telephone number?A535-2375.B278-1567.C398-5117.D495-3539.22 . Whats Alices last name?ASmith.BHand.CWhite.DBlack.23 . _ telephone number is 281-9176.ADalesBJimsCAlicesDLindas24 . _ are girls.ALinda and AliceBJim and LindaCAlice and DaleDAlan and Alice25 . 下面的陈述哪一项是正确的?ALindas last name is Black.BAlices telephone number is 495-3539.CAlans family name is Hand.D398-5117 is Jims telephone number.Future PlanThomasIm not very sure what I will be doing in ten years from now. Maybe a cook or a film director? But I can tell you what Ill be doing next week having a birthday party with friends.EmmaThere is one thing I really want to do and that is to travel around the world. Hopefully I will be living somewhere different in ten years, like Australia, or even Japan who knows? Id like to be a teacher and Ill probably be teaching English.KenWhen I was little I always said I wanted to be a doctor and that hasnt changed. I will study medicine after I finish school. It will be a lot of hard work, but its my dream. So in ten years I hope I will either be working in a hospital or as a doctor with my own surgery.MaryIm not really sure about the future. Im interested in the environment, so maybe Ill probably be working as a scientist and help develop energy or something like that.26 . Who will have a birthday party with friends next week?AEmma.BKen.CThomas.DMary.27 . What would Emma like to be in the future?AA teacher.BA cook.CA doctor.DA scientist.28 . Whats Kens dream?ATo live somewhere different.BTo travel around the world.CTo help develop energy.DTo study medicine in the future.四、阅读判断Last weekend was a busy time for our family. On Saturday , my parents went shopping for clothes. My brother, Gray played basketball with his friends. My sister ,Gina stayed at home in the morning and played the piano. I stayed at home, too. I studied for a math test. In the afternoon ,I went to the beach.On Saturday evening, my family and I had dinner at home. Then we went to the movies.On Sunday morning, my family stayed at home. Gina and I cleaned our room., and Gray played computer games. In the afternoon my grandparents visited us. We were happy to see them. They stayed at our house for dinner. After dinner, we watched TV. I was tired on Sunday night. I went to bed early.根据短文内容,判断句子正(A)误(B)29 . I stayed at home on Saturday morning.30 . Gina is Grays aunt.31 . On Saturday evening , my family and I went to the movies.32 . Gray cleaned his room on Sunday morning.33 . I went to visit my grandparents on Sunday afternoon.五、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词(包括缩写词)34 . 别怕犯错误, 我们可以从众多错误中学到东西。Dont be afraid of _ and we can learn from them.35 . 坚持努力学习,你将会梦想成真。Keep studying hard, and your dream will_ .36 . 我们应该采取措施来防止校因暴力。Measures should_by us to prevent school violence.37 . 生活就像一场赛跑,你要么领先,要么落后。Life is like a race, you (will/can) _take the lead _fall behind.38 . 老师们对学生们的成就感到非常骄傲。Teachers _great_in their students achievements.39 . 据说飞行汽车不久将会飞上蓝天。_ that flying cars will appear in the sky very soon.40 . 长大后我将更多地帮助别人。When I_ , Im going to help others more.41 . 这位男演员演技出众, 常被误认为是个真警探。The actor acts _well _he is often mistaken for a real detective.42 . 暑假我想去有趣的地方参观。I would like to visit _in the summer vacation.43 . 这个事故已经发生了,我们将尽力帮助他。The accident has _and we will do our best to help him.六、单词填空Li Shan is from China, and Spring Festival is the most _(重要的)festival in her country. It happens in January or _(二月). Li Shan has got some photos of it. In the first photo, its a few days before Spring Festival and her mother is _(打扫)the house and sweeping away bad _(运气). They buy a lot of food before the festival. They are _(庆祝)Spring Festival with a _(传统的)family _(晚餐)on the evening before Spring Festival in the second photo. Li Shan is eating a kind of _(饺子)called jiaozi. After the dinner, they usually watch a special programme on TV. In the last photo, they are visiting the _(叔叔)and aunts. Theyre _(穿)new sweaters and coats. Li Shan always gets a hongbao, which means lucky money.44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _七、多任务混合问题Do you know the word “brunch”? On weekends, many people like to have brunchlate breakfast or early lunch. People usually have brunch between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Sunday because they like to get up late after a weeks hard work and they want to enjoy brunch with their parents, children or friends. That is a relaxing and interesting way of eating for most families.Today brunch has become the most popular in big hotels. People can ask for it or cook it themselves. To make it look like both breakfast and lunch, people choose to have lots of dishes. You can often see the following food on the table: meat, eggs, fruit, vegetables, orange, and tea.按要求完成下列各题。54 . When do people usually have brunch? (根据短文内容回答问题)_55 . What do people think of eating brunch?(根据短文内容回答问题)_56 . Do people usually eat much for brunch?(根据短文内容回答问题)_57 . 从短文中找出与下面句子画线部分意思最相近的短语。Many people like to have brunch._58 . In the passage, the underlined word “it” refers to (指)_.八、材料作文59 . 书面表达。假设你叫Dave,根据下列表格提示描述一下你上个周六是如何度过的。60词左右,可适当发挥。地点乡下人员我们一家三口,还有几个朋友天气晴朗,炎热活动上午:钓鱼、玩水;在当地餐馆吃中饭。下午:采摘水果和蔬菜感受环境优美,人们友好;食物健康、可口;孩子们和父母待在一起有很好的交流;大家都很好地放松了自己。第 9 页 共 9 页


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