英语七年级Unit 2 Topic1 阶段性测试题

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英语七年级Unit 2 Topic1 阶段性测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Does your sister_a new schoolbag?No,she doesnt.AhasBhaveCdont haveDdoesnt have2 . Walking to school usually _ me half an hour.AcostsBspendsCtakesDpays3 . _is the boy? Hes my friend, Michael.AWhoBWhatCHowDWhos4 . -will your father be back from work?-In half an hour.AHow longBHow soonCwhenDHow often5 . Is your name Mary? _.AYes, I amBYes, it isntCYes, Im notDYes, it is6 . Jane is very kind. She often shares _ food with _.Aher; meBher; IChers; meDhers; I7 . Im going on a trip to Hangzhou ? !AIts nice of youBHave a good timeCOKDCongratulations8 . Is Mr. Wang English teacher? No.English teacher is Mr. Li.Ayou, IByou; MyCyour; MyDyour; I9 . Could you tell me who the man wearing glasses is ?Certainly. He is_ coach .He teaches _ English.Aus ;ourBours; usCour; us10 . - What was the _ of the football match yesterday?- 5:3. We won the match.AteamBscoreClevelDsquare11 . _ Jim _ an egg? Yes, he _.ADoes, has, doesBDoes, have, doesCDo, have, doDDo, has, do12 . Look, she _a big nose.AhaveBhasCisDlook13 . My father,Mr.White,often_at six twenty in the morning.Aget upBgo upCgets upDgo to bed14 . Daniel had one month_last summer and he took a course _DIY.Aaway; onBfor; aboutCoff; inDoff; for15 . Dad, _ is Miss Li.AheBthisCwhoDit16 . More than _ people visited the _ car exhibition.Atwo million; eight-dayBtwo millions; eight daysCtwo millions; eight-dayDtwo million; eight days17 . -_will Mr. White come from Australia? In a week.AHow longBHow oftenCHow soon18 . He has 3 soccer balls. _he doesnt play sports.AButBAndCOnlyDOr二、补全对话7选5补全对话。A: Hi, Lucy. Is this your schoolbag?B: 19 . Its Bobs.A: Bobs? 20 . B: Hes my English teachers son.A: 21 . B: He is twelve years old. His birthday is in March.A:22 . ?B: He likes playing soccer very much.A: Does he want to play soccer with us?B:23 . Lets play it now.A: That sounds good.AHow old is he?BNo, it isnt.CWhos Bob?DIs Bob your English teachers son?E. Whats his favorite sport?F. When is his birthday?G. Yes, he does.三、完型填空Good morning. My name _ Zhang Jia. I am a middle school student. _ phone number (电话号码) is 282-9586. Whats this _ English? Its a _. This is a map of China and _ am in China. I have a _. Her name is Cindy Brown. Cindy is her _ name. Brown is her last name. She is _ English girl. She is 13. This is her jacket. Its yellow _ white. That is _ pen. Its black.24 . AamBisCareDbe25 . AIBMeCMyDIt26 . AtoBinCatDfor27 . AmapBpenCquiltDcup28 . AIBmyCsheDher29 . AnameBphoneCnumberDfriend30 . AfirstBlastCEnglishDfamily31 . AaBanCtheD/32 . AandBbutCtooDof33 . AtheirBhisCherDyour四、阅读单选Mr. and Mrs. Green had different ideas about where to go that weekend. Mrs. Green wanted to go to Florida to see her sister, but Mr. Green didnt want to go there. He wanted to go to Maine. “Maine is a little cold,” said Mrs. Green. “I like swimming, but the water in Maine is usually not warm enough.” “Floridas too far,” said Mr. Green. “ We dont have enough time to drive there. Itll take us more than two days.”Just then, the phone rang. Mr. Green answered the phone. It was Mr. Greens mother. “Please come in the shortest time. I need help. Im calling from the hospital in Boston.”They stopped their talking, and in no time they both went away.34 . Where did Mr. Green want to go that weekend?ANew York.BMaine.CBoston.DFlorida.35 . What did Mrs. Green like t o do on weekend?ATaking photos.BDrive to MaineCSee her parents.DGo swimming.36 . Who called them when they were talking?AMr. Greens wife.BMr. Greens mother.CMr. Greens father.DMr. Greens friend.37 . Where was Mr. Greens mother?AIn Florida.BIn Maine.CAt home.DIn Boston.38 . Where did they go at last?AMaine.BFlorida.CBoston.DTo their home.Alan is an American boy. He is studying in Shanghai International School. He is thirteen years old and he is in Grade Seven. He has a pet dog. Its brown and white. The dog is very clever. Alan likes it very much. Its favorite food is the bone. Every day when Alan gets home, the dog meets him in front of(在前面) the house.Alans friend, Jenny, is also in Shanghai. She is from Spain and is twelve years old. She is kind and lovely. She has a cat. Its black and white. The cat is very cute. It likes fish. Jenny likes it a lot and she always takes photos of it. Where is the cat now? Oh, look! Its on Jennys bed. Every night it sleeps with Jenny.39 . Where is Alan from?ASpain.BThe United States.CEngland.DChina.40 . Whats Alans pet dogs favorite food?AFish.BPizza.CBone.DSandwich.41 . How old is Jenny?ASeven.BEight.CTwelve.DThirteen.42 . What pet does Jenny have?AA dog.BA cat.CA fish.DA horse.43 . Where is Jennys cat now?AAt school.BOn Jennys bed.COn the desk.DIn front of the house.五、句型转换句型转换44 . The man is talking with a lady. He gave us a talk last week.(合成复合句)The man _ gave us a talk last week _with a lady.45 . Jim cant decide what he should do next.(改为同义句)Jim cant decide _next.46 . People grow rice in the south of China.(改为被动语态)Rice_ in the south of China.47 . It took him two hours to play with computers last night.(改为同义句)He_ two hours_ with computers last night.48 . Both of them are my best friends.(改为否定句)_of them _ my best friend.49 . They are happy to see each other.(改为感叹句)_they are to see each other!六、用所给单词的正确形式填空50 . During her_ (一生), she never gives up her dream.51 . Audrey Hepburn was one of Hollywoods all-time greatest _.(演员).52 . The sports meeting was _ (取消) because of the bad weather last week.53 . This conclusion_(标志) the end of this event.54 . He always_(坚持)what he thought was true55 . Michael Jacksons death was a great _ (lose) to the music industry.56 . The twins look nearly the same, so theyre often _(误以为)for each other.57 . My grandma passed away _ (安宁地) in her sleep.58 . -Where is Tom?-He is practising_(停车) his new car over there.59 . In fact, theyre quite _ (愚蠢).七、多任务混合问题Hello! My name is Mike. I am from the USA.(1)_. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast.(2)我不喜欢牛奶。I have no time to (3)_for lunch, so I have it at school.The lunch in our school is good. I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes(有时)I have noodles and dumplings. I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go to some restaurants(餐馆)(4)_some friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit.60 . 将(1)处画线句子译成汉语:_61 . 将(2)处画线句子译成英语:_62 . 为(3)处选择合适的词组:Ago homeBgo to homeCgo homesDat home63 . 为(4)处选择一个合适的介词:AforBinCwithDto64 . Mike hasfor lunch.Arice,meat and vegetablesBdumplings and noodlesCchicken,meat and fruitDA or B八、材料作文65 . 书面表达你最喜欢什么颜色,什么食物?你的爸爸、你的妈妈最喜欢什么颜色,什么食物?请利用本模块中的有关句型写5个句子。要求:(1)50词左右;(2)行文规范、语法正确、上下文连贯自然;(3)不得用自己或他人的真实姓名。_第 8 页 共 8 页


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