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哈尔滨市2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I like all kinds of fruits, but I prefer apples_bananas.AtoBatCinDof2 . (题文)_ the blackboard please and_ out of the window.ALooking at; dont lookBLook at; dont lookCLook; LookDDont look; looking3 . Can Mr. King spare some time for the meeting?If he _,he will try his best to make it.Awill be invitedBis invitedCinvitesDinvited4 . When I listen to music, I _and forget everything that I worry about.Afeel relaxedBam stressedCfeel sadDam modest5 . Are you of the dark?Yes, so I always go to sleep with my bedroom lights .Aworry; onBworried; offCafraid; onDfear; off6 . She is kind and helpful and often doesshe can to help me.AwhenBhowCwhereDwhatever7 . Which hobby do you think_the least time?Collecting stamps.Atakes upBputs upCgives upDmakes up8 . Animals are part of nature _ should be well protected.AorBbutCandDthough9 . The little boy is so full of energy and _knowledge that he read books in the library a whole dayAknown forBthirsty forCresponsible forDthankful for10 . He went sailing(航海) and didnt _for a long time. I havent seen him for nearly 3 months.Astay upBwake upCshow up二、完型填空Yoga(瑜伽) is a kind of sport. It is very_ all over the world now. Everyone can do yoga. Its good_ men and women.Why do more and more people_yoga? Its hard to say. The short answer is that yoga helps you_fit. For many people , this answer is enough,_there is more if you have an interest in it.Yoga _ in India about 5000 years ago. At that time, people wanted to be free, _ and live a long life, so this kind of exercise was born. Yoga is a Sanskrit(梵语) word and it_ “to join together”. There are _ parts in yoga: exercise, breathing and thinking. If you do _in Yoga, it can give you peace(平静) and help you feel relaxed.11 . AeasyBinterestingCpopular12 . AforBtoCwith13 . AjoinBjoin inCtakes part in14 . AtakeBmakeCkeep15 . AbutBsoCor16 . AbeginBbeganCbegins17 . AwarmBhealthyCbusy18 . AmeansBshowsCplans19 . AfewBthreeCtwo20 . AgoodBbadlyCwell三、阅读单选Laura is at the airport(机场),She waits for her plane. Her plane is to Berlin,and it is 4 hours away. Laura walks around the shops. After an hour she wants to go to the bathroom. But she doesnt find it. Where is the bathroom?she says. She starts asking other people,Laura says to a man,Excuse me,sir. Could you please tell me where the bathroom is?. The man says,You mean the restroom,right?. Laura says,No,I mean the bathroom. Well,the restroom is over there. He says and walks away. Laura doesnt understand(明白). She asks a woman,Excuse me,madam,Could you please tell me where the bathroom is?The restroom is over there. the lady answers and walks away. Laura is confused,Whats wrong?I need to use the bathroom and they tell me to rest!Then Laura gives up(放弃),She feels tired and thinks she needs to rest. She walks to the restroom. Now she is surprised. She realizes(意识到)the restroom is the name for a public(公共的)bathroom!21 . Laura will go to_.Athe airportBthe shopCa restaurantDBerlin22 . Laura asks_ where the bathroom is.Aa boyBa man and a womanCtwo menDnobody23 . Whats the meaning of the underlined(加下划线的)word confused?A兴奋的B明白的C迷惑的D发怒的24 . The passage tells us _Athe culture(文化)about languageBthe rules(规则)at the airportCthe people are not kindDthe restroom is for restUmbrellas are certainly one of lifes necessary handy helpers. But as anyone ever caught in a heavy rain will tell you, theyre far from perfect. So, many creative designers made efforts to challenge. Here are four clever designs that can solve the rainy day problems. SenzCommon umbrellas love to invert(翻转)when its windy. The Senz umbrella changes the round shape into the one thats long in the back and short in the front. The design is much stronger against even strong winds, and according to their tests, the Senz works well.NubrellaAn American named Alan Kaufman and his company spend 6 years inventing this hand-free umbrella. The hand-free umbrella is called Nubrella. The umbrella can rest on the users shoulders. So the user neednt hold the umbrella any more. And its convenient to make a phone call or ride a bike without an umbrella in the hand.KazbrellaThere is no doubt that this kind of umbrella is the shining star in the umbrella market this year. Common umbrellas drip(滴水)everywhere when they are closed. Kazbrella tries to solve this problem in a special way. Though it looks like common umbrella, the design allows the wet side of the umbrella to be inside once you fold it. As a result, getting in and out of your car is not a problem.Rain ShieldIn the face of a heavy rainstorm, rain can hit you from all directions. Rain Shield gives the protection from the sideway rain and its bendy(弯曲)design means it wont invert. It can handle strong wind. When not in use, it folds into a small piece.25 . According to the first paragraph, we know that the common umbrellas_.Aare useful but not perfect enoughBcan only be used in a heavy rainCcan protect us very well in a heavy rainDare challenges for creative designers26 . The umbrella in the following picture is called_.ASenzBNubrellaCKazbrellaDRain Shield27 . If you use Rain Shield in a heavy rainstorm,_.Aits not convenient enough to takeBit can protect you from sideway rainCit will prevent neither rain nor windDits easier to get in and out of the car28 . Which sentence is WRONG according to the passage?ASenz is easy to hold with its special shape even in windy weather.BNubrella is a great idea for those who want to play sports on rainy days.CKazbrella opens from the inside out and keeps dry when you carry around.DRain Shield sells best with the special shape and it folds into a small piece.Jane Goodall is a famous scientist. For more than 40 years, Goodall lived mostly in Tanzania in East Africa, studying chimpanzees (猩猩).As a young child, Jane Goodall was interested in animals. She grew up in the English countryside and was always climbing trees or riding horses.When Jane Goodall was 23, she got a chance to go to Africa. Even though she had never been to college, she got a job with a famous scientist named Louis Leakey.One day Louis Leakey said he needed a volunteer. He needed someone to go to a lake in Tanzania to study a kind of chimpanzees. Jane was excited.On July 16, 1960, she began her explore (探索). At first, the chimpanzees ran away from Jane. But with time passing, they got used to her being around.Every day, Jane would follow the chimpanzees, taking notes on their behavior. She learned many new things about chimpanzees. She watched how a chimpanzee made a tool. She learned how some chimpanzees became good leaders. She watched animals get angry and get upset. She wrote everything down so others would understand animals as she did. She learned that if you pay really close attention to animals, you will understand what they are “saying”.29 . What is the correct order of the following according to the passage?a. Jane went to Africa.b. Jane started her explore.c. Jane worked with Louis Leakey.d. Jane was born in the countryside.e. Jane followed chimpanzees.AdaebcBbacdeCadcbeDdacbe30 . Louis Leakey chose Jane Goodall as a volunteer to _.Aplant treesBraise horsesCstudy chimpanzeesDdo experiments31 . Jane _ the chimpanzees behaviors to help others understand them.Awrote downBtook pictures ofCmade videos ofDdrew pictures about32 . From the passage we can infer (推断) that _.Amother chimpanzees raise their childrenBpeople can communicate with animalsCanimals dont get excitedDchimpanzees can make toolsDo you know crosstalk? Its also known by its Chinese name xiangsheng. It is a famous Chinese show in the form of a dialogue usually between two people. It came into being in Beijing in the late Qing Dynasty (the mid - 19th century). It began as a form of street show, and it also borrowed from other arts, such as Beijing Opera. No matter what the form is, the crosstalk show just wants to make people laugh.Crosstalk is one of China s most important and popular performing arts. Modem crosstalk usually has four skillsspeaking, imitating(模仿),teasing(逗乐)and singing. Some stories come from everyday life, popular ideas and hot news. Some come from history stories. During the show, sometimes one actor is angry with the other because of their different ideas. Crosstalk is full of fun with singing, different sounds, musical instruments, and even crying. So if something makes you unhappy, you can enjoy crosstalk.Nowadays, you can watch it in tea houses and theatres. Of course, you can also listen to it on radio while taking a walk or driving a car. And you can watch it on TV with your families.33 . When did crosstalk come into being in Beijing?AAround 1750.BAround 1850.CAround 1800.DAround 1700.34 . What are the main skills in modem crosstalk?ASpeaking, imitating, teasing and singing.BSinging, crying and fightingCSpeaking, musical instruments and fighting.DImitating, singing and crying35 . Where can we enjoy crosstalk nowadays?AAt home.BIn tea houses or theatres.CIn a car or park.DAll of the above.四、单词填空There is a saying “ Time is life and when the lazy man kills time, he kills 36 . (他自己).” But today I did a silly thing to 37 . (浪费) a lot of time. This morning, after I had breakfast 38 . (慢慢地), I watched TV. But it was too boring. Then I started to play computer games. When I realized I should study hard for my coming English and math39 . (考试), four hours had passed. what should I do? I didnt have 40 . (足够的) time. I was41 . (烦恼的). Mum knew this and said, “It is not 42 . (有帮助的) to be sad and complain. You have to 43 . (面对) it. And the only thing you can do is to do it at once. Dont play again.” I think Mom is right. If I want to 44 . (实现) my dream, I should be the 45 . (所有者) of time and cant make time fly away from me.五、多任务混合问题Have you ever thought about what kind of job you would like to have when you grow up? Many people think that we can have only one job in our lifetime. We all know that this is not true, but quite a few people actually think this way. For example, when people choose a major (专业)in college, they think that the decisions they make now will decide their jobs for the rest of their lives. However, there are many examples where people became successful after changing their careers (职业)later in life.J. K. Rowling, writer of the famous novel Harry Potter, was actually a school teacher before she began writing books. In fact, she was out of work before the first Harry Potter book came out.Former US President Ronald Reagan began as an actor when he was a young man. He later decided that he wanted to do political work. This kind of passion(激情)finally led him (p become President of the United States.The famous 19th century artist Vincent Van Gogh was not a painter from the beginning. He once worked as an art salesman and later became a preacher. It was only 10 years before he died that he decided to become an artist.Careers are always open to change. The important thing is to find what you are really good at or what you really want to do. Once you find that passion, it * s all a matter of how hard you try.46 . Many people became successful_changing their careers later in life.47 . J. K. Rowling was_before the first Harry Potter book came out.48 . Was Vincent Van Gogh a painter from the beginning?49 . 找出并写下最后一段的主题句50 . 翻译划线句子六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句51 . English,is,my,David,name_52 . capital,Beijing,China,the,is,of_.53 . Shenzhen,China,city,is,in,big,a_.54 . meet,its,all,to,nice,you_55 . her,is,name,first,Kate_.七、材料作文56 . 课外阅读能丰富学生的课余生活,开拓他们的视野。但是,目前许多学生并不重视课外阅读。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文,对这一状况进行分析并提出建议。要求:1.80词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。2.文中不能岀现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。参考要点:1.学生不重视课外阅读的原因(作业太多、没有时间读书、时间花在手机或电脑)2.阅读的好处(更好地了解世界、学会如何思考、生活更加丰富多彩 )3. 第 10 页 共 10 页


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