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河南省2019年七年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话6选5根据对话内容,用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。A:Do you have a volleyball game at your school?B: Yes, we do. A: 1 . B: Its on September 28th.A: 2 . B: Yes, we do. Its on October 17th. 3 . A: When is your school trip?B: Its on May 20th. 4 . A: Oh? Thats great.B: I want to have a birthday party on that day. 5 . A: OK.ACan you come?BWhen is it?CThat day is also my thirteenth birthday.DDo you have a soccer game?EAnd we also have a basketball game on October 25th.FWhere is the soccer ball?二、完型填空A little girl and her father go to a shop to buy a barbie doll(娃娃). She has 20 _ in her hand. When she sees the doll she likes, she will ask, “Daddy, can I have _?” He always says, “Yes.” A little boy comes to the shop with his _, too. He wants to buy a computer game. He also has money in his hand, _ only five dollars. Each time the boy sees a game, he will _ at his father. His father always says, “No.” The boy has to leave the game there. The girl has taken the doll. When she sees this, she puts her doll _, and runs over to the computer games. She takes the _ on the top, and runs to the cashier(收银员). _ buying the game, the girl gives it back to the cashier and says _ quietly to her. The little boy comes up to the cashier. She gives the game to him and says, “You are my 100th customer(顾客) today, and you can have it!” The boy is very _. There is also a big smile on the little girls face.6 . AdollarsBdollsCcardsDgames7 . AherBthemCitDhim8 . AmotherBfatherCfriendDbrother9 . AbutBandCsoDor10 . AcallBseeCaskDlook11 . AonBoffCbackDup12 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour13 . ABeforeBAfterCWhenDWhile14 . AnothingBanythingCeverythingDsomething15 . AbadBunhappyChappyDgood三、阅读单选Tomorrow is Sunday. I,m not going Io work. Im twenty-two. My little brother isnt going to school. He is ten years younger than I am. I m going to do some shopping. My brother is going to do his homework. My parents are going to work. My father is going by bike and my mother by bus. In lhe afternoon,Im going to the park with my brother. Were going on foot. Were coming home at five. My parents are going to get home at half past five, we must help my mother cook the dinner. After supper, Im going to dance with my friends,and my brother is going to watch TV with my parents.16 . My brother is.AtenBtwelveCtwenty-twoDthirty-two17 . My father is going lo work.Aby bikeBby carCby busDon foot18 . My brother and Ito the park in the afternoon.Aam goingBam walkingCare walkingDgoing19 . My father and mother are coming back.Aat 7:30Bat 4:30Cat 6:30Dat 5:3020 . Im going to dance.Aat 6:30Bat 7:30Cafter 7:30Dafter supperA teacher had been very annoyed by some of the boys whistling during school hours. At last he knew he would have to punish anyone who repeated the offence(过错).The next morning, when the room was quiet, a loud whistle was heard! The students were surprised, and the teacher at once looked around to discover the offender.The blame(指责)fell on a bad boy who was often in trouble, he strongly denied(否认)whistling. However, his words were not believed, for he was not a truthful boy. The teacher brought him up to be punished.Seeing what was about to happen, a thin little boy, about nine years old, who had been anxiously watching the event, rose from his seat.“Do not punish John, sir,” he said to the teacher, “It was I who whistled. I was doing a long hard sum, and when I rubbed out another sum to make room for it, I rubbed out the difficult one by mistake. I spoiled it all, and before I knew what I had done, I had whistled out loud! I am very sorry, I did not mean to whistle, I cannot let John be punished for my fault.” He held out his hand to be punished!Taking his hand , the teacher said, “Charles, you have done the right thing. You were honest and spoke the truth. I believe that you did not intend to whistle. I cannot punish you, after being so honest. “ Charles returned to his seat with a flushed face, and even the youngest child in the school felt proud of him. Every student could see how bravely he had acted.Charles was truly a brave boy. He had done that which he knew to be right, even though the same time he might have been punished for it.True courage may also be shown by refusing to do that which we know is wrong, thought may get into trouble or other children may laugh at us.21 . According to the teacher, _.ACharles should be punished for the whistleBJohn should be punished for the whistleCboth of them should be punished for the whistleDall the boys should be punished for the whistle22 . Charles blew the whistle because _.Anobody else did itBhe was going to coughChe rubbed out the wrong sumDhe was used to whistling23 . John strongly denied whistling to show that _.Ahe was afraid of being punishedBhe knew who gave the whistleChis words had not been believedDhe didnt give the whistle at all24 . The result of the event was that _.AJohn had been wronged and punishedBCharles was praised for his courageCnobody cared about Charless actionDthe teacher made a more serious rule25 . The best title for the passage can be _.ATeachers MistakeBTrue CourageCTwo Naughty BoysDA Sudden WhistleMaybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not so necessary , however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she does his or her best. Here are some tips to help you. Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a plan of your time. First, design your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then, decide a good, regular time for studying. Dont forget to set aside enough time for entertainment(娱乐). A weekly plan may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials(资料). No games, radios, or televisions! When sitting down to study, pay enough attention to the subject.Make good use of your time in class. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teachers say. Really listening in class means less work later. Be an active listener during your class. Avoid distraction. Listening carefully can help you take better notes, understand the material, and remember it at a later date.Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to teach the next day, to read that material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world wont end if you dont pass a test, so dont be too worried.There are other methods that might help you with your study. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.26 . In order to concentrate on your subjects, you should just keep_ on your desk.AeverythingBa radioCstudy materialsDa book27 . The underlined word “distraction” in the passage probably means “_”.AplayingBdriving you madCpaying no attentionDchanging your mind28 . When students make a plan of their time, they should _.Aonly list the time for sleepingBset aside enough time for entertainmentClisten to their teachers carefullyDremember their problems in learning29 . If Kate tried all the ways in the passage for a long time, we can infer(推断) that _.Ashe solves all her problems nowBshe asks her mother to put games in her study areaCshe goes to some afterschool programs to review knowledgeDshe becomes less worried about tests30 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AHow to become a top student.BHow to plan your time.CHow to study English.DHow to take notes.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空按要求写单词31 . box(复数)_32 . I(名词性物主代词)_33 . his(名词性物主代词)_34 . dictionary(复数)_35 . I(宾格)_36 . your(名词性物主代词)_37 . teach(名词)_五、句子配对句子配对AB38 . Whats this in English?39 . Is this a book?40 . Whos that man?41 . What color is that orange?42 . How are you?43 . Whats your last name?44 . How old are you?45 . Is that jacket black?46 . Whats your name?47 . How do you do?AMiller.BHes my fatherCIts orangeDYesit isEIts a mapFNo, its yellow.GTenH. Very well,thank youI. How do you do?J. Mike.难度:一般使用:953次题型:句子配对更新:2017/1/15纠错智能换题收藏详情六、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。I m a girl from Nigeria. Growing up in a home full of watching and playing football, I have grown to love the 48 . (game).I watch mostly European football and I support an English club 49 . (call) Arsenal. There are a lot of 50 . ( reason) why I love football. No matter where you come from, no matter what language you speak, everyone 51 . (understand) the game. That is why it is called a“ global(全球的)sport”.Football is 52 . very easy sport to learn and play. Looking from the outside, it might seem really hard, but when you start 53 . (learn),it is not that hard Football involves(牵涉) a ball and a human. There are other rules and technicalities(技术性细节)involved, but, with time, you would be able to understand 54 . (they).I have learned so much from football throughout the years. For example, through football, I know lots of countries and cities in them. I know55 . (place) like Zurich, Leicester, Liverpool, Munich, and Shrewsbury. Also,listening to experienced commentators(解说员)during the football games helps increase my vocabulary(词汇量). Thanks to it, I was able to score higher on my SAT exam.56 . my SAT, a question was about a word I heard a commentator use in a game the week before.To me, football is more than 57 . a sport, it is life.难度:一般使用:62次题型:语法填空更新:2019/5/24纠错智能换题收藏详情七、信息匹配任务型阅读。阅读下面各段落,然后从文后所给的AE五个选项中选择正确的小标题,将其序号填入第7175题前的括号中。71.What animals do you like? My favorite animals are pandas and koalas. Because they are very smart. I often draw pictures of them.72.There is a new clothes store between my home and the park. The clothes are cheap and nice. Many people go there every day.73.I keep a pet dog called Xiaohei. She is three years old. She can dance and play with a ball. All people in my family like her.74.Julie is my good friend. She is a good girl. At home, she often helps mom do the dishes. At school, she often helps her classmates with their studies.75.Elephants are smart animals, and they are kind and interesting. Some elephants can draw pictures with their noses(鼻子)AMyGoodFriendBElephantsCMyPetDANewClothesStoreEMyFavoriteAnimals58 . _59 . _60 . _61 . _62 . _难度:一般使用:134次题型:信息匹配更新:2020/3/23纠错智能换题收藏详情八、书信作文63 . 假如你是杨明,初中生涯的第一个学期你新结交了一位好朋友李华,请你用英语给国外的网友Richard写一封电子邮件,介绍李华的学习和生活。要求:1.文中不得出现真实的人名和校名 2.词数50左右。DearRichard,Yours,YangMing难度:一般使用:6次题型:书信作文更新:2020/3/25纠错智能换题收藏详情六、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。I m a girl from Nigeria. Growing up in a home full of watching and playing football, I have grown to love the 48 . (game).I watch mostly European football and I support an English club 49 . (call) Arsenal. There are a lot of 50 . ( reason) why I love football. No matter where you come from, no matter what language you speak, everyone 51 . (understand) the game. That is why it is called a“ global(全球的)sport”.Football is 52 . very easy sport to learn and play. Looking from the outside, it might seem really hard, but when you start 53 . (learn),it is not that hard Football involves(牵涉) a ball and a human. There are other rules and technicalities(技术性细节)involved, but, with time, you would be able to understand 54 . (they).I have learned so much from football throughout the years. For example, through football, I know lots of countries and cities in them. I know55 . (place) like Zurich, Leicester, Liverpool, Munich, and Shrewsbury. Also,listening to experienced commentators(解说员)during the football games helps increase my vocabulary(词汇量). Thanks to it, I was able to score higher on my SAT exam.56 . my SAT, a question was about a word I heard a commentator use in a game the week before.To me, football is more than 57 . a sport, it is life.七、信息匹配任务型阅读。阅读下面各段落,然后从文后所给的AE五个选项中选择正确的小标题,将其序号填入第7175题前的括号中。71.What animals do you like? My favorite animals are pandas and koalas. Because they are very smart. I often draw pictures of them.72.There is a new clothes store between my home and the park. The clothes are cheap and nice. Many people go there every day.73.I keep a pet dog called Xiaohei. She is three years old. She can dance and play with a ball. All people in my family like her.74.Julie is my good friend. She is a good girl. At home, she often helps mom do the dishes. At school, she often helps her classmates with their studies.75.Elephants are smart animals, and they are kind and interesting. Some elephants can draw pictures with their noses(鼻子)AMyGoodFriendBElephantsCMyPetDANewClothesStoreEMyFavoriteAnimals58 . _59 . _60 . _61 . _62 . _八、书信作文63 . 假如你是杨明,初中生涯的第一个学期你新结交了一位好朋友李华,请你用英语给国外的网友Richard写一封电子邮件,介绍李华的学习和生活。要求:1.文中不得出现真实的人名和校名 2.词数50左右。DearRichard,Yours,YangMing第 13 页 共 13 页


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