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山西省2019-2020学年七年级上学期期中英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)_ have you been here?For ten years.AHow longBHow oftenCHow soon2 . Open Twenty, first your books and turn to Page _and look at _ picture .ATwenty, the firstBTwenty, oneCTwentieth, firstDTwentieth, one3 . What color _ Marys pencils? _ black.Aare; ItsBis; TheyreCis; ItsDare; Theyre4 . My aunts hair _ black and beautiful.AareBisChaveDhas5 . 当别人向你问好时说:How are you? 你应该怎么回应呢?AFine, thank you.BHow are you?CAnd you?DHello!6 . Those are_.Atwo my sistersBmy two sisterCtwo my sisterDmy two sisters7 . When I got out of the room, I found someone _ the tree.AclimbingBto climbCclimbDclimbs8 . -_ is it from the village to your farm? -Its 10 minutes walk.AHow farBHow longCHow oftenDHow much9 . - _is your sister?-She is 10 years old.AWhenBWhatCHowDHow old10 . Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _ I will always treasure.AthatBoneCitDwhat二、完型填空Jeanie is the most beautiful girl in my class. When she first came to my class, almost _ liked her. But now she has no friends. Why? Because she always_at others. “Jake is funny in the big jacket. Sally is_because she is too fat. And Tony is the funniest. Look at his hair” Jeanie and I were good friends in the past. I knew she was mean (刻薄的), but I didnt_ as long as she was good to me. _, one thing made me change (改变) my idea. One day I wanted to_Jeanie. So I went to her house without (没有) telling her. There I heard her talking to someone on the phone about_“Alice is boring. I dont like her that much.” I couldnt believe Jeanie was mean to me! I ran back home_. When I got home, Mom was cooking in the kitchen. I told her everything. She said, “Jeanie has good_, but she is mean. If you stay with her for long, you will be a person _ her . I knew what I should do. From then on, I stayed away from Jeanie.11 . AeveryoneBsomeoneCanyoneDno one12 . AlooksBshoutsCarrivesDlaughs13 . AsmarterBtallerCfunnierDearlier14 . AcareBthinkCknowDfind15 . AIfBHoweverCBecauseDAlthough16 . AforgetBsurpriseCwonderDshare17 . AmeBherCthemDus18 . AeasilyBclearlyCquicklyDloudly19 . AgradesBmindClooksDbody20 . AforBaboutCfromDlike三、阅读单选Ann is at the age of four and doesnt go to school. Her parents are very busy with their work. So she has to stay with her grandpa. Her grandpa was a teacher and now stays at home. He teaches the little girl to read and write. The girl is very clever(聪明)and studies very hard, she learns a lot. She can count from one to one hundred, read some picture-books and write the names of her family. Her parents are happy and often show it to others. People often praise (称赞、夸奖) her for it.21 . How old is Ann? She is _.AfiveBfourCsixDtwo22 . _ teaches Ann.AHer teacherBHer motherCHer grandpaDHer father23 . Ann_.Acan read but cant writeBcan write but cant readCcan read and writeDcan write her own name24 . Her parents_.Adont like herBare very busyCstays with herDdidnt help with her25 . Ann is a _ girl.AgoodBschoolCbadDhomeLucy and Lily are twins. They are students. They are ten. Their father is Mr. White. He is in a brown coat. Their mother is Mrs. White. She is in black shoes(鞋). Lucy is in a yellow sweater. Lily is in an orange sweater. Bob is their brother. He is in a blue hat. The twins are in a green car. The car is behind the red flowers.26 . Mr. White is .ALucys fatherBLilys fatherCLucy and Lilys fatherDA and B27 . Mr. White and Mrs. White have .Aone son and two daughtersBone son and one daughterCone daughter and two sonsDtwo sons and two daughters28 . Mrs. White is .Ain the yellow sweaterBin dark shoesCin the blue hatDin the brown hat29 . isnt in the green car.ABobBLucyCLilyDThe twins30 . is behind the red flowers.AThe red carBThe yellow carCThe green carDThe black car四、句型转换句型转换31 . Does he come from the USA? (作否定回答)No, _32 . I always have a good time. (改为同义句)I always _ .33 . Li Lei sometimes goes to the park. (改为一般疑问句)_ Li Lei sometimes_ to the park ?34 . They usually have lunch at 11:00. (改为否定句)They_ usually_ lunch at 11:00 .35 . I play computer games twice a week. (对划线部分提问)_ do you play computer games?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。36 . Whats her telephone number ? I dont k_.37 . I often watch TV . I think its r_.38 . His grandparents are h_. They always have fruit and vegetables .39 . The two w_ are my aunts .40 . I want a new p_ of trousers .根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。41 . Hello, Im from the U.S.AMy first name is Sam and my l_ name is Smith.42 . Can you s_ the word for me?Yes, D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.43 . Summer lasts for 3 months from J_ to August.44 . Whos that lady?She is my a_, my mothers sister.45 . The pen is not on the chair. Its u_ the chair.46 . A basketball game between America and China is on TV now. Lets w_ it together!47 . This is a really b_ term! Have a good time!48 . Look! Fangfang is c_ the floor. Lets help her.49 . Its getting colder. Put on your sweaters b_ you go out, Lucy and Lily.50 . Lucy enjoyed h_ at Cindys birthday party yesterday.六、完成句子翻译句子(每空一词)51 . 我经常和朋友一起打篮球I often_ with my friends.52 . 我通常在6点看电视。I usually_ at six oclock53 . 不要玩弄树木Dont _ the trees54 . 我的老师经常乘车回家My teacher often _a bus _ .55 . 我经常帮我妈妈打扫卫生。I often _ my mother do some _ .56 . 周末你想要看一场电影吗Would you like to_at the weekend?57 . 我确信你们都很喜欢它。I _ that you all like it very much.七、多任务混合问题Jack went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends .It was sunny and hot.(1)So they had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, they went shopping. But the shops were crowded, they didnt really enjoy it.The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Jack found a small boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. He helped the boy find his father. Jack was very happy.(2)But he had no money for a taxi. So he had to walked back to the hotel. That made him very tired.On Wednesday, the weather was very cool. So he played tennis. He played all morning. It was really fun.(3)He ate Sichuan food for dinner.根据短文内容完成下列各题。58 . How was the weather on Tuesday?_59 . 写出(1) 的同义句。_60 . 将句(2) 翻译成汉语。_61 . What did Jack do on Wednesday morning?_62 . 对句(3)划线部分提问。_八、根据图画及所给单词写出句子看图写句子63 . whose, those?_64 . he ,is_65 . look,same_66 . these,not, theirs_67 . these, hers?_九、汉译英:整句Put the following sentences into English(翻译下列句子):68 . 在过去的十年中,我们的家乡发生了巨大的变化。_69 . 我哥哥做警察已经有15年了。_70 . 从2010年到现在你去了几次英国?_十、材料作文71 . 根据下面提供的简历,写一篇短文介绍你的好朋友Millie。词数:60左右。Name MillieClassClass Two, Grade EightCome from EnglandAppearanceround face, big smiling eyes, straight and shoulder-length hair, pretty, slimPersonalityfriendly, helpful, have a sense of humourAbilities hard-working, smart, clever_第 10 页 共 10 页


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