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南京市2020年七年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The students were in good order when they went into the meeting hall, _ at _ time.Atwo, aBtwo, /C/, oneDone, the2 . This is _ friend Eric._last name is Miller.AI, HisBmy, HesCmy, His3 . My mother often _me to go shopping with her on Sunday.AmakesBletsCasksDtell4 . Paper cutting is a traditional Chinese art. More and more kids are becoming_in it.AinterestBinterestedCinteresting5 . For _ my mother likes beef and mutton.AmeatBfruitCfishDvegetables6 . They dont play sports, they only_ them _ TVAwatching, onBlooks, onClooks at , inDwatch, on7 . -Would you like some more soup? -.Im full(饱了)AYes,pleaseBId love toCNo,ThanksDNo,I wouldnt8 . 熟人见面时表示礼貌的常用语是_.ANice to meet you.BNice to see you.CHow do you do?9 . 一_will he get back?- In two days.AHow oftenBHow longCHow soonDHow many10 . All the students in Class 5 will climb the mountain if it _ rain tomorrow.AwontBdontCdidntDdoesnt11 . Its only tworide from our school to Nanjing.AhourBhoursChoursDhours12 . Its very nice _ some money to me.Aof you to lendBfor you to lendCfor you to borrowDof you to borrow13 . Miss Yang is _ English teacher.AaBanCtheD/14 . Its good for your _ to eat more _ food.Ahealth; healthBhealth; healthyChealthy; healthDhealthy; healthy15 . National Treasure quickly rose to the top television rating ranks after it was presented on CCTV. It means a growing in traditional culture among Chinas youth.AinterestBdirectionChabitDdream二、补全对话7选5阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A. Ill take it.B. Can I help you?C. How many oranges do you need?D. Thank you.E. How much are they?F Is that all?G. How much chicken would you like?A: Good morning, madam. 16 . B: Yes. Id like to buy some chicken, please.A: 17 . B: Two kilos, please.A: OK. here it is. 18 . B: No. And some oranges, please.A: 19 . B: Two kilos, too.A: Here you are.B: Thank you. 20 . A: Let me see. Fifty-eight yuan.B: OK. Here you are.A: Thank you. Goodbye!B: Bye!三、完型填空Hello, Im Frank. I have a good friend. His _ is David Brown. Now he is in his room. The _ is nice. A bed, a table, a chair and a sofa _ in it. Look! There is a quilt on the bed. What _ is it? Its blue and yellow. On the table is his school ID card and the _ is 286-62309. David has a _. It is _ the table, too. But now he cant find it. _ is it? He looks for it everywhere. His _, Mrs. Brown comes to his room. She helps him _ the model plane. It is under the sofa.21 . AcardBnameCmotherDfriend22 . AtableBfamilyClibraryDroom23 . AisBamCareDbe24 . ApictureBtimeCcolorDthing25 . AtelephoneBphone numberCgameDnumber26 . Amodel planeBcomputerCclockDpencil box27 . AinBunderConDat28 . AWhatBWhoCHowDWhere29 . AfatherBmotherCbrotherDuncle30 . AseeBfindCknowDthinkOnce upon a time, there was a boy who lived in China. His name was Ma Liang. He loved to _, but he didnt have a brush. He was too _ to buy one. He often used sticks to draw pictures on the ground. He said to himself, “_ I have a brush, I dont need to draw on the ground with _.”One night, when Ma Liang was asleep, he had a dream. In his dream, he _an old man. The old man gave him a magic _. The old man said to Ma Liang, “I give you a magic brush. You can use it to help the poor in your village.”The next morning, when he _, he found a real brush in his hands. Ma Liang felt very _. He went to the village and decided to help the villagers. Some villagers said, “There has been a drought (干旱) and our crops (庄稼) are dying.” Ma Liang took out the magic_and drew some _. Then it began to rain. The villagers said thanks to Ma Liang.31 . ArunBjumpCdrawDdance32 . AsmallBpoorColdDnew33 . ABecauseBIfCHoweverDBefore34 . AflowersBgrassCsticksDpens35 . AfoundBmetCtalkedDspoke36 . ApenBpencilCbrushDstick37 . Astayed upBwoke upCput upDcleaned up38 . AinterestingBinterestedCexcitingDexcited39 . AhandBpictureCbrushDbook40 . AsnowBwindCsunDcloud四、阅读单选Please Join Us for a Day at the Happy Valley Invite children aged 12 to 16 to take part in the “Happy Winter Vacation” at the Happy Valley. Children will find the Happy Valley is a good place to play. There is a most popular amusement(娱乐) equipment here, such as more than 100 amusement rides. Free service for sports lovers. There are 15 ping-pong tables, an indoor football field and three climbing walls.If you cant wait to take part in the activity, please enter your name in the boxes before January 10. The cost of the trip is ¥180. This includes entrance tickets and all rides.We suggest bringing your own food.Buses leave at 9:00 a.m. at the school gate and return at 5:00 p.m. at the Happy Valley gate.Date: Wednesday, January 21.If you need more information, please call Miss Xu at 9055-6268.根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。41 . Who can take part in the “Happy Winter Vacation”?AChildren under 10.BChildren over 16.CChildren aged 12-16.DChildren aged 11-15.42 . What does the underlined word “equipment” mean in Chinese?A游戏B场所C设备D消遣43 . The children had better bring .AfootballBfoodCping-pongDgloves44 . When can children go to the Happy Valley?AOn January 10.BBefore January 10.COn February 10.DOn January 21.45 . How can you get more information?ACall Miss Xu a ring.BAsk Mr. Wang.CSearch on the Internet.DAsk the manager.Vegetables are good for our health. They give our bodies different kinds of vitamins and help us grow. Different vegetables can keep our bodies in different parts. Eating carrots is helpful to our eyes, because carrots can help us see better at night. Do you want to have strong teeth? Eat some beans. Beans have Vitamin K in them. Vitamin K is helpful to your teeth.Do you like red tomatoes? They look nice. Doctors call tomatoes healthy vegetables, because they can stop some illness. They also have a kind of Vitamin P and it can keep our skin(皮肤)healthy. So it is important to eat some tomatoes. Dont forget about spinach. The spinach leaves have Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. They can help us do our jobs better.Vegetables are very important to us, but we cant only have vegetables. We also need other kinds of food to keep healthy.46 . How many kinds of vegetables are there in the passage?AtwoBthreeCfourDfive47 . _can help our bodies in eyes.ABeansBCarrotsCOnionsDPotatoes48 . Vitamin K can _.Amake our teeth strongBhelp us see betterCstop some illnessDhelp our skin healthy49 . The underlined (画线)word spinach is a kind of _.AvitaminBfruitCdrinkDVegetables50 . In this passage the writer wants to tell us that _.Athere are many kinds of vitaminsBwe should eat lots of vegetablesCvitamins are in many vegetablesDwe dont need to eat other kind of foodA new girl whose name was Ma Xiaoya came to our class. I still remember the first time I talked to her half a year ago. During the break she sat on the seat alone. I saw her take out a piece of paper, and start to make something.She folded (折叠) it in two, and then again. When everything was ready, she colored it. A flower! I was so surprised! So I asked her, “Can you teach me?”“Of course,” she said. “Ill teach you tomorrow.” Next day she came to me as soon as she entered the classroom. She showed me what to do and at the same time talked to me. I followed her. Finally, I could make a flower myself.Several days later, my class had an art competition. I thought she would take part in it. But she was afraid of competitions. I tried to help her. “Dont worry. Its just a game.” Later her paper flower won the first place. When we knew the news, she ran to me quickly. She didnt say anything, but gave me a big hug.On July 10, she went back to America by plane. I cried when I saw her off. But I knew our friendship would last forever.51 . When did the writer first talk to Ma Xiaoya?ATwo months ago.BHalf a year ago.CA year ago.DSix years ago.52 . Paragraph 3 is mainly about _.AMa Xiaoya taught the writer to do paper cutBMa Xiaoya took part in the art competitionCMa Xiaoya went back to the USADMa Xiaoya came to the writers class for the first time53 . Why didnt Ma Xiaoya take part in the art competition at first?ABecause she didnt know how to do paper cut.BBecause she was afraid of competitions.CBecause she didnt want others to know how to do paper cut.DBecause she had something more important to do.54 . How did Ma Xiaoya come back to America?ABy train.BBy ship.CBy subway.DBy plane.Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)Be my friendMy name is Bubu. I am a big blue monster(怪兽)and I want a new friend. I am 11 years old. My birthday is on the fifth of December. About me I am good at swimming. In summer, I like swimming in the sea and building sandcastles. I am good at cycling too. In winter, I like cycling to country parks. I can play football and basketball. They are my favourite sports! I dont like staying at home and I dont like making things! I cant play Chinese checkers or Chinese chess. They are boring! I cant play the piano but I like listening to my sister playing the piano. She plays very well. I want to learn to play chess. Can you teach me?Do you want to be my friend? E-mail me at bubumonster.com(142 words)55 . Bubu likes _ in December.Aswimming in the seaBcyclingCcycling to country parksDbuilding sandcastles56 . Which is TRUE according to the passage?ABubu likes listening to music.BBubu is good at making things.CBubu likes playing the piano.DBubu is good at playing chess.57 . In the sentence “She plays very well”, the word She refers to(指的是)_.ABubuBBubus sisterCBubus friendDBubus mother58 . Which sentences tells us Bubu likes playing ball games?AIn winter, I like cycling in country parks.BThey are my favourite sports!CShe plays very well.DI want to learn to play chess.59 . Tommy wants to be Bubus friend. What can he do?AWrite a letter to Bubu.BMake a telephone call to BubuCGo to Bubus home.DSend an e-mail to Bubu.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空Complete the following sentences accordingly.60 . If you p_ to know what you dont know, especially in your study, you will only make a fool of yourself and cannot make progress.61 . Getting a drivers l_ takes a lot of time and energy, but its worth it because it means having a lot more freedom.62 . Each t_ has its own distinctive customs, dialects and costumes, such as Mohicans, Delawares and Hurons in the book The Last of the Mohicans(最后的莫西干人).63 . My 6-year-old cousin is bothering me. She always comes over to my house without asking for p_ and makes the house a mess.64 . In the US, the age of l8 is a mark of a_ , which means you can vote, get married, and serve in the military. However, you are still not allowed to drink until you are 21.65 . D_ people can feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worthless and guilty. They may lose interest in activities that they once found pleasurable, experience a loss of appetite or overeat.66 . I have graduated from my junior high school. I still remember the day of the graduation c_ when my face was covered in tears. It was an unforgettable moment.67 . As far as I am concerned, an excellent boy should be the kind of person who takes r_ for what he does. He should also be filial to his parents and always kind to others.68 . Our school r_ a piece of land to plant fresh vegetables and fruits for students and teachers to eat several years ago! Though it costs a lot of money every year, the farm has provided so many fresh and healthy vegetables for us.69 . Early birds catch the worms. This is a familiar saying which guides innumerable people in different areas. Many of my classmates regard it as their m_.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。70 . It is important and good for us to brush our _(tooth ) after meals.71 . As we know, sports can keep _ (health) and strong.72 . Thank you for _(celebrate) my birthday, Im so happy.73 . It usually takes my mother much time to think about what _ (wear ) every day .74 . His red tie _( match ) his suit very well .七、材料作文75 . 书面表达根据中文提示,写一篇短文介绍你的好朋友。1凯特长得好看,有一双大眼睛,圆圆的脸,很可爱。2对朋友很慷慨,她认为应该与朋友分享一切,应该在别人需要时帮助他们。3很有幽默感,常讲笑话给我听,让我开心,我与她在一起时从不会无聊。4她会替我保守秘密,她是一个真正的朋友。_第 11 页 共 11 页


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