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九年级上学期期末英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ Fred was poor, he never asked for help.AIfBBecauseCAlthoughDBut2 . We are not sure if it _ tomorrow. If it _, we wont go hiking.Asnows; snowsBsnows; will snowCwill snow; will snowDwill snow; snows3 . _ girls are there in you r classroom? Therere thirty-one.AHow manyBHow oldCWhoDWhich4 . It is reported that a new libraryin October next year.AbuildsBwill buildCare builtDwill be built5 . I have a good _, and its my pet dog.AbookBquiltCfriendDteacher6 . After the Great Wall, the visitors from Britain went to the Summer Palace.AvisitBvisitsCto visitDvisiting7 . Can I learn English well if I work hard on it from now on?Sure. _.AOne tree doesnt make a forestBNothing is impossible to a willing heartCIts not work that kills, but worryDTwo heads are better than one8 . In her opinion, a mobike doesnt work as _ as a common bike.AwellBgoodCbetterDbest9 . Teamwork is very important, so we need to_ when we do something in groups.Apull downBpull togetherCput togetherDput down10 . Tim, put on your coat, or you may have cold on such a cold day.OK, Mom.AaBanCtheD/11 . She _ as an animal trainer since 2003.Ahas workedBworksCwill workDworked12 . He _at work. He has been in hospital for long.Acan beBcant beCmay beDmust be13 . Do you have any problems _ your English?Yes.I have difficulty _ texts.Awith;readingBread;studyCin;with14 . Janes opinion is different from _, but I really agree with _.Ayours, herByours hersCyou, hersDyou, her15 . There is not many differences between the two. I really dont know _.Awhat should I chooseBwhich I should chooseCwhich should I chooseDwhat I should choose二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,完成51-55题(其中有两个选项是多余的)。并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A: Hello, Peter!B: Hello Li Wei!A: 16 . ?B: Ive been here for two weeks, but Im going back to Australia tomorrow.A: Have you traveled much?B: 17 . . Ive visited many interesting places.A: 18 . ? B: I have been to Tian An Men Square, Palace Museum, the Great Wall, the Birds Nest and so on.A: Wow, great! 19 . ?B: Yes, I went to see the Terracotta Army(兵马俑). It was fantastic.A: 20 . ? B: I love it very much, especially Beijing Duck. Its so delicious.AWhere have you gone?BHow long have you been in China?CWhat do you think of Chinese food?DWhat places have you been?E. No, I havent.F. Yes, I have.G. Did you go anywhere outside Beijing?三、完型填空Henry comes from America. He likes _ a lot. Hes visited many _. Last summer, he went to India, a country _ a long history. During the trip there, he met something _ from his culture(文化).One day, he wanted to visit a palace. He went out of the hotel and _ a taxi. When he told the driver the palaces name, the Indian _ his head. Henry said again and the driver shook his head again. Henry, of course, got _.Why did you always refuse(拒绝)me?” he shouted. “please drive me to the palace!” The driver answered. “Yes, sir!” and shook his _ again. The taxi started and Henry didnt say a word. He _ it, and then he said to himself, “I see, shaking the head means _ here.”21 . AshoppingBfishingCswimmingDtravelling22 . AwritersBschoolsCcountriesDdoctors23 . AwithBfromCoverDunder24 . AdifferentBsuccessfulCexpensiveDdifficult25 . AreceivedBstartedCtookDbought26 . AshookBnoddedCsawDpushed27 . AwarmBexcitedCafraidDunhappy28 . AhandBheadCbagDkey29 . Aworried aboutBthought aboutCwent overDlooked for30 . AgoodbyeBthanksCyesDno四、阅读单选Shenzhen, Jan 1st, 2018 Shenzhen has become the worlds first city to make all its public buses, about 16,359, run on electricity. A total of 12, 518 taxis, or 62.5 percent of all the taxis in the city are electric ones. “We will replace (替换) the rest of the taxis with electric ones by 2020.” said Mr. Chen from the government.“I have been a driver for twenty years,” said Mr. Zhang, a driver who started to drive e-buses a month ago. “We had several rounds of training and passed strict exams before we were allowed to drive the e-buses.”The city has built 8,000 charging poles (充电柱) and 501 bus charging stations. “A bus can be fully charged within two hours and the charging poles can serve 300 buses a day at our station. Since the replacement, the bus terminal(公交车总站) has become quiet, even as the e-buses are entering and exiting the station.” said Mr. Guan, the manager of Qinghu Bus Station.The use of e-buses and e-taxis plays an important role in improving air quality. In a year, the e-buses use 72.9 percent less energy than the traditional ones. The e-taxis will save the energy of 119, 000 tons of standard coal(标准煤).Shenzhen was one of the first 13 cities to take part in the National New-energy Vehicle Program (NNVP). In 2017, the city spent 3.3 billion yuan on e-buses and the charging equipment. The city also encourages people to buy new-energy cars or e-cars by reducing their payment.31 . How many e-taxis were there in Shenzhen in January, 2018?A8,000B12,518C16,359D11,90032 . What is the result of the replacement according to Mr. Guan?AThe city has built 501 bus charging stations.BIt helps to improve air quality and save energy.CThe bus station has become quiet.DPassengers will spend two hours waiting for an e-bus.33 . What can we infer (推断)from the passage?AIt is not easy to be an e-driver.BShenzhen is the first to use e-taxis.C13 cities are in the NNVP besides Shenzhen.DShenzhen will use 72.9 percent less energy than before this year.34 . What is the main idea of the passage?APeople in Shenzhen are encouraged to buy new-energy cars.BShenzhen took part in the National New-energy Vehicle Program.CIt is fast and convenient for the e-buses to be charged in Shenzhen.DShenzhen is replacing its public buses and taxis with electric ones.In England, traffic keeps on the left.Cars, buses and bikes all move on the left side of the road.But the traffic keeps on the right in China.So when you are in England, you must be very careful in the street.Before you cross a street you must stop and look both ways.Look right and look left and look right again.If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop.Then the people on foot can cross the road.If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go.People on foot mustnt cross.In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy.Traffic is very dangerous (危险的).When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too.Always remember(记住)the traffic moves on the left.If you dont have a look first, you will go the wrong way.In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors.You can sit on the second floor.From there you can see the city very well.Its very interesting.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。35 . When you are in England you must remember that _.Ayoud better go by busBthe traffic goes on the leftCthe streets are very busyDthere are many cars and buses on the road36 . When the traffic lights are _, the traffic must stop.AredByellowCgreenDwe dont know37 . When you go by bus in England, you must be careful because _.Ayou may go the wrong wayBthere are too many busesCthere are big buses with two floorsDthere are not any traffic lights38 . Some people like sitting on the second floor of a big bus because _.Ait is not dangerousBit can make roads safeCthey can have a good look at the cityDthere are no other people39 . The best title (标题) for this passage (短文) is _.ABuses in EnglandBTraffic in EnglandCDriving in EnglandDTraffic lights in EnglandSmoking is a very bad habit. It is one of the worst things that kids or adults do to their bodies. It can cause different kinds of diseases(疾病), such as cancer(癌症) and heart disease. In middle schools, there are about 10% of the students smoking. Some students may start smoking because it looks cool. Others might think it is a way to look like an adult.If some of your friends smoke, you should ask them to stop. Here are some reasons you can give.It is bad for their health.They will pay a lot of money for it.Their fingers and teeth will turn yellow.They may not live long.It will also damage the health of their families.You can tell your friends about these problems. Your friends may be interested in learning more about the dangers of smoking. But people dont like to hear others say theyre doing something wrong, so they could also be a little angry. If that happens, do not mind. Your friends will know that you are right in the future.40 . If there are 1,000 middle school students, there will be about _students smoking.A10B100C200D50041 . The underlined word “damage” means“ _ ”in Chinese.A伤害B记录C改善D治疗42 . If your friends get angry with you,_.Ait means you are wrongByou should leave them right away.Cyou dont need to care about itDthey will stop smoking quickly43 . The passage is probably from_.Aa sports reportsBa health magazineCa travelling book D an interesting storybook.44 . Which is the best title of this passage?AThe Reasons for SmokingBThe Dangers of SmokingCHow to Start SmokingDHelp Your Friends Stop Smoking五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子中所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)45 . You can buy some _(钢笔) in the store.46 . The _(第二) month of a year is February.47 . Her skirt is _(紫色的) and she likes it very much.48 . Tom plays volleyball with his friends on_(星期一) afternoon.49 . We like English very much and its very _(有用的) for us.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文People love travelling. Travelling not only broadens peoples horizons(视野) but also opens eyes to the world. Whats more, people can forget all troubles that they have in their mind. It is a type of living knowledge. People will be sure to 50 . many new things when travelling.Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. 51 . , too many tourists can disturb the inhabitants(居民)of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants will become unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them52 . . They forget how much tourism can help a countrys economy. So it is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them. Tourism should help a country 53 . the customs and beauty that attract tourists. 七、多任务混合问题The British artist Dominic Wilcox has created a pair of shoes, which can lead you home no matter where you are in the world. He thought about the fairy tale The Wizard of Oz and how Dorothy could click her shoes to go home. So he decided to make a pair of shoes that could take you home with a click of heels. The shoes can point the way with GPS and clever LEDs(发光二极管).Wilcox worked with another artist and a shoemaker to produce what he calls the “No Place Like Home” shoes.One of the “No Place Like Home” shoes has a GPS unit inside the heel of the left shoe. It communicates wirelessly(无线方式)with the right shoe and provides data to the LED lights. The LEDs on the left toe point the person in the right direction while those on the right toe show how much of the journey still remains.It may be an art project. Theres only one pair, but its not hard to imagine a similar, more everyday pair of shoes for children, old people or those who always lose their ways in the future.Now, this pair of shoes are on show in London.(1、2题完成整个句子;3题简略完成问题;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将短文中的划线句子翻译成汉语。)54 . Wilcox worked with another _ to produce the “No Place Like Home” shoes.55 . Inside the heel of the left shoes, there is _ .56 . How many pairs of “No Place Like Home” shoes are created now?_57 . _58 . _八、材料作文59 . 现在学生进网吧上网(get on-line)成风,假设你是班主任,将在班会上讨论有关问题,请根据表格中提供的内容,写一篇90词左右的讲话稿,要点必须齐全。讲话稿的开头已给出。益处1.学会使用一种现代化工具 电脑;2.可以学习更多知识;了解更多信息。3有益的游戏使人更加聪明,有利于成长。弊端1.过于沉迷游戏影响学习;2.网上交友,通信频繁,学习越来越差你的观点.建议在校学习时不上网;你的观点要求:1.文章必须包含所提供的信息,并作适当发挥;2.文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;3.词数:90 词左右(开头已写好,不计入总词数)。Boys and girls. Good afternoon .Today lets talk about getting on-line.九、其他Find out the words whose underlined part sound different.60 . AtermBreaderCgatherDwhether61 . ApublishBdesignCmonitorDeditor62 . AteamBfeatureCreaderDready63 . AconcludeBcomplainCmonitorDcommittee64 . AdelightedBrecordCelectDdeserve第 11 页 共 11 页


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