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广西壮族自治区2020年九年级上学期10月月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _, how is your grandfather now?He is fine. He always exercises in the park.AIn the wayBOn the wayCBy the wayDIn this way2 . Here is_ watch Dad bought me. I think its _ useful thing to me.Athe; aBthe; anCa; aDa; an3 . Mom, what would you like? Coffee or tea?. _. Just water, Please.ABothBEitherCNeither4 . My job is so boring. I wish I had my own business,like Jane does. Jane may like your job. Remember,_.Aevery dog has its dayBactions speak louder than wordsCyou cant put all your eggs in one basketDthe grass is always greener on the other side5 . Was James hurt badly?Yes. He has _ for 3 days.Afallen down from the treeBcut his kneeCknocked into the wallDbeen in hospital6 . Wheres your father? He _ Beijing. He _there last month.Ahas gone to; wentBhas been to; wentChas gone to; has goneDhas been to; has gone7 . He has some modern technology books on the desk, but _of them is about AI.AallBnoneCneither8 . We will_the survey as we planned unless it rains tomorrow.You neednt worry about the weather. Its sunny tomorrow.Acarry onBrun outCcome outDcarry out9 . We all know that learning a foreign language _time and effort, so we should be patient and try our best.AspendsBincreasesCrequiresDcreates10 . Could you show me the method of cooking the tasty cookies? Please follow the _ on the cookbook.AdirectionBattentionCintroductionDinstruction11 . Tomorrows meeting is very important, you know. I see. Ill attend it _ Im very busy.AsinceBwhenCuntilDalthough12 . The mark of PE will be increased to 60 points in Maanshan in order to _ students physical quality(身体素质).AproduceBmakeCachieveDimprove13 . I made a phone call to James last night, but _ answered it.AsomebodyBanybodyCeverybodyDnobody14 . Some _went to Japan to help when they knew that many _ lost their homes in the earthquake.AGermen; JapaneseBFrenchmen; JapanesesCGermans; Japanese15 . There wassnow last winter.Atoo muchBmuch tooCtoo manyDmany too二、补全短文5选5Are you the only child in the family? If so, you are the most important in your family.16 . . But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel theyre not as close to their parents as before.17 . .Some students complain that their parents say a lot to them, but never listen to them. Some of them even say it angrily.“My parents dont allow me to play computer games, but other classmates are doing that”.Others say, when theyre making phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if theyre speaking to a boy or a girl.18 . . Some students even decide to leave home because theyre afraid to tell their parents when they have done something wrong, especially when they do badly in exams. Then they usually think running away is the only choice.19 . . I think they should find a good chance to talk with their parents and they neednt be afraid to tell their feelings to their parents. They can also get help from others like good friends or teachers. Keeping a diary can help them understand more about themselves and their feelings.20 . , youll have a happy life and never think of running away.AThese make them very unhappy.BParents are the closet people to you in the world.CBut they dont know running away may bring them some more problems.DIf you follow the advice,E. They even think their parents are unfair to them.三、完型填空完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。How do you go to school? Some students may answer, “By car”. Maybe some others will look at them through green glasses (羡慕地).You_feel bad if you have no cars. Its true that cars are_Many people find it hard to think about_life will be like if they have no cars. But now more people know that too many cars bring great_They make streets too_People are trying to stop pollution (污染) from cars. One way is to make_cars. But it_.much money to make these cars. And more people think about better ways. We can_our lifestyle. A lot of Americans go to work_bike now. Riding bikes is clean and healthy. It helps people get strong. Lets try together! I hope we can live in a green world with no pollution_21 . AcantBneedntCwontDarent22 . AinterestingBimportantCdifficultDdangerous23 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhere24 . AlessonsBfunCskillsDproblems25 . AsmallBcleanCbusyDmodern26 . AgreenBredCyellowDwhite27 . AtakesBspendsCpaysDcosts28 . AhaveBchangeCenjoyDmake29 . AonBbyCwithDride30 . AsomethingBsome daysCsome dayDany day四、阅读单选It is well-known that twins are closer to each other than most brothers and sisters, after all, they probably spend more time with each other. In Britain there was the famous case of the silent twins, June and Jennifer Gibbons, who refused to talk to anyone but each other.However, these special relationships are the result of lives spent almost completely in each others company. What happens when twins do not grow up together? Are they just like any other strangers, or are there still special similarities between them? Professor Tom Bouchard who works in the University of Minnesota set out to find the answer to this question. He followed sixteen pairs of twins, who lived in different families. Each twin was then interviewed about their life.The results were surprising. Many of the twins were found to have the same hobbies or habits, some have suffered the same illnesses. A large number of the twins have had children at almost the same times; sometimes they have even given them the same names. But the most surprising similarities are to be found in the case of Jim Springer and Jim Lewis. The story of the “Jim Twins” made headline news across USA, and they even appeared on national television. Born in 1939, and brought up by different families at birth, both babies were named Jim by their new parents.So what can be the explanation for these similarities? Research into the lives of twins makes us believe our personalities may be at least partly due to nature. On the other hand, some surprising coincidences (巧合) do happen all the times, not just in the lives of twins.31 . What did Professor Tom Bouchard want to find out?AHow many kinds of similarities are there in a twin?BWhat makes the twin have similar hobbies or habits?CDo the twins influence each other when they are young?DAre the twin alike if they are brought up in different families?32 . What can be learned about Jim Twins?A.They got married nearly at the same age.ATheir story even appeared on TV in USA.BThey had children almost at the same time.CThey refused to talk to others but each other.33 . What does the author want to tell us by writing the last paragraph?ASurprising stories between twins brought up in different families.BSome examples of similarities in twins brought up in different families.CThe interesting relationship between twins brought up in different families.DThe possible reason for the similarities in twins brought up in different families.I live in a new town with my family. There are lots of tall buildings in the town. The streets are busy and the traffic is heavy, but the pollution is not very serious .In our town, more than half of the buildings have fifteen to thirty floors. Most of the people live in such tall buildings, but they dont have to climb the stairs. They use lifts to go up and down.Many restaurants, supermarkets, cinemas and theatres are in very tall buildings. They are big, bright and modern. So people enjoy eating,shopping, seeing films and watching plays in them.The streets in our town are wide, but because there are too many cars, they are still very busy. Sometimes when you come to the street crossing, you have to wait for the green lights for a long time. The people in our town never putrubbisheverywhere or put dirty water into the river, so you cannot see much pollution in our town. I hope youll come to visit our town if you like.34 . The streets in the writers town are very busy because _.Athere are too many carsBthey are too wideCmany people walk on themDthe cars dont go fast35 . The underlined word rubbish means _ in Chinese.A塑料B玻璃C垃圾D毒物36 . Which of the following is not about restaurants, supermarkets, cinemas and theatres?AModern.BNoisy.CBright.Dlarge37 . The writer feels _ when he talks about his hometown.AsorryBboredCtiredDhappyWas there really a murder in the neighbourhood? Lenny said she saw someone run past her window when she was feeding her baby. Closely checking the scene the next day,Detective Charlie found some dirty footprints at the back of the house which werent any of Lennys family members. Detective Charlie made up his mind to get to the bottom of the Over 50,000 young readers have enjoyed The Adventures of Detective Charlie. Now he has returned to solve new series of osysterios.More ADVENTURES OF DETECTIVE CHARLIE1. The Secret of the Lonely Island2. The Truth of Prince Richards Kidnap3. The Mystery at the Mill in North VillageThe Adventures ofDetective Charlie 4The Case of a Murderin the NeighbourhoodJamie Pinkaton38 . The material above is _.Aa book reportBa book listCa book reviewDa book cover39 . Which of the following is NQT included in the Detective Charlies series(系列)?AThe Case of a Murder in the neighbourhood.BThe Secret of the Floating House on the River.CThe Mystery at the Mill in North Village.DThe Truth of Prince Richards Kidnap.40 . “Over 50,000 young readers have enjoyed The Adventures of Detective Charlie. Now he has returned to solve a new series of mysteries.” In this sentence, what does he refer to?AJamie Pinkaton.BLennyCCharlieDPrince Richard.41 . What can we learn from the material?AThe writer of the book is Lenny Pinkaton.BCharlie didnt find any clues till the end of the story.CThe book was published by Marvellous News Press.DCharlies series are popular with young readers.(题文)Nearly eight hundred million people in this world cannot read or write,most of them in developing countriesTwo-thirds are women and girlsJohn Wood who started the Room to Read campaign (运动),has opened1650 schools and 15000 libraries in some of the worlds poorest communities(社区)He said that from the beginning,Room to Reads goal was to reach 10 million children around the world in the poorest countriesIn 1998,on a three-week vacation journey in Nepal,Wood met a local headmaster who invited him to visit his school in a far mountain villageThe experience changed Woods lifeThis headmaster had 450 students at the school,but he didnt have any books, Wood saidHe had a library that was emptyWood promised to fill the library shelves and returned to the village one year later with some of his friends with 3000 booksAnd that was just the startLater,Wood used some of his personal money to start Room to Read He believes that world change begins with educated childrenToday,the programme can be found in10 countries across Asia and AfricaWood believes the key to the programs success is local supportWhile Room to Read gives away money and provides books,communities offer land and parents help build the schoolAgnes,a Room to Read teacher in Zambia who also runs the library,is proud to say the literacy at her school has improved Room to Reads biggest challenge is the huge need Hundreds of communities have asked for literacy prograrnmesOne way of Room to Reads success is that it will achieve Woods goal of reaching 10 million kids by 2015,five years earlier than it is planned42 . (小题1)The purpose of the Room to Read campaign is to _Aask parents to read together with their childrenBhelp poor children to learn to read and writeCtell more people the importance of readingDhelp 10 million children to go to college43 . (小题2)When John Wood travelled in Nepal in 1998,he _Avisited many local schoolsBsent many books to local childrenCstarted the Room to Read campaignDmet a man who changed his life44 . (小题3)The underlined part the literacy in the last paragraph refers to(指的是)_Athe teaching conditionsBthe teaching qualityCstudents ability to read and writeDthe money teachers earn every month45 . (小题4)John Wood is a person that is _Ahelpful and generousBhonest and braveCcareless but activeDstrict but friendly五、单词填空Hello,my name is John. I am going to show you a46 . my hometown. First,here is my house. I live in a small house. We have a garden. My mother grows v47 . and flowers in the garden. O48 . the garden is a bus stop. It t49 . about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town. There are lots of buildings there. There is a shopping mall,a youth center and a cinema. There is also a park near the centre of the town My f50 . place is the youth centre. I often go there after school with my friends. There are lots of things to do there and I am always busy. I like going into town on my b51 . The town is near the sea. I sometimes go swimming in summer when its warm and s 52 . There is not much pollution in the town b53 . cars can not go into the centre of the town. I have lots of friends here. I think it is a w54 . place to live. I hope you can come and visit s55 . !六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子看图说话56 . stop, cell phone_.57 . (how long)_?(catch a cold, three)_.58 . ought, when_.59 . hurry, miss_.七、话题作文60 . Write at least 50 words on the topic “Making changes for”(以.的改变”为题,写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)提示:随着社会的发展与进步,我们周围的一切(学校、家庭、街道、社区、城市)每天都在发生变化,你有注意到吗?你还能做些什么使我们的生活变得更好呢?请选择一个方面完成题目,并写一篇不少于50个单词的短文。八、其他61 . 从栏中选出适合回答栏的答语第 11 页 共 11 页


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