七年级下册unit 1单元检测英语试题

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七年级下册unit 1单元检测英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you please help me _ the meat? Sure.Aget upBcut upCput up2 . -Do you think it will be fine tomorrow?-_. It has rained for so many days.AI hope not.BI am sure it willCI hope soDNo3 . beautiful park the Summer Palace is!AHowBHow aCWhatDWhat a4 . How long _ it _ you to finish your homework every day?About two hours.Ais; takeBis; spendCdoes; takeDdoes; spend5 . Are you good at _ football?Yes, I _.Aplay;canBplaying;canCplay;amDplaying;am6 . We are planning to have a surprise partyher fifteenth birthday.AatBinCforDwith7 . Who is talkingMrGreen?AtoBatCforDon8 . -Could you please fix my phone?-Sorry. The shop nearby may be_.AusefulBhelpfulCcarefulDhopeful9 . He _play the piano,but he can play chess.AdontBdoesntCcanDcant二、补全短文5选5Hi ! Im Fred Miller. Im twelve and Im in Oakwood School in America. Today is Friday. Its a very special( 特别的)day for us students in Grade Six.10 . We go to visit a university (大学).I get up at 7:00 a.m. and have some milk and bread for breakfast. When I get to the school gate at 8:00 a.m., many of my classmates are there. 11 . After 50 minutes, we get to the university. The university is very big and nice. In the morning, we go to the computer rooms and science labs (科学实验室).12 . I think its cool and I like the robots very much.13 . After having lunch we go to the playground (操场) and watch a basketball match. The match is wonderful.14 . We get home at about 5:00.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整。AThen we take the bus home.BWe dont go to school today.CAfter that, we have some fish and rice for lunch in the university.DWe get on the bus at 8:20 a.m.EWe watch a robot show (机器人表演) in the science lab.三、完型填空My dad really likes gardening, so he built a _ in our yard. He plants a lot of _, and this year we have onions, beans, cabbages, tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. Now, we are starting to grow fruits, _ grapes, strawberries and pears.Growing plants isnt that easy. First, we have to _ seeds(种子), which we buy at a store called “Garden Nursery”. Next, we turn the soil(土壤) over, and then _ the seeds. We then wait until the seeds come out from the soil and grow into little leaves. My father and I water them every day. We have to do this _ vegetables are just like usthey need water, air and food, so they can grow better and more _.Autumn is the season to _. The garden gives us a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits to eat. We may _ get some vegetables that we cannot get at the supermarket.With time and hard work, I have learned to take care of the plants in our garden. It is really a great _.15 . AgardenBhouseCplaygroundDparking16 . AtreesBflowersCvegetablesDcorns17 . Aaccording toBsuch asCfor exampleDas well18 . AsellBaskCmanageDbuy19 . AplantBdigCsweepDkeep20 . AthoughBbutCbecauseDso21 . AhealthBhealthyChealthierDhealthily22 . AtravelBreceiveCharvestDreduce23 . AtooBalsoCeitherDas well24 . AexperienceBpresentCproductDprogress四、阅读单选Fairs & Festivals 集市与节日This summer from June to August,there is something to celebrate in Colorado,USA:the arts,culture,food,and music.Because of that,families always have a fair or festival to attend,with fun for all ages.Weve made a list of some of the most popular,by month.June 6-20 2019Dragon Boat FestivalLean about ChineseCulture in Coloradothrough dragon boat races,performances and vendors of Chinese specialties (rice dumplings, silk clothes and chopsticks).cdbf-orgJune 25-28,2019Fun FairEnjoy unlimited rides, live music,fireworks,traditional activities,and farm animals.Funfair.comAug.3-4,2019Culture FestivalTake part in and observe traditional British games,hear music,and try traditional foods.britishgames.orgJuly 31-Aug.4,2019Kids Fair Hear music,play with farm animals,and enjoy activities for kids.Kids fair.orgAug.15-18,2019Fruit FestivalTry something fruity (eating & learning to cook with fruits.)fruitfest.com25 . The fairs and festivals take place in .AUSABChinaCBritainDltaly26 . The underlined word “Vendors”in the list means“people who .Acook foodsBsell thingsCmake clothesDgive performances27 . If you want to play with animals in June,you may go to .ADragon Boat FestivalBKids FairCFruit FestivalDFun Fair28 . In the Fruit Festival,you may learn toApick up fruitsBgrow fruit treesCmake fruit jamsDstore fruits29 . Local people who are interested in foreign culture can visitfor further information.Afruitfest.comBkidsfair.orgCfunfair.comDbritishgames.org30 . The list above is aimed at .Agiving introductions of companiesBproviding information on actyCoffering resources for job huntingDhelping schools to organizeAs a volunteer teacher, I traveled a long way to a small village school in Long Zhou, Guangxi. On my way there, I thought about the village, the school, and the children there. However,_when I arrived there. It wasnt what I expected. It didnt look like a school at all! The school had only three rooms, one for Grades 1, 2, and 3, and the other for Grades 4, 5 and 6. There was a third one for me.The children welcomed me warmly on my first day. They asked me a lot of questions, and I told them stories about myself and my life in Shanghai. The next day, I gave them a test to find out their level. To my surprise, though the test was very easy, over half of the students failed it, yet they all wanted to learn new things. I knew they needed me.I was busy preparing lessons, reading test papers every night. I enjoyed teaching these lovely and hard-working children, and I could see that they were making progress with my help. I have also learned a lot from them. I understand their lives better, and we are now good friends.I have worked in Long Zhou for a year now. Im very happy, and the experience has been very useful for me. I love the small village and the children. In fact, I would like to continue working here.31 . The writer is a volunteer teacher who comes from _.AGuangxiBXiamenCShanghaiDLiaoning32 . The writer found there were only _rooms in that school.AtwoBthreeCsixDeight33 . In the passage, “my heart sank” means that the writer _Afelt upsetBwas happyCgot angryDam sad34 . The writer found the students level was _ she excepted after the first test.Ajust asBhigher thanClower thanDhigh than35 . Which of the following statement is NOT true?ABoth the volunteer teacher and the students are working so hard.BThe volunteer teacher doesnt like to work there any longer.CThe students became better and better with the help of the volunteer teacher.DThe teacher is still in the school.Its Saturday morning. Betty is having her breakfast. Bettys mother and father are with her. On Saturday morning, Betty doesnt go to school. She helps her parents do some housework. This morning she says to her mother. “Can I help you, mum? ”“Yes, you can help me. ”her mother says, “You can go to Mr. Whites shop. Something is wrong with our clock. Mr. White mends (修理)clocks. Our clock is in his shop. ”“Is he mending our clock? ”Betty asks. “Yes. ”her father says. “And this morning it is ready. ”“Yes, it is ready. ”Her mother says, “Go to Mr. Whites shop. Take this bag. You can put the clock in it. ”Betty takes the bag and goes to the shop to get the clock back home.36 . What is Betty doing on Saturday morning? _.A. She goes to school.B. She is having her breakfast.C. She is cooking with her mother.37 . Betty often helps her parents _on Saturday.A. do some cleaningB. do some shoppingC. do some housework38 . There is something wrong with their _.A. radio B. clock C. car39 . _ is mending their clock.A. Mrs. White B. Mr. White C. Mr. Brown40 . Which is correct in the following?A. The clock is ready this morning.B. Betty goes to the shop to get the clock with a backpack.C. Betty and her mother go to the shop together.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词。41 . -Have you made a_ (决定) yet?-No, we will have a meeting to discuss it later.42 . David is very careful. He always pays _(注意) to details.43 . Mary is our youth worker. She often offers us some valuable _ (advice).44 . After four years of training, Tony became a member of the _(of a whole country) team.45 . We all know that a year is _ into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空46 . Can you paint or sing? _.AYes, I canBNo, I cantCI can singDI like singing七、单词填空单词拼写。根据英语首字母或所给汉语提示写出短文中所缺单词的正确形式Eric works and lives in a big city. He likes his work very much but he has a problem. The city is always noisy. Because of the l47 . noise, he cant sleep well at night. Last month, Eric felt really tired at work, so he decided to take a holiday to 48 . (放松)。Eric asked his b 49 . for a weeks leave and went to the countryside where his grandma lives. Grandma was happy to see her g50 . . The countryside is beautiful and quite. Eric slept well there. A week later, he felt great and was51 . (准备好的) to go back to work.八、填空Your schooldays should be the best time in your life. Do you know how to get the most from them? The following is some advice. It may help you.Be active(积极的)at school. Join a club. Listen to the teachers carefully and answer questions actively in class. If you are not working or learning, you are wasting(浪费)your time at school.Keep healthy. If you dont eat breakfast, you will be hungry in class. If you dont go to bed early, you will be sleepy in class. You should also play sports every day so that you will be in good health.Spend the weekends meaningfully(有意义地).Dont waste time lying in bed on Saturdays and Sundays. Go out and play sports. If you want to stay at home, you can also do many things such reading books, practising English or doing the housework.Follow our advice, and you will have a happy school life.根据短文内容,完成表格。每空一词。How to have a good school lifeBe active school.Join a club.Listen to the teacher carefully.52 . questions actively class.Keep healthy.Eat breakfast.Go to bed 53 . .You can keep healthy by54 . sports every day.Spend the weekends meaningfully.Dont lie in bed at 74.55 . .Go out and play sports.If you want to stay at home,you can read books,56 . English or do the housework.九、书信作文57 . 假如你是David, 请你给一位新的笔友Miller写一封信, 介绍一下你的情况.你来自哪里,说什么语言,喜欢什么动物,自己家庭成员的职业等等。字数60左右。Dear Miller :第 9 页 共 9 页


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