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英语五年级下册专项训练:句型与语法姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出下列不属于同一类的单词。1 . AchairBdeskCschoolDtable2 . ApenBpencilCswimDbook3 . AwhenBinConDby4 . AcakeBpandaCpigDmonkey5 . AoneBnumberCtwoDthree6 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AareBisChere7 . There isnt _ fish in the lake. ( )AsomeBanyCan8 . When _ you born? ( )AwereBareCis9 . Are you _?( )Yes,we are _ brothers.Atwin;twinBtwins;twinsCtwins;twin10 . Whats your hobby? ( )I like .Aplays footballBplay the pipaCplaying basketball11 . Are you going to jump _ sports day? ( )AinBonCat12 . Whatsyourfavouriteseason,Amy? ( )AAutumn.BIts warm and windy.13 . _ did he go? ( )AWheresBWhatCWhere14 . Aunt Wang _ books at the office. ( )AreadingBare readingCis reading15 . 找出不同类的单词将序号写在括号里。(_) 1. A. breakfastB. walkC. dinner (_) 2. A. greenB. springC. summer (_) 3. A. eatingB. playingC. May(_) 4. A. eighthB. whichC. ninth(_) 5. A. SeptemberB. JuneC. first二、填空题Finish the sentences.(根据提示词或图示,填空完成句子,一空一词。)16 . Our classroom is on the _ floor. (two)17 . _ quietly. 18 . Lily is 0.13 m _ than Lisa. (tall)19 . _ your weekend? It was fun. (how)20 . The girl likes _.用所给词的适当形式填空21 . Let_(I) have a look at_(she) nice green skirt.22 . Many small_(box) are on_(Mike) desk.23 . Do you have_(some) pies? No. I have_(some) cakes.24 . I can_(see) a mango. I like yellow_(mango).25 . Father_(have) two balls for his two_(fun) boys.三、排序题26 . Read and number.(读一读,给句子排序。)( ) Guess!( ) Wow, a toy car. Its beautiful!( ) Pencils?( 1 ) Wu Yifan, whats this in the box?( ) Open it and see!四、句型转换27 . 根据要求完成句子。1. He decided to help his friend.(写出问句)_2. I get there by plane.(就划线部分提问)_3. He visited a farm last week.(改为一般疑问句)_4. I had some nuts.(改为否定句)_5. 你寒假去了哪里?(汉译英)_五、填内容补全对话28 . 根据句意完成对话Mike: How 1._ 2._ you?Amy: Im 40 kg.Mike: Im 35 kg. Im 3._ 4._ you.六、匹配题读一读,选一选。A. No, you cant.B. Yes, it is.C. Its rainy.D. Its twelve oclock.E. Very well, thank you.29 . Whats the weather like there? (_)30 . How are you? (_)31 . What time is it? (_)32 . Can I play outside? (_)33 . Is it cool? (_)七、仿写句子仿照例子,用以下句型表达房间内物品的位置。(任选三种物品)例: The toy bear is on the desk.34 . _35 . _36 . _八、连词成句37 . thin, He, tall,is,and(.)_九、连线题38 . 英汉连线,再读一读。1. Dads birthday is on Nov. 30th.A复活节是什么时候?2. I love April.B爸爸的生日是11月30号。3. Childrens Day is on June 1st.C运动会是在9月23号吗?4. When is Easter?D我爱四月。5. Is the sports meet on Sept. 23rd?E. 6月1日是儿童节。第 5 页 共 5 页


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