英语五年级下册 Module 1 Unit 1 She was a driver before. 练习卷

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英语五年级下册 Module 1 Unit 1 She was a driver before. 练习卷_第1页
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英语五年级下册 Module 1 Unit 1 She was a driver before. 练习卷_第3页
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英语五年级下册 Module 1 Unit 1 She was a driver before. 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What is she doing?( )He is TV.AseeingBlookingCwatching2 . Whats your grandfathers job?( )He is a .AdoctorBfarmerCteacher根据所给图片选择相应的句子。3 . ( )AHi, Im a boy.BHi, Im a girl.4 . ( )AIm from Canada.BIm from the USA.5 . ( )AGoodbye!BWelcome!6 . 西湖 ( )Axi lakeBWest Lake7 . 小朋友,找一找哪个单词和其他的不一样?把选项填在提前括号中。(_)1. A. redB. pinkC. put(_)2. A. atB. no C. yes(_)3. A. dadB. friend C. mum(_)4. A. draw B. good C. nice二、填空题8 . 用动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (go) to the bookstore(书店) last Sunday, then I _ (buy)many books. And I_ (carry) them on my bike.2. My brother Lele _ (fall) off his bed last night.And he_ (bump) his head.3. My mother _ (cook) meat yesterday,I_ (have) lots of meat, so I_ (have) a stomachache today.4. What_ (happen) to you, Xiaoyong?I _ (have) a fever.9 . My grandpa was a driver. He _ (drive) a bus six years ago.10 . Read and choose.1. He was a driver_.2. She is a teacher_.3. I can play the flute_.4. What did she_? AtooBdoCbeforeDnow11 . 选择适当的词语填空1. What_ (was/ is/were) her mother before? She was a nurse.2. His father_ (drive/drives/drove) a train before.3. What _ (do/does/did) she teach? She teaches English.4. What_ (is/be/was) he now? Hes a driver.5. He_ (played/plays/play) the flute before.12 . What _(do)he _(do)last night?13 . lions_(写出单词单数及汉语意思)三、阅读回答问题阅读对话,根据对话内容回答问题。Lucy: Wow, the man in the picture is handsome. Lily, is this your father?Lily: Yes, he is.Lucy: Where does he work?Lily: He works in a hospital.Lucy: Is he a doctor?Lily: No, he is a driver. He drives an ambulance (救护车). What about your father?Lucy: He is a flute player.Lily: What music does he play?Lucy: He plays American music.14 . Where does Lilys father work?_15 . Is Lilys father a doctor?_16 . What does Lilys father do?_17 . What does Lucys father do?_18 . What music does Lucys father play?_四、改错19 . 找出句中的错误并在横线上改正过来:My mothers name is Sue and she is a driver. (_)_A B C D20 . 找出句中的错误并在横线上改正过来:My father wasan erhu player. He played the Chinese music. (_)_A B C D21 . 改错题。(_) 1. Big Ben isfrom the USA. _A B C(_) 2. He likecollectingshells. _A B C(_) 3. You can goin rides. _A B C(_) 4. If you go to Canada, you can see koalas. _A B C(_) 5. What are yourhobby, Leo? _A B C22 . 选出下列句子中错误的一项,并将正确答案写在横线上。(_) 1. Hello. Imfromcanada._A B C(_) 2.Whereis you from?_A B C (_) 3. My new friend is from UK._A B C(_) 4. This is mr Jones. Hes a teacher. _A B C(_) 5. That is a boy. Shes my friend._A B C改错,将正确答案写在横线上。23 . How manysheepsdo you have?(_)_A B C24 . Theyarecow. (_)_A B C25 . No,theyare. (_)_A B C26 . OnionsmakeI cry. (_)_A B C27 . Thisis Mr Macdonald farm. (_)_A B C五、连词成句连词成句(将所给的词连成句子,注意大小写和标点符号)。28 . washes, potatoes, machine, the, this, (.)_29 . machines, touch, please, the, dont, (,) (!)_30 . machine, bags, the, puts, this, crisps, in, the, (.)_连词成句31 . the , in , your , finish , you , class, When , do , morning (?)_32 . finish ,We , at , oclock , class , 1 (.)_33 . you , on , What , do , the , weekend , do (?)_34 . go , I ,with , father , shopping , often , my (.)_连词成句。35 . What sign that does mean (?)_36 . do home What you do at (?)_37 . want one I long the (. )_38 . food is Here your ( . )_39 . much this is How raincoat (?)_40 . 连词成句。100, run, Im, metres, going, to, the (.)_41 . 连词成句(注意句子的首字母要大写)。1. will, Childrens Day, International, be, tomorrow (.)_2. will, we, have, an, English, lesson (.)_3. can, we, the party, at, play games (.)_4. are, going, to, we, ourselves, enjoy (.)_第 8 页 共 8 页


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