英语三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me 单元测试卷

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英语三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_my dress. ( )-Oh, its nice.AThisBLook atCLook2 . Look at _.( )AIBT-shirtCme3 . -color is my jacket? ( )-Its red.AWhereBWhatCHow4 . ( )(3)你想让对方看你的新帽子,可以问:ALook at my red skirt.BLook at my new cap.5 . _ my jacket. ( )Its nice.Alook atBLookCLook at看图,选择正确的句子。6 . ( )AI like monkeys.BI like dogs.7 . ( )ALook at this tiger.BLook at this lion.8 . ( )AThis is a panda.BThis is a horse.9 . ( )ALittle monkey is under the tree.BLittle monkey is in the tree.10 . ( )ALook at these animals.BLook at these fruit.二、情景交际11 . 你向别人介绍你的妈妈时,应说:_( )AThis is my mother.BShe is my sister.CThis is my father.12 . 你想让妈妈看看你的夹克,可以说:( )ALook at me!BLook at my skirt.CLook at my jacket.13 . 你想表达你喜欢那件白色的女裙,你应说:( )AI like that white dress.BI like that white skirt.14 . 别人称赞你的帽子很漂亮,你可以说:( )AThank you.BHow nice!CIts great.15 . 在“Go to bed”时,应该说:( )AGood morning.BGoodbye.CGood night.三、填空题单词归类。A. hotel B. Australian C. cinema D. ninth E. ChineseF. train G. ship H. underground I. taxi J. American K. thirdL. restaurant M. fifth N. zoo O. English P. twenty-third16 . Places(场所):_17 . Transport(交通工具):_18 . Ordinal Numbers(序数词):_19 . Nationalities(国籍):_四、选内容补全对话选择正确的选项补全对话。A. How nice!B. Good morning, Su Hai.C. This is my sister, Helen.Mike: 20 . Su Hai: Good morning, Mike.Mike: 21 . Look at her T-shirt.Su Hai: 22 . 五、匹配题23 . 句子匹配。III(_)1. Look, this is my picture.AYes, it is.(_)2. Were you at school yesterday?BBy bike.(_)3. Was it rainy last Sunday?CNo, I was absent.(_)4. Is this your kite?DWell done.(_)5. How did you go to school this morning?EYes, it was.(_)6. Why are you absent?FJapan(_)7. Where is he from?GIve got a cold.(_)8. Did you watch TV just now?H. Because Im ill.(_)9. What did Nancy do?I. No, I didnt.(_)10. Whats the matter?J. She watched a film.六、字母题写出这些字母的左邻右舍。24 . R25 . T26 . q 27 . h 28 . L第 5 页 共 5 页


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