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六年级下册期末模拟测试英语试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Where _you last night? I _some fruit in the supermarket. ( )Aare; boughtBwere; broughtCwere; bought2 . -_ did you finish your piano lessons? ( )- Last summer.AWhereBWhatCWhen3 . Arethere _ pensinyourbag? ( )AanyBaCsome4 . I live in a house _ a small garden. ( )AwithBhasCin5 . We cook _ the kitchen. ( )AatBonCin6 . Is he _tennis? _(不,他没有打网球。)He is playing basketball. ( )APlaying; Yes, he isnt.Bplaying; No, he isntCplays; No, he isnt.7 . I_ read books, because I like reading. ( )AoftenBneverCdidnt8 . _ Liu Tao. His schoolbag is very nice. ( )ALookBLook atCListen to9 . How do you go to school?( )I go to school _.Aon footBsubwayCplane二、填空题10 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Jimsparentsaredoctors,myparentsare_(farm).2.Mybirthdaysonthe_(five)ofFebruary.3.Ioften_(go)totheparkwithmyfriendsonSaturdays.4.Ilike_(collect)stampsverymuch.5.Jimalways_(have)alotofquestions.6.Doyouoftengo_(swim)?7.Hishobbyis_(dance)8.-Isthisyourbook?-No,its_(he)book.9.Pleasehelp_(they)dosomehousework.10.They_(go)toschoolat8:00.11 . 根据提示完成句子1.Many girls_(试穿)the skirt.2.Many children _(live)in a big house.3.My ear_(hurt).His feet_(hurt)4.I _(have/have to)go now.5.Would you like _(drink)a glass of juice?6.Bobby _(like)_(pick)beautiful flowers.7.The Chinese teachers home _(be)near the street. 8.My father _(work)at home.9.There _(be)some medicine in the box.10.My mother is_(wash)the dishes.I am helping _(she)11.-What _(be)you _(do)?-Im _(sleep)三、排序题12 . 将下列句子组成一段通顺的对话。(_)I dont know. Is it your bag?(_)No, it isnt.(_)Where is my new toy, Mum?(_)Oh,no. Its behind the door.(_)Is it under you bed?四、任务型阅读读海报(poster)。判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。International Horticultural Expo(世界园艺博览会)Time: April 29th October 7thPlace: BeijingTheme(主题): Live Green, Live Better41 outdoor display(展览) centersAbout 2,500 activitiesAround 1 10 countries and international organizations(国际组织)Special: Many flowers and herbs (药草) on display from all over the word 13 . The 2019 Expo is in Shanghai. (_)14 . You can go to the 2019 Expo during the summer holiday this year. (_)15 . About forty-one countries take part in the expo. (_)16 . You can enjoy lots of flowers and herbs from China and other countries. (_)17 . From the poster, we know something about the party. (_)五、英译汉18 . 翻译句子:He is singing a song._六、连词成句19 . 连词成句:take, wet, the, shoes, away(.)_七、书面表达20 . 书面表达.Do you want to have a robot friend?请你展开想象,设计一个机器人朋友,并写写他(她)的特征。要求:1.句子规范;2.不少于5句话。开头已给出,不计入总句数。I have a robot. _name is_, _.第 5 页 共 5 页


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