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五年级下册期中测试英语试卷(五)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . June is my favourite _. ( )AdayBseasonCmonth2 . What do you want to do _? ( )Athe firstBfirstCfirst one3 . _ about you? ( )AWhatBWhatsCwhat4 . 找出画线字母发音不同的选项(_)1.A. still B. lift C. dripAlife(_)2.A. nearB. bear C. pear(_)3.A. slow B. count C. flower5 . He often _ his room and _ his clothes. ( ) Aclean; washBwashed; cleanCcleans; washes6 . I need a pen _a letter. ( )AwritesBwriteCto write7 . Where are you from?( )AIts on the desk.BI am from the UK.CMe, neither.DMy name is John.8 . -Who is the _? ( )-He is my uncle.AboyBmanCwomanDgirl9 . _arethesocks? ( )Tenyuan.AHowmanyBHowaboutCHowmuch10 . Ifyoucan_,Iwillbeveryhappy.( )AcomingBcomeCcomes11 . _ is the weather today? ( )AWhatBWhenCHow二、完形填空完形填空。Welcome to Class Fifteen. Lets _a game now. Its aboutfinding lost things.(找到丢失的东西)_T-shirt is this? It is _. It has a picture of a whale (鲸鱼) onit. Tom_it very much. And _wants to go to the aquarium (水族馆) to see whales one day. Whose pencil case is this? It is Lilys. There is a _of Zhang Jie_it. Zhang Jie is Lilys favourite star. Whose crayons are these? They are Jacks. Why(为何)? Because Jack has _art class today. And he islooking for(寻找)his crayons now. Whose camera is this? Is it Johns?_! I think its Lisas, because there are_pictures of Lisa in the camera. Is your guess right?12 . AgiveBwatchChelpDplay13 . AWhoBWhosCWhoseDWhom14 . ATimsBTomsCPetersDLilys15 . AcomesBmeetsClikesDhas16 . AitByouCsheDhe17 . AboxBwatchCphotoDbag18 . AinBonCatDover19 . AaBanCtheD/20 . AYesBOKCHereDNo21 . AmuchBlittleCsomeDany三、填空题按要求写单词。22 . kilo (复数)_23 . eat (过去式)_24 . drink(过去式)_25 . big(反义词)_26 . it (复数)_四、任务型阅读27 . 阅读对话,判断正误。(A:assistant S:Sarah)A:Can I help you?S:Yes,please. I want a shirt.A:En. How about the red shirt? Is it nice?S:Yes, it is.But I like the white one.How much is it?A:Thirty-five yuan.S:OK! Ill take it.(1)Sarah wants to buy(买) a shirt.(2)The red shirt are not nice.(3)Sarah like red.(4)Sarah buys(买) a white shirt.(5)The shirt is forty-five yuan.五、英汉混合英汉词组互译。28 . help yourselves _29 . at Christmas _30 . the poor _31 . 假装是_32 . 装饰圣诞树_六、填内容补全对话读对话,根据上下文情景完成对话,每空一次A: Where 33 . you last summer holiday?B: I 34 . to a big farm with my family.A: 35 . did you go there?B: By metro.A: 36 . did you37 . on the farm?B: We 38 . cows and 39 . some fish.A: 40 . was your holiday? 41 . you have a good time?B: Yes, we42 . .We had a lot of fan.A: Sounds great!七、改错找出下面句子中的错误,并改正它。43 . Where is no. 9 Park Street, Please? _44 . Im on you left now. _45 . The park is next at a supermarket._46 . Sarah is on the station. _47 . Where are your now? _八、书面表达48 . 书面表达。根据表格内容写一篇短文。Wu Yifan12 years old1.64 metres46 kilogramsMike11 years old1.6 metres48 kilograms_第 6 页 共 6 页


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