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三年级上册期末测试英语试卷2姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_ do you live? ( )-I live _ Sunshine Town.AWhat, inBWhere, inCWhere, on2 . -Thank you, Daming. ( )-_ANo thanks.BOK.CYoure welcome.3 . Hi, Jill. My names Rose. ( )Hi, Rose.AGoodbye.BNice to meet you.CSee you.4 . Does Amy like English food? ( )_. She say its delicious.AYes, she doesBNo, she doesntCYes, She did5 . (_)1. A. Put on your coat. B. Put on your sweater.(_)2. A. Put on your scarf. B. Put on your beanie.(_)3. A. Put on your sweater. B. Put on your coat.(_)4. A. Put on your scarf. B. Put on your beanie.6 . I usually go to work by bus,but yesterday I took taxi. ( )Aa;aBthe;aC/;a二、情景交际7 . 按实际情况回答问题,将答案写在相应题号后面的横线上。1. What is your hobby?_2. Can you swim very fast?_3. What is the weather like today?_4. Do you want dumplings or chips?_5. What do you want to be when you grow up?_6. What do you like to have for breakfast?_8 . 想请对方打开盒子,应该说:( )AClose the door. BOpen the book. COpen the box.9 . 如果要问别人“你好吗?”,应该说:( )AHow are you?BGoodbye!CVery well, thanks!10 . 你向别人介绍这是你的妹妹,你应该说:( )AThis is my mother.BThis is my father.CThis is my sister.11 . 老师要问你这是什么,她应该说:_( )AWhats that?BWhats this?三、单词拼写12 . 单词拼写(词汇运用)1.This pair of _ is _.2.t o n h m_3.Tom usually _ with his grandpa in the afternoon.4.My f_ colour is blue.5.The bus_/drav/cant drive a bus here.四、排序题13 . 排序_Guess._When is your birthday?_Neither. Its in summer._Is it in spring or autumn?_My birthday is in summer, too.五、任务型阅读阅读理解。Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time. But today he is late. His mother asks him “Why are you late today?” “I am in the teachers office.” “Why do you go to the teachers office?” “Because my teacher asks us a question in class. Nobody can answer it, but I can.” “Its good to answer the teachers questions. What is the question?” “The question is -who puts ink on my chair?根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。14 . Toms home is not far from (离.远) his school.(_)15 . Tom goes to school by bike(_)16 . Tom puts ink on the teachers chair.(_)17 . Tom is clever(聪明的).(_)18 . Tom goes to the teachers office. (_)六、选内容补全对话19 . 补全对话。A. Sorry, I cant.B. Thank you, Grandma.C. Can you help me, Mum?D. Who can help me?E. Im cleaning the room.Dingding: Its raining. But I cant find my umbrella. 【小题1】Mum: Sorry, I cant. 【小题2】Dingding: Can you help me, Dad?Dad: 【小题3】Im watering the flowers.Dingding: 【小题4】Grandma: I can help you. Look, Dingding. Its under the desk.Dingding: 【小题5】Grandma: Its my pleasure.七、匹配题20 . 将句子与相应的图配对,并将序号填入图下方的括号里。AIts Sunday today. Can you take us to the cinema, Dad?BBring me a cup of water, Sally. Im very thirsty.CBring me a basket, please. Im going to pick some vegetables.DTake an umbrella with you. It may rain in the afternoon.八、字母题21 . 找相邻字母(注意大小写):1._B_2.D_3._e_4.a_5._c_6._D九、连词成句22 . 连词成句。(1)wear, I, glasses, wont (.)_(2)beautiful, you, have, big, eyes, and, will (.)_(3)job, will, she. her, love (.)_(4)Henry, Guangzhou, in, will, live (?)_第 6 页 共 6 页


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