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重庆市2020年(春秋版)四年级上册期中质量检测英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -How _ your weekend? ( )- It was good, thanks.AwereBwasCis2 . Wheres he from? ( )He is from_.AChineseBAmericanCAustralia3 . Where is he? ( )AHe was at school.BHe is at the zoo.CHe went to the zoo.4 . What are you doing? ( )Im talking _ you!AtoBonCin5 . I usually _ some childrens shows on TV on the weekend. ( )AwatchBwatchesCwatched6 . He _ English last night. ( )AstudiedBstudyCstudies7 . Wang Bing doesnt like football. He likes basketball. ( )Aplay; playingBplaying; playingCplaying; play8 . Kenthe room yesterday. He was sick. ( )Awasnt cleanBdidnt cleanCdidnt cleaned9 . I _born in Shenzhen. ( )AamBwasCis10 . Ive got a letter _ my good friend. ( )AforBtoCfrom11 . I have maths _ Thursdays. ( )AinBonCat12 . Tony won the game, all the children _ hands for him. ( )AclapBclappingCclapped13 . The Spring Festival is _ January _ February. ( )Ain; ofBof; orCin; or14 . summer, I drink orange juice. ( )AInBOnCAt15 . - Where _ you just now ? ( )- I _ in the teachers office.AWere ,wereBWas , wasCWere, was二、填空题Read and write(读一读,用适当的单词填空,使句子完整,每线一词)。16 . Its summer. Im hot and _. I need an ice cream. I like eating ice creams.17 . My father is a bus driver. He drives a bus. My mother is a _. She helps students study(学习)at school.18 . Its big and tidy. There are many tables and chairs in it. We come here at noon and have lunch in it. Its next to the classroom building. Its a _.19 . Mum and I are in the shop. We want to buy some chocolates, some bread and three bottles of _.20 . Look at the _ in the park. Theyre near the plant house. We can see many birds there. Theyre homes for birds.21 . It will b_ hot in Tianjin.22 . 根据所给字母,写出下列单词的正确形式。1.l f y (飞)_2.a a y w(离开)_3.t a i s s r(楼梯)_4.e s m s (混乱)_5.l l o n o b a(气球)_根据首字母或汉语提示,将下列句子补充完整。23 . My pen pal is going to _ (练武术) next weekend.24 . I want to be a great s_ like Einstein.25 . S_ down and stop at a yellow light.26 . They say Amazing China (厉害了,我的国) is a very good f_.27 . Tony is a p_ o_. He often helps people.28 . My brother often does word p_.29 . My mother is a doctor. She works in a _(医院).30 . My cat is ill. I feel _ (难过的).三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正()误()。I have an old dress. Its old and broken. Id like a new one. Today is a fine day. I go to the clothes shop with my mother. We can see many beautiful dresses and skirts. I want that red dress, but its one hundred yuan. How expensive it is! So I choose a blue one, its sixty-eight yuan. And it fits me very well. My mother takes it. Then we go home.31 . Her old dress is broken. (_)32 . Today is not fine. (_)33 . They can only see beautiful dresses in the clothes shop. (_)34 . The red dress is sixty-eight yuan. (_)35 . She buys a blue dress at last (最后). (_)四、选内容补全对话选择正确的答案,补全对话。A.Talk quietly.B.Can we use your computer?C.What is your mother doing?D.Keep to the right.E.Keep your desk clean.Sarah:Hi.Dad.This is Sarah.What are you doing?Dad: I m walking on a bridge.Sarah: 36 . Dad :Thanks.What are you doing?Sarah: Im colouring at the desk with Sam.Dad:37 . Sarah.:OK, we will.38 . Dad:Sure.Take turns.39 . Sarah: Shes sleeping.She worked last night.Dad:Shh! 40 . Sarah: OK.五、匹配题选择配伍。A.By bus.B.Hes sleeping.C.Its nice.D.Yes, there is.E.Thank you.F.Shes in the living room.G.No, I dont.H.I have a fever.I.You should have a rest at home.J.I live in Beijing.41 . Is there a party at home ?(_)42 . Wheres your mother ?(_)43 . Do you have any story books?(_)44 . How do you come to school?(_)45 . Where do you live?(_)46 . Whats wrong with you?(_)47 . What should I do?(_)48 . What is he doing?(_)49 . Hows my soup?(_)50 . Dinners ready.(_)六、看图题看图片,写出合理的建议。51 . She should_. 52 . They_. 53 . He_. 54 . He _. 55 . She _.56 . 用现在进行时描述图片._57 . 用进行时态看图写话_第 7 页 共 7 页


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