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太原市2020年三年级下册期末测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . She _very beautiful _the red dress. ( )Alook; inBlooks; inClooks; on2 . Has Mary got a headache?( ) No, she _.AdoesntBhaventChasnt3 . -Have some grapes. ( )- _.AI like apples.BThanks. I like grapes.CYoure welcome.4 . Lets _ our pens in the bag. ( )AputsBputtingCput5 . _ will the children go to the bookshop? ( )Tomorrow morning.AHowBWhatCWhenDWhere6 . _ is good at English. What about _? ( )AShe; himBHer; heCHer; himDShe; he选出每组单词中不同类的一项。7 . AearBeyeCegg8 . AbookBbagCbread9 . AgreenBwaterCjuice10 . AdogBnoseCduck11 . AfishBriceCyellow12 . are they going to the supermarket? -At ten oclcock.AWhereBWhenCWhy13 . _important advice it is! ( )AWhat anBWhatCHowDHow an14 . I dont like pears. ( )_AMe too.BMe, neither.CHere you are.15 . _. I dont like moon cakes. ( )AYes, Id like toBNo, thanksCYes, please16 . Maomao is my friend. _ likes the blue colour. ( )AHimBHeCHis17 . -Is the new watch _? ( )-Yes, its _.Ayou, meByours, mineCyour, myDyour, mine18 . I can_ you. ( )AseeBto seeCseeing19 . Elephants _ look like two big fans. ( )AeyesBears20 . This is my mother. _ a teacher. ( )AHesBShesCIts21 . Lets _a bus_ the cinema. ( )Aby; forBtake; toCtake; for22 . Therearefive_.( )ApencilboxBpencilboxesCpencilsboxes23 . _ up! The teacher is coming. ( )ASitBStandCGo24 . _ your sister love chocolate? ( )ADoesBDoCIs二、情景交际25 . 今天是好朋友的生日,你应该说:( )AHappy birthday!BThank you.CEat the birthday cake.26 . 你想把你的好朋友介绍给老师,你应该说:( )AIm Mike, your friend.BThis is my good friend, Mike.27 . 当别人问你几岁时,你应该回答:_ ( )AIm nine.BIm fine.CHello.28 . 当你想问对方的爸爸的职业时,你应该说:( )AWhosyourfather?BWhatsyourfather?29 . 当你想告诉大家我们的新老师又高又瘦时,说:_ ( )AOur new teacher is tall and thin.BOur teacher is tall and thin.三、排序题30 . 读句子,将下列句子连成一段完整的对话。(_) What are you going to do there?(_) Where are you going in your winter vacation?(_) I am going to see ice lanterns.(_) I am going to Harbin.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对错。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。My name is Mike. Im twelve years old. I usually go to school by bus. Sometimes I go to school by bike, because my home is far.I have a good friend. His name is Wu Yifan. He is twelve, too. His home is near our school, so he always goes to school on foot. He is my best classmate.31 . Mike sometimes goes to school by bus. (_)32 . Wu Yifan always walks to school. (_)33 . Wu Yifan and Mike are 12 years old. (_)34 . Mike goes to school by bike, because his home is near. (_)35 . Wu Yifan and Mike are in the same class. (_)五、匹配题将单词与相对应的图片配对。ABCDE36 . eraser_37 . pencil box_38 . ruler_39 . pen _40 . pencil_六、仿写句子41 . 仿照例子写话。例子:Hello, my name is Liu Chunhong. Im nine. I have a blue pencil. It is in my pencil-box.第 6 页 共 6 页


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