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南宁市2019-2020年度三年级下册期末考试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 当别人问你:Who is that girl? 你怎样回答?( )AShe is my sister, Nancy.BShe is in a shop.CYes, she is.2 . My teacher said to me You are a little cute_.( )AkidsBkiteCkid3 . It was time for _.( )AbreakfastBhave lunchCto lunch4 . 我国的国旗是什么颜色:( )Ared and greenBred and yellowCred and blue5 . Does he _ to school? ( )Yes, he does.AgoBgoes给下列句子选择正确的英文表达。6 . 课桌上有十七本书。( )AThere are many books on the desk.BThere are seventeen books on the desk.7 . 花园里有四个女孩。 ( )AThere are four girls in the garden.BThere are fourteen girls in the garden.8 . 我能看见十一只熊。 ( )AI can see eleven lions.BI can see eleven bears.9 . 你的班里有多少名学生? ( )AHow many boys are the there in your class?BHow many pupils are there in your class?10 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. cow B. sheep C. farm (_) 2. A. potato B. apple C. carrot(_) 3. A. animal B. eat C. vegetables(_) 4. A. the B. these C. those(_) 5. A. ducks B. milk C. hens11 . -Do you like reading books?( ) - _AYes, I am.BNo, I do.CYes, I do.12 . Write the English words. (根据提示选出正确的英语单词)(_) 1. 穿戴 A. wear B. here C. where (_) 2. 毛衣 A. jacket B. coat C. sweater(_) 3. 长裤 A.trousers B. shorts C. shoes(_) 4. 寒冷的 A. hot B. cold C. warm (_) 5. 连衣裙 A. shirt B. skirt C. dress13 . Show _ pencil. ( )AyourByou14 . _ the toys on the floor. ( )APick upBpick upCpick15 . -do you have in the afternoon, Gao Shan?-We have PE, Maths and Science.AWhat lessonsBWhat subjectCWhat day16 . Dont eat so much fast food, or you will become. ( )AunhealthyBhealthyCmore healthyDless healthier17 . Mybedis1.80meters_.( )AtallBlongClonger18 . What did you _ in your bag? ( )My ticket and passport.AtakeBdoCput19 . I like_. I have a small_.( )Aball; ballBballs; ballsCballs; ballRead and find. (火眼金睛找不同)20 . AbookBbagCred21 . AblueBpencilCgreen22 . AblackBwhiteCcolour23 . ApencilBcrayonCblue24 . AeraserBrulerCbrown25 . She is _ TV. ( )AlookingBwatchingCreading26 . Excuse me. _ can I get to the school? ( )AWhereBHowCWhat27 . _ to meet you. ( )APointBSitCNice28 . What time_?Its 8:00.Ait isBis itCin it29 . How _ you?AareBis30 . four + five =( )AeightBnineCten31 . What do they like _? ( )Ato doBdoCdosDdoes32 . _ you often play _ football here? ( )ADo; /BDo; theCAre; /33 . Which_ do you like best? ( )AcolourBseasonCfruit选出与所给单词属于同类的一项。34 . milk ( )AjuiceBbread35 . would ( )AdoByou36 . fork ( )AsoupBspoon37 . noodles ( )AriceBready38 . five ( )AthreeBbill39 . for ( )AonBa40 . knife ( )AchopsticksBdinner41 . chicken ( )AbeefBspoon42 . pass ( )AnowBfind43 . he ( )AsheBme44 . Itstoday. Lets fly a kite. ( )ArainyBcloudyCwindy45 . How many oranges do you see? ( )AI see five.BI see fifteen.46 . My name _ Li Ling.AisBareCam找出不同类的单词。47 . AmilkBeggCcakeDcard48 . AyellowBgreetCgreenDwhite49 . AbuyBgiveCreceiveDfriend50 . AcelebrateBdecorateCreceiveDtree51 . AjuiceBheadacheCcoughDfever52 . -How_youcometoschool? ( )-I come_foot.Ado,onBdo,inCdoes,on53 . There were _ here before. ( )Aan eggBfive eggsCegg54 . Theyre. ( )ApearsBorange55 . How can I go to the factory? ( )You should go _ the street.ArightBleftCstraightDpast56 . What other_ will they pick? ( )AfruitBvegetableCflower57 . 狐狸喜欢肉。( )AThe fox likes meat.BThe elephant likes grass.CThe fox likes grass.58 . What _ people do in spring? ( )AdoBdoingCis59 . Yourhairisverybeautiful. ( ) _ . ANo, itisntBNotatallCThankyouDDontsayso60 . Are _ your clothes? ( )AthisBtheseCit61 . Mybikeisold,butbikeisnew. ( )AsheBherChers62 . Im thirsty. ( ) Heres a glass of juice _ you.AWithBofCfor63 . -What can _ do?( )-He can draw.AyouBheCshe64 . _ is your box?AWhoBWhatCWhere65 . 你告诉了对方你家人的情况,也想知道他家人的情况,应该问:( )AWhat about your friends?BWhat about your family?66 . _ is my pie? ( )Its in the blue box.AWhat colourBHowCWhere67 . _( )-Fine, thanks.AMy name is Jack.BLets play.CHow old are you?DHow are you?68 . A: Happy birthday!( )B:_AThank you.BThe same to you!CIm happy today.69 . Thirty-three and fifty-six is _. ( )A99B90C8970 . That woman is my _. She is a writer. ( )AgrandpaBfatherCaunt根据图片,选择正确的答案。71 . Whats your favourite food, Sarah?( )I love _ and _. Afish; noodlesBchicken; noodlesCfish; sandwiches72 . ( )AdumplingsBbeef noodles73 . -Howwater bottles are there on the table? ( )-Three.AmuchBmanyCanyDsome74 . - Why are many fish in the river _? ( )- Because of the water is dirty.AdeadBhappyCangryDnice75 . What the time? ( )AisBareCam76 . Is she your sister? ( )AYes, he is.BNo, she isnt.77 . 从下列单词中找出不同类的一项【小题1】AcountryBAmericaCChina【小题2】AeastBeatCsouth【小题3】AprojectBcallCcousin【小题4】AspeakBrightCnice【小题5】AShanghaiBcityCNew York【小题6】AthereBhereCalso【小题7】AbeautifulBfamousClive二、情景交际78 . 你的朋友又高又瘦,你介绍他时可以说:( )AHe is tall and thin.BHe is short and thin.79 . 你想表达“它在铅笔下面”,你应该说:( )AIts under the pencil.BIts on the pencil.80 . 当你想告诉别人他是一个农民时,你应该说:_( )AHe is a doctor.BShe is a farmer.CHe is a farmer.81 . 如果你正在观看一个关于语言的电视节目,你应说:( )ACome and watch the programme about animals.BIm watching a television programme about languages.82 . 对方给你看他(她)妈妈的照片,他(她)的妈妈看上去很漂亮,你应该说( )AShes beautiful!BShes tall.CSo cute!83 . 对方询问你叫什么名字时,你应回答:AIm a boy.BIm Lin Tao.CIm fine.84 . 当你迟到了,应该说A、Come in.B、Im sorry.C、Its OK.85 . 放学了你和同学一起回家,路上发现了一根断了的电线,你这样告诉同学:( )A Dont touch.B Dont swim.C No bikes.86 . 你想知道照片上的人是不是张鹏的弟弟,你这样问张鹏:( )AIs he your brother?BWhos that girl?CIs he Zhang Pengs brother?87 . 当你想表达感谢之意,你应说:( )AThank you.BThats all right.CExcuse me.DFine, thank you.88 . 星期天你和妈妈一起去动物园,在里面你看到一只兔子,你可以说:( )AIts a rabbit.BIts a bird.CIts a cat.89 . “发生了什么事?”用英语应该说: _90 . 当你想问别人照片上多大,可以说:( )AHow old were you in the photo?BHow old was you in the photo?CHow old did you in the photo?91 . 如果你想说“它们是我奶奶的植物。”时,应该怎么说:_ ( )ATheyre my grandparents plants.BTheyre my grandmother plants.CTheyre my grandmothers plants.92 . 如你在电话里介绍自己,你应该说: ( )AI am John.BMy name is John.CThis is John.93 . 别人问你来自哪里,你可以回答:( )AYoure welcome.BIm from China.CMy name is Lucy.94 . 你想知道那位女士是否是朋友的妈妈,你应问:_( )AIs she your mother? BIs he your father?95 . 当想询问你的朋友正在做什么的时候,你该怎么说:( )AWhat do you do?BWhat are you doing?96 . 想知道那个男孩的名字,我们应问:AWhats her name? BWhats his name?97 . 弟弟拿画笔在书上乱写,你应该对他说:“_”。( )AWhat do you like?BDont write on the books!CDont read books here.98 . 你想告诉别人,女孩们正在画画,你应该说:( )AThe girl is drawing.BThe girls are drawing.99 . 芳芳提议去剧院看表演,你很赞成,你会说:( )AIm sorry.BIts a good idea.100 . 上课铃响了,教师走进教室,班长应该说:APlease come in.BGood morning.CStand up.101 . 当你在下午遇见Mr Jones时,你应该对他说:( )AGood morning, Mr Jones.BGood afternoon, Mr Jones.CGoodbye, Mr Jones.102 . 如果你邀请别人一起玩耍, 你会说: ( )ALets play!BLets paint!103 . 如果你想问“你们星期一上什么课?”应该说:( )AMonday is my favorite.BWe have English, math, and P.E.CWhat do you have on Mondays?104 . 你告诉别人你的动物朋友长着大眼睛,可以说:( )AMy animal friend has big eyes.BMy animal friend has big ears.CMy animal friend has long eyes.105 . 你想说这个人个子矮,你会说:( )AThis man is tall.BThis man is short.106 . 爸爸下班回到家,你会对他说:( )AGood night, Dad!BGood evening, Dad!107 . 你看见外面刮风了,你会说:( )AIts cloudy.BIts windy.108 . 询问别人这是谁的短裤时,你应该说: ( )AWhose pants are these?BWhose pants is it?109 . 你的钢笔不见了,你想问问你的妈妈。你应该怎么说?( )AWheres my pen?BWheres my hat?110 . 当你询问对方什么时候写作业时说:( )AWhat are you doing?BWhen do you do homework?CWho are you?111 . 你叫同桌看那头大象,你可以说:( )ALook at the giraffe.BLook at the elephant.112 . 如果你想把面条给婷婷,你可以说:( )ANoodles for you, Tingting.BRice for you, Tingting.113 . 假如你是玲玲,自我介绍时说:_( )AIm Lingling.BHi, Lingling.114 . 向别人介绍你妈妈时,你会说:( )AThis is my mother.BThis is my brother.CThis is my father.115 . 当你的同学Amy建议大家一起打扫教室时,她说:( )ALets clean the blackboard.BLets clean the classroom.CLet me clean the classroom.116 . 当你递东西给朋友时,你应说:_( )AHere you are!BThank you!117 . 这个玩具小汽车坏了。AThe toy car is badBThe toy car is broken三、排序题118 . 排列下面的句子,使之成为一段通顺的对话。(_)How much is it?(_)Heres your food.(_)Can I help you?(_)Thank you.(_)Id like a sandwich, please.(_)Its ten yuan.119 . 排序(_)Wonderful! How about you, John?(_) Well have an English party next Monday.(_) Thank you, John.(_) Can you sing English songs, Zhang Peng?(_)What can you do for the party?(_) I can do some kungfu.(_) Yes, I can. I sing well.120 . 排排队。(将下列句子组成一段对话)(1) Good morning, Helen.(2) Look at my new skirt. Its orange.(3) Thank you.(4) Good morning, YangLing.(5) How nice!121 . 句子排序。(_)Yes, theyre ten kites.(_)How many kites do you see?(_)Look at my new kite.(_)I see ten.(_)Wow, so beautiful!四、任务型阅读122 . 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Jim: Im going away for a long time.Bob: Im sorry to hear that. Where are you going?Jim: America. My father has a new job there.Bob: That is good news fro your father. Its bad news for me.Jim: Me too.Bob: Are you going to a new school?Jim: Yes. Im going to a new primary school. Ill be in Grade 4.Bob: Will you write to me?Jim: Of course.Bob: I will miss you!Jim: Me too. Take care.( ) 1. Jim has a new job.( ) 2. Jim is going to the UK with his father.( ) 3. That is good news for Jim and Bob.( ) 4. Jim will be in Grade 4 in a new primary school.( ) 5. They will miss each other.123 . 对的用“T” 错的用“F”表示。Girl: Hello! Im Amy. Whats your name?Boy: My name is Mike. Im from Canada. Where are you from?Girl: Im from America. Nice to meet you!Boy: Nice to meet you, too!Amy is a boy._Amy is from China_Mike is a girl. _Mike is from Canada_阅读短文并判断正误Danny is having lunch with his friend Peter. Peter is very fat. He likes good food, and a lot of it. They sit at a table. They buy some nice things.After lunch they eat some other food. We must go, Peter, Danny says.We are here for a long time. Its three fifty now.We cant leave now, says Peter. Its time for tea.”124 . Danny is having lunch with his father. (_)125 . Peter likes good food very much. (_)126 . After lunch, they go home. (_)127 . Peter wants to have tea with Danny. (_)128 . Peter is very thin. (_)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。I like my bedroom. Its small but nice. There is a small bed near the window. The desk is beside the bed. On the desk, there is a computer and a clock. The chair is in front of the desk. There is a football under the chair. I can play football. I often play football on the weekend.129 . My bedroom is big and nice. (_)130 . The bed is near the window. (_)131 . There is a desk and a chair in my bedroom. (_)132 . There isnt a clock in my bedroom. (_)133 . I can play basketball. (_)第 18 页 共 18 页


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