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郑州市2020年(春秋版)五年级上册期末测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出下列每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项1 . AsitBitCice2 . AmeatBheadCheat3 . AtinBitCfind4 . AbreadBseatCeat5 . AballBshirtCtall6 . 单词辨音,选出下列每组单词划线部分字母发音与其余三个不同的选项。(_) 1. A. match B. haveC. animal D. after(_) 2. A. trousers B. travel C. through D. try(_) 3. A. driver B. cityC. beside D. behind(_) 4. A. under B. summer C. usually D. mushroom(_) 5. A. danceB. cakeC. picnic D. coat读读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。7 . AbeanBpenCsweet8 . AappleBmanyCany9 . AfineBfiveCfifth10 . AaskBcapCarm11 . AboneBotherClove12 . _do you play football? ( )At three in the afternoon.AWhenBWhatCWhere从每题的四个选项中选出划线部分读音与所给字母读音相同的一项。13 . Aa ( )AcatBnameCthatDapple14 . Ee ( )AseeBdeskCyesDegg15 . Ii ( )AthinkBsixClineDthis16 . Oo ( )AdoBnotCorangeDago17 . Uu ( )AcupBrulerC usuallyDbus18 . In summer, the weather is _in Harbin. ( )AcoldBwarmChot19 . He couldnt find his pencil box, so he cried _. ( )AhappyBhappilyCsadDsadly20 . The pig is_. ( )AfatBthinCshort21 . 选出所给单词中不同类的一项:( )AwetBcleanCneighbour22 . A: What did you do in Shanghai? ( )B: We _ lots of places.AvisitBvisitsCvisited23 . She played _her friends. ( )AfromBandCwith24 . 当你做错事感到抱歉时,应该说:( )AIm fine.BIm OK.CIm sorry.选出不同类的单词。25 . AthoseBtheseCseventeen26 . AhorseBtomatoChen27 . AgoatBpotatoCcarrot28 . AeighteenBgardenCseventeen29 . AwhatBhowCtry30 . Does he play_? ( )Yes, he _.Agood, doesBwell, isCwell, does31 . 选出下列每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。(_)1. A. part B. start C. warm(_)2. A. grow B. brown C. window(_)3. A. stuck B. mud C. pull(_)4. A. workerB. fork C. word(_)5. A. plane B. gave C. taxi二、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误 (F)。Look at my uncles farm. Its very big. There are thirty cows on it. They are very big. There are twenty goats and forty hens. There are also some vegetables on his farm. Look! These are green beans. They are green and long. And those are carrots. They are orange. I often play with my sister and brother on the farm. We like my uncle and the farm very much. Welcome to my uncles farm. I will show you around(带你到处看看).32 . Myunclesfarmissmall. (_)33 . Therearethirtygoatson the farm. (_)34 . Therearefortyhensonthefarm. (_)35 . Thegreenbeansarelong. (_)36 . Idontlikethefarm. (_)三、句型转换37 . Rewrite the sentences.按要求改写下列句子。1. Mr. Lee wants to make a model house. (对划线部分提问)_2. Danny is playing the piano in the room. (对划线部分提问)_3. There is a river near our home now. (用in the past代替划线部分)_4. What do you need for a craft lesson? (回答问题)_5. Aunt Lisa is 162 cm tall. (对划线部分提问)_6. The students are going to climb the mountains. (另写一句,但意思不变)_7. my, wants, little, to, daughter, a, princess, be, (.) (连词成句)_38 . It will rain here tomorrow.(用often改写)_按要求完成句子。39 . John slept yesterday. (就划线部分提问)_40 . She read a book last night.(就划线部分提问) _41 . Did you like the film?(作肯定回答)_42 . Did he see a film last Sunday?(做否定回答)_43 . washed, clothes, my, I, Sunday, last (.)(连词成句)_44 . He had a cold yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_句型转换45 . I went to Tiananmen Square last National Day holiday.(对画线部分提问)_you_last National Day holiday?46 . Helen watched TV last night.(对画线部分提问)_Helen_last night?47 . She visited Helen yesterday.(对画线部分提问)_visited Helen yesterday?48 . I called you because I wanted to give you a big fish.(对画线部分提问)_you_me?49 . I wore a paper T-shirt and paper shorts at the fashion show.(改为一般疑问句)_you_a paper T-shirt and paper shorts at the fashion show?50 . Can Sam catch the ball?(否定回答)No, _.四、选内容补全对话选词完成对话。What Where visit city Mogao Caves beautifulA: 51 . is it?B: It is Dunhuang.A: How 52 . !B: Yes. Dunhuang is a beautiful53 . .A: 54 . can we do in Dunhuang?B: We can 55 . the 56 . in Dunhuang.五、匹配题选出相对应的答句。A. Yes, he is.B. Great! They look nice.C. No, she isnt.D. Yes, he does.E. He has a bad cold.F. You should wash your hands first.G. She is doing her homework.H. Im making the bed.57 . What is Yang Ling doing? (_)58 . Whats wrong with him? (_)59 . Is your brother sweeping the floor now?(_)60 . What are you doing now, Liu Tao? (_)61 . Does Wang Bing help his parents? (_)62 . Look! My grapes are big and sweet. (_)63 . Is she washing clothes? (_)64 . What should I do first? (_)六、看图题65 . 看图片,补全对话:_Yes. Its a very important building in New York.七、书面表达66 . 书面表达。假设你是Wu Yifan, 看表格,以Last weekend为题写一篇短文,介绍同学们的周末活动。不少于5句话。Wu YifanJohnMikeSarahAmysaw a filmplayed footballread a bookcleaned the bedroomread a film magazineLast weekend_八、其他按要求句子。67 . does, feel, Sarahs, how, brother, (?)(连词成句)_.68 . see, Amy, today, should, a, doctor, (.)(连词成句)_.69 . Miss White feels angry. (就划线部分提问)_.70 . You should wear warm clothes.(就划线部分提问)_.71 . 你应该多做运动。(翻译句子)_.72 . 根据你的实际情况回答问题。1. What are you going to do this weekend?_2. Are you happy to have time with your friends together? _3. Do you like to swim? _4. Where do you want to go on holiday?_5 What do you usually do at the park? _根据实际情况回答下列问题,要求回答完整。73 . What was on the table? (红包)_.74 . What did you do last Sunday?_.75 . Where are you going? (看图) _.76 . Could you swim five years ago?_.77 . What makes the streets messy and dirty?_.按要求完成句子。78 . is, the, Where, boat (?) (连词成句)_79 . cap, in, Is, it, the (?) (连词成句)_80 . Is it under your chair?(否定回答)_81 . 我的帽子在哪里?(翻译句子)_82 . 它在你的玩具箱里。(翻译句子)_第 11 页 共 11 页


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